Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Weakness? or Strength? or Just a Rant?

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

Ok, so if you know me, you know I'm going through all this legal stuff trying to get my divorce finalized and get this bum out of my life (or at least off my insurance!)  He gets papers today that have just about everything he wanted in them, and he calls to complain that he didn't want me to have full custody of our daughter. WHAT?? He hasn't seen her since June 10- by HIS choice! I keep saying he needs to come get her but he doesn't make a move to. He even wanted the clause in the agreement that he could see her anytime that he wanted (which of course got written as "any time agreeable to both parties" - I am not stupid, you know.) Anyway, I really have had about enough. He hasn't paid child support since June, either.

So I need strength here. I need to fight for her and for me, but I don't want this to affect her or his boys (who still live with me too- and he doesn't pay for them either.) So how do I get what we need without looking like the bad guy to them? They don't understand all the legalities of things and to be honest, neither does he. (This would be a little easier if he got a lawyer!) Grrrrr!

Bless you if you read this far... and send prayers this way! Thanks!


  1. Definitely Praying for you Dish! Here if you need to talk!

  2. I am sending you lots of prayers and energy. Things have a way of working out. Please make sure they court order him to pay childsupport. I don't know how they do it there. But here they take it right out of the paycheck. It's not an option. Good luck sweetie. You are in my thoughts

  3. Dish I am praying for you! I know this is a rough time for you right now but you will come through this! And, the children will figure this all out on their own too! It won't take long for them to realize who loves them and wants the best for them and who is just worried about themself! Hang in there and if you need me, call me! It will get better, might take a little time but it will!

  4. Man, what a slug. I'm so sorry you are still battling with this! I'll pray for ya for sure! I can't believe he's turned out to be such a deadbeat with the kids and child support - those kids are so lucky to have you!!!

  5. Actually I did not know this...as we've only recently met. It made me sad to think about what you are going through...I know it's got to be a discouraging time in your life. I made myself a rule when I was going through my divorce...never bad mouth him in front of my son and never discuss our personal business in front of our son. It was hard to abide by it sometimes, it helped that my (now) ex agreed with me that we did not want to put our son in the middle (I insisted on it). One thing that helped me was writing my feelings down, my anger, my disappointment, my pain, my fears, my hopes....I wrote about all of it (in my journal with a lock and key) and somehow putting them down on paper helped me work through them. I also told myself every morning when I woke up "I only have to make it through today...and I can do anything for just one day". It also helped immensely that I went in to see a counselor every week (he had great insurance). That was the only place in the whole world I could cry...I did not cry in front of my son...and I could verbalize and talk with another adult about what was going on. If that's not an option, finding at least one good friend who will just listen and let you talk without trying to judge or tell you what to do, can be just as effective. In the end, I have learned that nothing lasts forever. No matter how good or how bad...it will not last forever. One day the whole thing will be over and behind you. One day your daughter will be grown and will leave you to live her own life. Life is very very short and passes by much too quickly...though it might not seem like it in the moment. If there is anything here that you can use, you are welcome to it....if there is nothing...that's OK too.

    I'm giving you a hug in my heart,

