Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Ok, so maybe it wasn't that bad. But we had really bad storms overnight, with 60-70 mph wind gusts that knocked out power to almost the entire area. I heard it at 2am- probably the worst wind I have ever heard, accompanied by large hail and lots of lightening. Savannah was scared and came into my room. It didn't last too long, though. School was canceled today because the school didn't have power.

Part of I-485 was closed in Charlotte because of a power line that was down across all lanes of traffic. Of course it was on the most heavily traveled part, too! There weren't any tornadoes (although this line of storms produced some 100 miles away.) I didn't have any damage around the house, but it did knock over the trash can (which was due to be picked up today) and scattered trash around the yard. The oak tree also lost a few limbs. It blew one of my wrought iron chairs across the patio.

I went to work to find the power out there, too. The boss and I did a few things that we could do without computers, email, and internet, then decided to go shopping for some things we needed next week. Might as well, since we couldn't do anything else.

While I was out, my best friend calls and tells me she has a tree down in her yard- across the fence from the neighbor's house- and into her hot tub. So I went over there to help when I got off work early. We moved limbs, swept leaves, and cleaned the pool, draining the hot tub and sweeping debris out of the bottom.

The power came back on about 3pm and we kept working. My friends husband went in the house for a drink and came out upset- his salt water fish tank lost 3 fish. He was really sad. The kids had to give them a nice burial. Then, another friend called to say that her father-in-law had just died.

This is one of those days that no one wants to do over again. But as I look back over the day. I see the blessings in it all. No one was hurt by the storms. I spent some good planning time with the boss that we wouldn't have had otherwise. (We even went shopping and to lunch together!) I got to help a friend in a crisis- and see some others pull together to help, too. Yes, the fish died, but not all of them did and we watched the angel fish go from lying on the bottom to swimming around again once the pumps came back on. And even the father-in-law's death was a blessing as he is no longer in agony.

Maybe I should re-title my blog to "every cloud has a silver lining!"


  1. oh my goodness, those same winds hit here at 4am, and woke me up.... I seriously thought tornado.... hail and wind and rain pelted the house whipping up a frenzy...... it lasted about 45 min.... then just less winds and rain...... we didn't lose power.....
    glad you can see the silver linings....

  2. I'm so glad you and your's weren't hurt in all the storm! I saw the weather report and just prayed. We had terrible gusting winds for 3 days and it nearly drove me crazy. Your silver lining is a testament to your positive attitude Janeene!

  3. Yes maybe but your first title is much more realistic for me. Sorry you had such a bad time there Janeen. Great that you had no damage. We get some pretty scary storms here sometimes but I guess nothing like those extreme storms of the USA.

  4. Sorry we sent our weather to you. We have that 8 to 10 times a year. It is very scary. Psalm 56:3 "What time I am afraid I will trust in thee" is what I prayed when the wind is so strong.

  5. hope the weather gets better, and everything else is better too. Sometimes you have to look long and hard for those silver linings huh?

  6. So glad you and yours are safe. Maybe it's a good time for a prayer of thanks and a review of preparation.

  7. Wow, one of those moments I feel very glad I was able to catch this post as it occurred. I miss so many ~ :(

    I love your heart and your attitude, expressed by a woman who knows in WHOM her faith really lies.


  8. There are some days where it all seems so overwhelming! Thank God for the night, so the new day can be better! I'm glad you are safe!

  9. I'm glad you're safe, Mo- that was a powerful line of storms!

    Karen, when the girl called to tell us about her father-in-law, we all pulled out of our funk. It put life in perspective really fast. Until then we were talking about how bad a day it was. That reminded us that we were all ok and things could have been worse.

    Dai, I'm just east of the Appalachian mountains and usually they break up the worst of the storms. This is pretty unusual for us.

    Keep your storms to yourself, Jimmie! Ha! I thank God every day for His protection. Sometimes I get the feeling that He protects us from things we don't even know about!

    Dave, it is supposed to be sunny and 70 today. Sunday and Monday were 80 and sunny. Monday night were the storms and rain and then Tuesday a high of 55. It went down to 30 tonight. That's where the stormy weather comes from around here!

    Patrick, thanks for your note earlier- I've missed you too- and missed being here. And yes, I will say prayers of thanksgiving! God kept us all safe.

    Thanks Susan. Sometimes I feel like I keep God working on overtime, but He does come through every time!

    Dave, these clouds need to stay away for a little while!

    I like that Eby- today is a new day that will bring new blessings with it!

  10. This reminds me of John Lennon's song about "nobody told me there'd be days like this"...I'm glad it's over for you! I have them too. I think we all do. Hugs.

  11. I'm glad everyone is safe. You did a lot of really nice things, Janeen, so it couldn't have been that bad of a day.

    My prayers for the family who lost their father-in-law. You're right, he's no longer in agony.


  12. I agree with Susan. You're a good person Janeen, the kind of friend we all should have, and you set a good example to others.
    I guess my area got part of that same storm system. Thankfully all I had was rain and wind. I could hear the thunder off in the distance and feel it vibrating my floors so I knew it must have been a pretty bad storm. Fortunately my power only flickered off briefly a couple times. I shut down the computer and the TV and went to sleep early.

  13. Sounds like that was one heck of a storm. I'm glad that it wasn't any worse. Some good always comes out of bad and in this case you saw that. We should all try and do that instead of focusing on the bad look at the small stuff that is good that came out of it.
    Hoping today is much better for you. :)

  14. We have such nice friends on here.

  15. Kat, now you have me singing "Mama said there'd be days like this..." for some reason!

    Thanks Susan. I did enjoy helping my friends- I just ended up feeling their stress and pain that all this was happening at once.

    Thanks Sue. That might be the nicest thing anyone has said about me! I'm glad you didn't get it too bad.

    I hope I can always do that Jamie. Not that I want to be Pollyanna about everything, but there are blessings in all the bad if you can see them.

    We do, don't we Kat?

  16. I bet the rumblings were something wow!
    Im glad everything and yall were ok Janeen!I
    In times like this we are so reminded that the Lord
    is ever present! ox

  17. Even though you felt their stress, I'm sure (100% positive) that you made them feel better and brightened their day. *hugs*

  18. Wow! That's enough craziness for the entire yest of the year! So, at least you can pretty much consider the next 8 months cake. :)

  19. My son wrote a story in grade school with that exact title, lol ~

  20. I hope so Susan- I offered to go get the husband a 5th of anything he wanted- looked like he needed it! (All he wanted was a beer! Ha!)

    I hope it works that way Julie!

    Blue, there is a story with that name- Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

  21. What, no hot tub session to reward you for the hard work?

  22. I like the re-title. :) Glad no one was hurt and just think, you got a free cardio workout! ;)

  23. That's probably where he heard it, lol.

  24. The power of nature is something. They had predicted heavy winds here a couple days before they came your way but mostly they stayed up around Cleveland. (-;

  25. I'm glad you all were ok. Those storms hit here too but we didn't get hit as hard as y'all did.

  26. Today it is finally a beautiful Spring day, I came back to tell you I'll send it your way. (-:

  27. That was a LOT of work, my friend. I never thought about what would happen in cases such as these, how people would have to deal with the after effects. I admire you for going out and getting it done, though. You are unstoppable, aren't you?


    In all good ways

    Take a hot bath...........with lots of bubbles, preferably..............and lie down in the middle of your big bed and....................just rest.

