Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Updated Bucket LIst

After the bucket --list-that-really-isn't blog going around, I thought I'd revive my bucket list. I had to go back to last March to even find it, so I know it needs updating.  Here's the new version:

- see a Broadway show (On Broadway)
- see a volcano
- take a helicopter ride
- see Alaska (cruise?)
- visit Linville Falls and Caverns
- take a tour of Charleston
- take Savannah to Savannah
- drive the entire Blue Ridge Parkway
- see the Grand Canyon
- see a major league baseball game
- take a Caribbean cruise
- snorkle
- camp in Yellowstone Park
- visit the Australia Zoo
- skinny dip
- see the Poconos and Niagara Falls
- spin the globe and visit where my finger lands
- vacation on a beach in Ecuador
- finish the patio in the back yard and put a pool in

- see the Biltmore House (Savannah's class is going in April and I'm going with them)
- ride the Virginia Creeper Trail (LOVE this one- we go every year!)
- take a train ride through the mountains
- visit Old Salem
- visit New Orleans
- go back to Glacier National Park
- go whitewater rafting
- go skiing (maybe next week?)
- go to Washington DC
- go to Chicago
- go on another mission trip (this summer I hope!)


  1. Got a little pang there when I saw visit Biltmore House. BUT...I wouldn't pay to go inside again. After I shelled out the cash last time, it annoyed me SO bad that all that extravagance was just sitting there...not being used, not doing ANYthing. And I had to pay to see it!!! Heck. just give me a dresser or a door knob or something so I could retire! hahaha. I know it's a national thingy or whatever...but the waste! *sigh* It is beautiful. I wish I could live there.

  2. I love seeing these kind of lists. Makes me think about things Ive done or want to do. Sometimes I forget. I have done the top two tho.....seen broadway plays and a volcano (no not at the same time hehehe) Ive seen Savannah and been on the Blue Ridge parkway.....and go see the Grand Canyon. OMG its awesome! I loved being there,,,,,did you know quiet is just so so...... quiet lol

  3. Is the Biltmore House that millionare mansion in Asheville? I took a hockey trip to Asheville and Winston/Salem NC to see our team play the Asheville Smoke and the Winston/Salem IceHawks. Asheville had this mansion the ex wanted to see, but it was closed because of a fire in the house. And we drove from Asheville to Winston/Salem early to go to this place called Old Salem. The people were dressed in period costumes and they had some of the most delicious home made bread.

  4. Someone loves to TRAVEL! lol.

    I think I may rip this idea tomorrow! I need to focus on things to look forward to!

  5. By the way....where did you take a mission trip to? My son went to Toronto last summer for a week with our church. I have never done one, myself, but would really love to do something like that!

  6. I'm going with Savannah's class in April- I haven't been in 30 years! So I'm hoping it will be as neat as I remember. I do remember thinking as a teenager "this was their SUMMER home? Where did they live the rest of the year?"

  7. Yes, it is the Vanderbilt estate in Asheville. Old Salem is really cool, too- the Moravian village still operates like it did 200 years ago- and they have wonderful ginger cookies, too!

  8. I'd love to be independently wealthy just so I could travel!

  9. The last one was to Montana- the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. I hope we're going to get to go to Cherokee this year, too. And Savannah is planning to go somewhere in Tennessee with her youth group, too.

    I almost feel guilty- it is so rewarding to go and do this that I feel like I get more out of it than I give- and I actually look forward to it. We do some vacation things around it. In Montana, we got to see Glacier National Park and then drove to the Little Bighorn battlefield, Devil's Tower, and Mt. Rushmore. That was the greatest trip ever!

  10. lol! I grew up in Montana.. But.. have done quite a bit of stuff that is on your list. This reminds me.. of Midnight.. was she a friend of yours too?

  11. I don't know her.... I don't think! Montana is gorgeous- at least in the summer. I can't imagine being there in the winter!
