Thursday, April 28, 2011

Italy- Day 3

We left for Florence (Firenze) right after breakfast, crossing the Apennine Mountains between Bologna and Florence. The views were gorgeous- reminded me of the Appalachian Mountains here. My first view of Florence was a little disappointing. I was hoping that Venice was not going to have been so spectacular that it spoiled everywhere else. It turns out that we were coming into town right at the train station and weren't seeing the pretty parts yet.

Our hotel was close to downtown and was very lovely. The room was still small but, since I didn't plan on doing much there but sleep, it was fine. We went on a walking tour downtown. My first view of the Duomo made up for whatever feelings I first had about Florence. The Duomo is over-sized and over-ornate, a true old-world cathedral. The marble facade is pink, green, and white and is adorned with carvings and statues. Its most impressive features are the giant dome, the bell tower, and the baptistry doors.

We Also saw the palace of the Medici family, the town hall government center (outside of which stands a replica of Michaelangelo's David- the original being placed in an art gallery many years ago to protect it), the Ponte Vecchio bridge, the exterior of the Uffizi Art Gallery, and the lovely Florence streets.

My feet hurt! We did a lot of walking over cobblestone and marble. There isn't much other way to get around unless you have a scooter, segway, or a mini-car. Italians are funny, too. They will sacrifice comfort for looks every time. They also don't pay attention to traffic rules. But they are bubbly and friendly and helpful. After 3 days I had learned several Italian words, like please, thank you, you're welcome, and I feel comfortable using them.

The night ended with a wonderful dinner in a cafe and a stroll for gelato. Florence has a different feel at night. The tourists are mostly gone and the natives are out for dinner and the night life.


  1. you are just loving the gelato!
    it's all sounding totally divine.....

  2. Wait, you forget something. No bus drivers or gondoliers?

  3. We kept the same bus driver all week!

  4. No one can do ice cream like the italians... Get some canolli's!

  5. We never had cannoli- the Italians believe that only Sicillians can make cannoli!

  6. This is true, and the Italians and Sicillians do seperate themselves... LOL Find some!!!

  7. I've read a few books about the Uffuzi Art Gallery. That's yet another place on my list to spend DAYS.

    Florence sounds wonderful!

  8. I can tell you are having a great time!

  9. The Italians separate themselves all over- Naples, Florence, Bologna, Venice... they don't really consider themselves "Italian" as much as they associate themselves with their province.

  10. That's on my list of places to return to. We only had one afternoon, and the line would have taken 3 1/2 hours just to get in. I opted for the Duomo and the Accademia instead. Next time!

  11. Were there any mops in the hotel in Florence ?

  12. No mops, Dai... ha!

    Dave, some were larger. Some were the size of a closet.

  13. Yeah closet that's the size of my kitchen LOL

  14. No, I use my closet size kitchen, you get used to the size.

  15. Well, it is probably easier to keep clean!

  16. I am surprised to hear that people were kind and friendly there. I've heard otherwise about traveling to other countries, so this is nice to know!

    I must try Gelato!

  17. Italians are very friendly! They go out of their way to be helpful and try to understand. They do look at you funny if you break a "rule" like the night we asked for parmesan cheese for our slightly bland salad!

  18. You have me wanting to try gelato. lol I recall hearing somewhere that it was really good. Here, I looked up a recipe in case you want to try making your own. Sounds like something I would love too.

  19. That sounds about right Sue- sugar and cream!
