Sunday, June 13, 2010

Beach 2010- A beach bum's story

Well now, if this is a story from a beach bum, you know it will be short. Lazy bums don't write long stories! Actually, there isn't much to tell. We didn't plan anything or go anywhere (but the aquarium) all week. I read 5 books and ate a lot. We spent a lot of time in the condo playing cards, watching TV, and reading  books. We enjoyed the pier, the beach, and the pool. Weather was beautiful- it didn't even get hot and humid until Friday. Here are a few pics from the week, when I felt like grabbing a camera:

The beach wasn't real crowded most of the time. This day, there were a lot of people for some reason. Or maybe it was just the time of day. I thought this was a very colorful shot!

The boys spent a lot of time fishing. I think. I never saw any fish, though. They did join the girls in the ocean a time or two.

For a brother and sister, Savannah and Brandon get along very well. They enjoy each other a lot. They do get silly, though, and nearly drove us all crazy one day talking in "code" - things like "do you have your Charlie?" "I want to go get a smelter." Heaven only knows what they meant!

The worst part of the trip was no internet access. I had my phone  but that is really limiting. The pages take forever to load. So if I never visited a page you really wanted me to see, let me know. There's no way I'll be able to read them all!


  1. I know, you really should have been there.

  2. Maybe that's lazy and red.

    Actually, it was one of the best vacations that I can remember. And I didn't get burned, either!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhh... Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous.

  4. Thanks for this Janeen. It makes me a bit jealous hehe. No beaches in Nepal although there are a few river beaches. So how many kilometres from your house to the beach where you stayed ?

  5. wow.... that is a real vacation...... awesome.....

  6. Dai it is 200 miles- 320 km. Takes a little over 4 hours to drive it.

  7. FIVE books? Oh for kids that would allow me enough peace to do that!

  8. Steve, the key is to let them take their best friends. Two extra kids kept my kids occupied!

  9. I love the beach. I use to walk on the Mississippi beaches for hours as my stress reduction plan when I lived in Bogalusa, Louisiana. I would make the drive almost every week, regardless of season on my day off and enjoy the beach. I could walk and read for hours.

  10. read 5 books and ate a lot ? sounds like a PERFECT Vacation !

  11. Yep- and didn't have any sort of schedule where I had to be somewhere at a certain time. I'm quite sure this is what heaven is like!

  12. That sounds like my kid of vacation just relaxing with just a few things to do and no having to do just anything in particular!!

  13. Oh you don't know how long I've been thinking about being a beach bum. You'll see my dreaming about a lot in my posts. I think I'll just stay here awhile and enjoy the beach. (-:

  14. Just hang out as long as you like!
