Friday, March 23, 2007

Still Kicking

This has to have been the busiest week I can remember. Might even rival the wreck week! Almost on the other side of it, though, I can look back and see the good things that come from it.
1- Savannah's softball last weekend: Of course her father didn't come, but I'm lucky to have an athletic, talented, and sweet girl. She so rises to whatever the occasion is that I just love being with her.
2- Basketball all-stars: Savannah made all-stars and the tournament was this week. I do love doing things with this girl!
3- My great-aunt died. Just added to the chaos, because she was really gone a long time ago. Poor lady was stuck in that catch-22 where the blood thinners that made her heart work better caused small strokes. The family can at least have a break from her care and the expense of her care, and also know that she is in a better place.
4- Brandon has tonsillitis- harder to find the good here, but it is also hard to spend one-on-one time with this middle child. He is the most mature and independent of the three, so it was good to have that time by ourselves in the doctors office. Also does him good to know I'll still baby him if he needs it!
5- Emmaus. Anyone who has been on a spiritual walk knows what a blessing this is. I am finding out what a blessing (and a chore) it is to sponsor someone on a walk. Especially last minute. But if God wanted her to go, He must have wanted me to be crazy trying to organize it! I can't wait to pick her up tomorrow night and hear all about her experience.
6- Yard sale- Althought it was a ton of work we made a lot of money. And I sure couldn't afford to take Savannah on this trip without it, so I'm willing to pull my share!
7- Church dinner tomorrow. Also, a chance to help pay for this trip we couldn't take otherwise. I hope that Savannah learns the value of earning your way (and isn't too tired of mommy doing things for other people.)

So that has been my week. I know next week will be hectic, but not nearly this bad!

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