Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ten Thoughts for Tuesday

1. I'm hungry. It is almost bedtime so I won't eat anything. But I hate it when that happens!
2. I had someone come and cut some dead limbs from one of my huge oak trees today. He was one of the geeky kids that I grew up with. I remember when he married one of the preppy girls that I was surprised she would have given him the time of day. Well, that boy was unrecognizable! What they don't tell you in high school is that the geeky kids are going to be hotter than the jocks when they're 40! (plus, mom told me he's divorced now...)
3. I have been waiting all spring for the pool to get warm enough to be in. Right before we left for the beach it was warm enough to get in but still pretty cold. Today, it is 90. I want my nice cool water back!
4. I found out that another couple I know is getting a divorce. It is beginning to seem like an epidemic!
5. My back didn't hurt all last week. Felt fine yesterday. Now that I had my chiropractor appt it is hurting again. Remind me that she is really helping in the long run!
6. I'm addicted to Clean House. I love that show!
7. I wish my house was clean. I did spend about an hour picking up and putting the last of the beach things away today. Mom doesn't need her housekeeper tomorrow so I get her! I'll come home to a clean house!!!
8. I need to figure out how to train a dog. Roxy is super smart. I did teach her to sit and lie down in about 5 minutes. So I know she can learn more if I can figure out how to teach her. I'd like to teach her to pick up her toys!
9. Savannah is on a mission trip this week. I haven't heard from her but I'm sure she's having fun (or I would have heard from her!) I miss that kid, though. She usually isn't away from me this long without at least us talking.
10. Time to go to bed. After vacation, I am used to staying up late and sleeping late. Now I have to get up and go to work, but I'd better start going to bed a little earlier! Good night!


  1. On #2 - I could have told you that, too! ;)

  2. 1. I always get hungry at bedtime.
    2. Geeks rule ...
    3. Call it a "hot tub"
    4. Divorce is the norm ...
    5. Chiropractors are good
    6. Clean House ... it is watched at my house
    7. Clean house are good. A messy house is a turn off. If I don't like it, I just clean. That is something I was told to do in premarriage counseling.
    8. Dogs ... I am not a dog lover. I likes CATs
    9. Missions trips are good. Letting go even for a little while helps both parties grow for the day when they leave.
    10. Now I lay me down to sleep ..

  3. good night Janeen. I'm pretty used to cold water here. We all have cold showers here every day. Can't say I like it too much but making it warm is so much hassle.

  4. 1. Me too, and now I'm hungry ... thanks a lot! ;)
    2. Ooooh, is there any potential there??
    3. Hehe. I bet our dogs would share their cool pools with you, Janeen. ;)
    4. Isn't it always, these days?
    5. Chiropractors scare the hell out of me. Couldn't pay me enough to let one of them touch me.
    6. I wish I was addicted to a clean house, because then I wouldn't look around at this clutter and cringe. hehe.
    7. YAY!
    8. There are books to help with that. ;)
    9. How far away is she?
    10. Sleep well. :)

  5. It seems to be becoming so... doesn't stop it from being sad, though. These people were my friends before they got married 15 years ago. I always thought of them as a power couple- perfectly suited. It makes me sad.

  6. 1- Sorry!
    2- I don't have any idea- I was just totally shocked that this hot guy showed up when I remembered the geeky kid!
    3- Tell Brit and Dante thanks- maybe I can take them up on that one day!
    4- I keep praying not... but it does seem so.
    5- When you have a pinched disc, you'll pay them to touch you! It is so much better than it was, but it is the process to cure it that makes it more tender. It will go away in a few days.
    6- I put away the clutter and then it comes back. But at least I keep putting it away!
    7- I know- I feel blessed! Of course, you have to clean up before she comes to make it clean!
    8- And videos, too. I need to find some....
    9- She's only about 100 miles away. They usually go further but our youth pastor takes them and his wife is expecting their first child in two weeks. He couldn't go too far away from home!
    10- Thanks!

