Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ten Thoughts for Tuesday

1. I'm hungry. It is almost bedtime so I won't eat anything. But I hate it when that happens!
2. I had someone come and cut some dead limbs from one of my huge oak trees today. He was one of the geeky kids that I grew up with. I remember when he married one of the preppy girls that I was surprised she would have given him the time of day. Well, that boy was unrecognizable! What they don't tell you in high school is that the geeky kids are going to be hotter than the jocks when they're 40! (plus, mom told me he's divorced now...)
3. I have been waiting all spring for the pool to get warm enough to be in. Right before we left for the beach it was warm enough to get in but still pretty cold. Today, it is 90. I want my nice cool water back!
4. I found out that another couple I know is getting a divorce. It is beginning to seem like an epidemic!
5. My back didn't hurt all last week. Felt fine yesterday. Now that I had my chiropractor appt it is hurting again. Remind me that she is really helping in the long run!
6. I'm addicted to Clean House. I love that show!
7. I wish my house was clean. I did spend about an hour picking up and putting the last of the beach things away today. Mom doesn't need her housekeeper tomorrow so I get her! I'll come home to a clean house!!!
8. I need to figure out how to train a dog. Roxy is super smart. I did teach her to sit and lie down in about 5 minutes. So I know she can learn more if I can figure out how to teach her. I'd like to teach her to pick up her toys!
9. Savannah is on a mission trip this week. I haven't heard from her but I'm sure she's having fun (or I would have heard from her!) I miss that kid, though. She usually isn't away from me this long without at least us talking.
10. Time to go to bed. After vacation, I am used to staying up late and sleeping late. Now I have to get up and go to work, but I'd better start going to bed a little earlier! Good night!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Beach 2010- A beach bum's story

Well now, if this is a story from a beach bum, you know it will be short. Lazy bums don't write long stories! Actually, there isn't much to tell. We didn't plan anything or go anywhere (but the aquarium) all week. I read 5 books and ate a lot. We spent a lot of time in the condo playing cards, watching TV, and reading  books. We enjoyed the pier, the beach, and the pool. Weather was beautiful- it didn't even get hot and humid until Friday. Here are a few pics from the week, when I felt like grabbing a camera:

The beach wasn't real crowded most of the time. This day, there were a lot of people for some reason. Or maybe it was just the time of day. I thought this was a very colorful shot!

The boys spent a lot of time fishing. I think. I never saw any fish, though. They did join the girls in the ocean a time or two.

For a brother and sister, Savannah and Brandon get along very well. They enjoy each other a lot. They do get silly, though, and nearly drove us all crazy one day talking in "code" - things like "do you have your Charlie?" "I want to go get a smelter." Heaven only knows what they meant!

The worst part of the trip was no internet access. I had my phone  but that is really limiting. The pages take forever to load. So if I never visited a page you really wanted me to see, let me know. There's no way I'll be able to read them all!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Camping- Part 2

These are random pictures from this weekend that I thought were interesting. This is a log cabin that was built in 1788. It was added on to where the open door is but the addition is now gone. Apparently the first family who lived here had 15 children! There is newspaper on the walls from the 1940s so people were still living here then. I didn't see a nail on anything- only hand-hewn logs that fit together tightly.

This little guy wandered into camp one morning. As much as the kids tormented him, I expected him to make an escape. But he was still there when we left Monday afternoon!

We saw this Amish farmer mowing hay- sure not the way they do it here!

This barn was visible from a long way away. This is some of the prettiest country!

The kids didn't know what this is. I suppose there are some things they should see and experience before the knowledge dies out!

It was a great weekend and I didn't want to come home. No cell phone, no computer, no clock... I could live like that for a long time!

Memorial Day Weekend Camping in Virginia- Part 1

I know, I've been missing for several days. I had the chance to join two other families, David and Dava and their kids Elizabeth, Josh, and John at their family land in Pulaski County, VA, and Dierdre and Randy and their kids Josh, Zach, and Audrey. We loaded up as soon as I got out of work on Friday, May 28 and  made the 2 hour drive north. I was a little worried because the closer we got, the darker the skies got. Right before our exit from the interstate, it started to pour.

I wasn't too keen on setting up in the rain. I had Savannah and two other children in the car, one of whom had prayed for a safe, fun trip before we left. She must have prayed well because, when we arrived at the campsite, it wasn't raining. We hurried to set up tents and things before it rained. I think God was having fun, watching us scurrying around, because it didn't rain the rest of the night!

Here it is, our home away from home!

This land is beautiful! Over 1000 acres to explore filled with deer, creeks, trails, caves, and fun. And wonderful friends to share it with. We went to a nearby Amish community. They had a store full of items you don't always see:

We also enjoyed a stop by the Amish furniture store. I need to win the lottery so I can afford to buy the furniture. Expensive but beautiful!

John likes this chair. It was really comfortable- but I didn't have over $100 for it! Or room to bring it home. So I had to be happy with sitting in it for a few minutes.

We did stop at some Amish girls' bake sale at the side of the road. David got a great cherry pie! I think it was the best pie I'd ever had!

As for the kids, they spent the weekend in the creek fishing, on 4 wheelers riding up and down mountains, and cooking things over the fire. Mainly smores and hot dogs. We decided that diets don't count on vacation, so even I had a smore!

I have way more pictures but with the way Multiply doesn't let me upload things, I'm going to stop here and hope this blog saves!