Thursday, March 29, 2007

Entry for March 30, 2007

Well today has been interesting. Chris passed his ASVAB test, got a good line score, passed his physical, and now belongs to the governor of NC and the US Army. I don't know how I feel about that. Somehow, I always thought he'd sleep on the floor of my room forever. I know this is good that he is growing up, but it is sad too in a way. I do want him to make it on his own, but I always thought I'd be around to see it, help him, support him, etc. I never dreamed he'd be off to Oklahoma or Texas or wherever!

On a different note, Savannah went to spend the night with her daddy tonight. He is taking her to her softball game tomorrow. This is really good for her- he hasn't spent any time with her in a long time, but it is hard, too. She is never not with me! I do hope she has fun and builds a relationship back with him- and that he sees spending time with her is important. I hate missing her game, too! But I am working at a wedding for some out of town people who just wanted to use the building, and I can use the extra money. I did bribe her and tell her I'd use it to buy her a new softball glove. She was happy with that! Hopefully there is enough left over for me to have some new clothes, because I have nothing in a springtime wardrobe!!

So I'm Weird, huh?

Melinda tagged me- I'm supposed to list 6 weird things about me. Hmmm.... I'll try!

1- I love to talk- on the computer, on the phone, to myself, doesn't matter!
2- My desk can be as messy as it can get. Piles everywhere! But I can't stand for my house to be cluttered!
3- I am a really giving person- but I love things! I wish I didn't have this desire to get stuff, too!
4- I love Jesus. May not make me strange, but sometimes I think other people think you're strange if you say it like that. It is ok to love Him but not to talk about it? No way!
5- I cannot stand to pump gas. I'll let the tank get totally empty before I fill up. And BTW- I have never run out! I do know where the limits are!
6- I love to have flowers, but I hate to water them. (Makes for dead-looking flowers, I know!)

OK, tag, so now it is your turn!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Entry for March 27, 2007

Well I am glad that this week seems to be calmer. I have actually been able to cook supper the past two nights! (I'm almost afraid to write this- something could go wrong!) I am sleepy today too- didn't sleep good last night because it is so hot! And I'm so stubborn, I refused to turn the air conditioning on! Silly me, I'll learn tonight! It will be cool and comfortable!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Still Kicking

This has to have been the busiest week I can remember. Might even rival the wreck week! Almost on the other side of it, though, I can look back and see the good things that come from it.
1- Savannah's softball last weekend: Of course her father didn't come, but I'm lucky to have an athletic, talented, and sweet girl. She so rises to whatever the occasion is that I just love being with her.
2- Basketball all-stars: Savannah made all-stars and the tournament was this week. I do love doing things with this girl!
3- My great-aunt died. Just added to the chaos, because she was really gone a long time ago. Poor lady was stuck in that catch-22 where the blood thinners that made her heart work better caused small strokes. The family can at least have a break from her care and the expense of her care, and also know that she is in a better place.
4- Brandon has tonsillitis- harder to find the good here, but it is also hard to spend one-on-one time with this middle child. He is the most mature and independent of the three, so it was good to have that time by ourselves in the doctors office. Also does him good to know I'll still baby him if he needs it!
5- Emmaus. Anyone who has been on a spiritual walk knows what a blessing this is. I am finding out what a blessing (and a chore) it is to sponsor someone on a walk. Especially last minute. But if God wanted her to go, He must have wanted me to be crazy trying to organize it! I can't wait to pick her up tomorrow night and hear all about her experience.
6- Yard sale- Althought it was a ton of work we made a lot of money. And I sure couldn't afford to take Savannah on this trip without it, so I'm willing to pull my share!
7- Church dinner tomorrow. Also, a chance to help pay for this trip we couldn't take otherwise. I hope that Savannah learns the value of earning your way (and isn't too tired of mommy doing things for other people.)

So that has been my week. I know next week will be hectic, but not nearly this bad!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Not a Perfect World- and that is OK!

Someone pointed out a great truth in Bible study the other night. Seems like everyone had a complaint about things that weren't right- with our lives, with our families, with the world. Then we were reminded that Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins. He didn't come to make the world a more perfect place. In fact, He didn't even try. He did say, from the cross, "it is finished." Meaning He had accomplished what He was here to do.

It does make me feel good that if Jesus didn't try to perfect the world, I am doing nothing wrong when I can't make things perfect. Why should I try to accomplish something that He didn't really attempt? He did attempt to show the world who He is, what He wants us to do, and how to live. I will focus more on living as He taught us to and not trying to make everything perfect.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Do the Right Thing

How hard is it to do the right thing? Must be pretty difficult for some people! I read Melinda's blog where four guys ran over someone in their car, got out to see what they did, then drove off. I see people every day who got mad at their boss and quit, then can't find another job. They come in begging for food, gas money, etc. Then there's my own dh, who took 4 days off work this week and just laid around instead of coming to watch his children play sports.