  7. Thats so true of the geeky ones growing up to be hotties. Too bad we arent smarter at that age......lol

    My Daughter and SIL are still married and have watched so many of their friends divorce. Its sad but honestly, I have to wonder if that isnt better than just enduring a marriage. I did that for 30yrs. While I know theres hard times......I do see lots of selfishness and disrespect today. You cant change the other person, only yourself so if your in that situation, I think its just better to get out. So much damage is done trying to stay and if both arent willing to work at it.....all you get is hurt.

  8. Haha. I read this 3 times before I finally figured out you probably didn't mean "to each other." Man, I need more coffee!

  9. hmmmm do i detect a love interest ?

    i subscribe to dogster and they have some good info on training and stuff: http://www.dogster.com/behavior-training/

  10. lol Yes Thank God , still married......to each other......makes a momma proud ya know?

  11. Wait, you DID mean to each other? *confused now*

  12. Yes I meant DAughter and SIL are still married........to each other :)

  13. Well now I'm trying to figure that out. Wouldn't that make it daughter and daughter-in-law?

  14. OH! *laughing hard* I thought SISTER-in-law!!! hahahahaha.

  15. I should have stopped waaay up there when I was ahead! haha. I'm so sorry for the idiotic questions. My brain was NOT working!

  16. I totally agree with you on this. I also don't want to be like either of my parents who were married for a long time, and didn't seem to like or love each other very much. My mother was a martyr type, and my father was a victim type, overall, and they were both abusive, each in their own way. I swore that I wouldn't be like them! It's hard to grow up without many good role models, although one of my mother's sisters was one for me, and talked to me like I was a real person, instead of the family black sheep, pariah, and idiot. So yeah, if it's not working out, and both persons have tried to make it work (usually it's one more than the other), then by all means get out. You'll both be saner and happier, and so will the kids, as long as both parties do it without vilifying the other. If one person is an abuser, then the other should definitely get out. There are organizations and people to help someone with this (usually the woman, but not always), even if they have absolutely no money and nowhere (or no where safe) to go!

  17. I know Blue- I'm a divorce survivor myself. So I sound a little hypocritical when I say I don't like divorce. I think, in a lot of ways, it is the easy way out. You promised to love for better or worse, but when worse gets here you bail. There aren't too many people who are making a serious commitment and stay committed to it. That means doing it when you don't want to, doing what you don't want to sometimes. It just makes me sad.

  18. Yep, I have to agree! It is sad.

    Sometimes I see couples fighting over the pettiest of things, like someone squeezed the toothpaste tube the "wrong" way, or stupid stuff like that, and I think "Cripes, they act like two-year olds!" Of course there are a lot more serious problems in some marriages too, like when one person is more responsible about paying bills and the other person just larks about running up credit card debt for stuff they really don't need. I'm not talking about the occasional fun purchase, here; everyone needs to treat themselves from time to time. I'm talking about serious "shopaholic" behavior. Or maybe one person in the marriage is abusive, which can manifest as physical, mental, or emotional abuse. Or one wants kids and one doesn't, but they forgot to talk about stuff like that BEFORE they got married! Those are serious problems. But generally, I do notice people seem much more willing to bail when things don't always go their way, or at the first disagreement, or over petty stuff. Yeah, it IS sad........

  19. The one that bothers me the most is "he doesn't make me feel the way I used to feel." I just want to say "get over it."

  20. I love a really clean house! Just gotta get these grown adults out!!
    Seems until then forget it. Need new carpet now and all walls painted!
    My feeling is if your such know-it-alls then get since you have all
    the answers! lol

  21. Every since I started using FlyLady's suggestions.. ages ago.. my house has been clean! It really is easy to do.. and even easier to start the program!

  22. What's that program? I'd be interested in finding out.

  23. I've never seen that show but it always looks easier on tv lol! Here it is Monday so that means tomorrow will be time for another TTT. (-:
