Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just got home after spending 6 hours with my brother. His ex kidnapped their kids (or took them and wouldn't give them back.) We have had a day- lawyer, sheriff's dept, went to get them back and she wasn't home, went to dinner, waited on deputy to call back, finally retrieved children. Whew!


  1. Not yet- the custody order didn't set clear boundaries on who had the kids when. (Just gave him primary custody and her visitation rights.) So he had to go get an emergency order giving him full custody with no visitation for her until they can hear ir properly in court. Then we had to find the kids and get them back. She hasn't been a part of their life in over 4 years except for an occasional visit here and there. So I don't expect him to have too many problems in court.

  2. No fun. A friend of mine was over at our house today telling Mir and I about custody woes for his disabled son. Sounds like a nightmare.

  3. Wow~Scarey stuff!
    I hope things will be ok and amicable for them!

  4. I didn't know about this! If they didn't have a custody agreement, either parent could do that with no repercussions...that's why I got full custody of mine when we separated (not that he'd ever take them). I hope it's worked out now?? How stressful when kids are involved.

  5. Let the adults handle things as adults. Leave the children out of it. IMHO

  6. I read this at the doc's office while waiting for my shot. I'm in shock. That's horrible that everyone had to go through this.

  7. Their mother had custody until 4 years ago, when it was determined that she wasn't doing very good paying attention to the children. My brother ended up sharing custody, with him having primary custody and her visitation. But nothing ever said that she got them at specific times. The court left it up to them to agree upon times. Hasn't been an issue because she hasn't been interested in seeing them. Several months ago, she started getting them one weekend a month. She really needed to rebuild a relationship with them.