But the kicker was today - my middle son came in spitting blood out of his mouth, and I, of course, wanted to see what was wrong. But all I get is fussing because I'm supposed to be helping him with the taxes. Well excuse me, but taxes can wait for 5 minutes while I see if the kid is ok. AAAAUGH!!

I feel like I am the only mature one around here, and any time I mention something that needs to be done, I should just "lighten up." I think I'm getting ready to lose 200 lbs! Someone tell me I'm not crazy- that it isn't fine just to do what you feel like and ignore other people who need you. I think I need to hear that right now!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Entry for March 14, 2007

OK, it is me again, looking for prayers and guidance. They just told me today at the church that they're probably going to expand my job this summer. We're starting a children's worship service, and since I'm children's choir director that position will oversee the planning of this worship. Which is so cool, because it is something I believe we really need and something I'd love to be a part of.

Problem is, I'd probably have to quit my other job (the one where I make money, and have insurance!) in order to do this one. I don't know if the new job would pay well enough to allow me to do that, or if stepping out in faith, since I feel a call to do this, is a risk I can put my family through. Please pray that I can discern God's will in all of this- what He wants me to do, and not what I want to do. And if it is the right thing, that it be worth it to my family that the benefits and pay work themselves out.

The preacher did say that they had not set the job description for this new position, but he encouraged me to apply. I won't have this job come summer, or I'll have a different job come summer no matter which way it goes.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Entry for March 13, 2007

Ok, I get a lot of people asking me how my brother is doing since the wreck. Healing happens slow, but it happens. I guess he is getting a lot of people asking him how he is doing, because he just sent me this video:


As you can see, he has a great attitude about everything- and of course, he has a great family taking care of him!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Entry for March 11, 2007

As I really take a look at my life, I realize that I really don't have as many problems as I sometimes think I do! I have learned a lot since James left:
- I don't need anyone to take care of me- I can take care of myself!
- I have some wonderful, supportive friends who love me!
- I am learning who I am and what I want from life- somehow, I never thought to ask myself what I want before!
- God is able to use me in whatever circumstance I am in- I don't have to be in a good, comfortable place!
- I am able to focus on others- taking care of my family, especially mom and my brother, and my kids.
- I am able to make some long-term plans. James was so much of a I'll-figure-it-out-as-it-happens type person, that it is nice to be able to plan our summer vacation now, instead of waiting so late that it is impossible to plan one!

I also look around at others and see how I'm so much better off- I have a loving family, a comfortable house, healthy kids, and a giving spirit that somehow gets as much as it gives out! I am truly blessed!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Entry for March 10, 2007

Ever tried to type late at night? I'm not usually up this late, so this is new for me! I had a great time tonight. A friend of mine had taken Savannah after school, and I was going over there to pick her up. They ordered pizza ... that led to Trivial Persuit (my favorite game!) and a few glasses of wine (I don't drink much) and I'm just getting home at 12:30. But, this reminds me that I do have great friends and can have a lot of fun whether I am married or single. I am a good person, and I am fun to be with!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Entry for March 07, 2007

I made someone cry today by doing something nice. That is so much better than making someone cry because they're sad. Maybe you'd like to make someone cry by doing something nice. I have a great way!

There are two children in my 3-5 grade choir that have Juvenile Diabetes. They have teamed up to join the Walk for a Cure in Charlotte in April. Taylor is in 5th grade and has lived with diabetes for 7 years. He wears an insulin pump and is such a normal boy that you tend to forget that he has this life-shortening disease. McKenzie is 8 years old and is the cutest little blonde girl you've ever seen. Her little life has been forever changed by this- she gets excited when she finds something with no sugar in my candy jar- and upset when someone brings in cupcakes she can't have.

If you want to make their mothers cry, and help children like these, please consider making a donation to JDRF, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. We need to find a cure to help kids like these live long, healthy, normal lives.

Here is a link to "Team Taylor" so that your dollars can be credited to these two wonderful kids as they try to raise $10,000 for their cause. Thanks for helping them! Team Taylor

Monday, March 5, 2007

Entry for March 06, 2007

I sit here today, hoping that anything I write is going to make sense. It seems like everyone around me hears the opposite of what I'm trying to say. I used to think I was a pretty articulate person, but I'm beginning to wonder!

I think we're all just way more than ready for spring! Maybe there is something to the sunlight deprivation that makes us all melancholy. Well bring on the sun! I know with Daylight Savings time this weekend that there will be many days of getting up way too early- something in my body says you shouldn't get out of bed before the sun is up! And the kids will be doubly hard to wake! But knowing that spring is not far behind will be SO worth it!!