Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm here- I'm alive.. almost. I've been so busy with softball and church stuff that I fall in bed asleep at night. Haven't logged on here much. But I'm trying to keep up some! Thanks for looking for me, Kat!


  1. It's good to see you around again, Janeen. I figured you were off on some fun summer adventure. :)

  2. Playing or watching?

    10 for 13 in three games....

  3. It's good to see you around Janeen... but also good that your real life is keeping you busy, too! :)

  4. I don't know how fun- how about hot? It has been in the 90's here for 15 straight days!

  5. Unfortunately watching- I compressed a disc in my back and the dr won't let me play.

  6. Sadly it's been that hot here, too, but only for 4 days so far. You can HAVE it! (generous, aren't I?)

  7. For a moment I thought you played softball in church ;)
    Good to see you again!

  8. Thanks Riete! Actually, I did play church softball until I hurt my back. But this is my 13 year old daughter's tournament team that has kept us hopping!

  9. I can relate to this one. Nate's travel team is keeping me hopping as we are in the middle of six weeks straight of tournaments. Good news is that I am getting a killer tan.

  10. I know THAT feeling! I really wish I were closer so I could help you out. I'll keep working on Art to convince him.

  11. Nice to see you back here Janeen. This morning I had no notifications at all from Multiply. So I am searching around.

  12. She's doing great! She has become a real utility player. She can move between shortstop, first base, and outfield. Most of where she plays depends on who is pitching.

  13. I know just what you mean. It has been so hot here that I've been getting a tan in the shade.

  14. You know I'd love that! Keep working on Art harder!

  15. I'm trying. I really am. I think he's a bit of a stick in the mud. lmao! Maybe once we get the boys out of school? Either that or he's waiting for his middle brother to retire...so we can all move at the same time. lmao!

  16. Hurricane "trying" to happen here.. just wet.. and dull.

  17. I saw that on our news this morning and wondered how bad it would get there. Are you inland enough to just get a lot of rain? That's usually what happens here.

  18. I came over here again from Jimmie's page...he featured us!! We're blessings!!!
