Friday, February 6, 2009

Brandon Hits 1000

The boy holding the basketball is my son, Brandon. He is a senior in high school this year and captain of his HS basketball team.

When I got to his ball game last night, I found out that he was only 8 points away from his 1000th career high school point. So barring an injury or something really wacky, they were planning to celebrate with him at the game. He had no idea- he knew he was close, but he thought he was 18 or 20 points away. (I wish someone would have warned me earlier, I would have brought the good camera and not used my cell phone.) One of the dads had his video camera, though, so we have it on video.

The boy hit the first 3-pointer of the game. 3 points. He was fouled and hit one of his free throws. 4 points. He hit a layup. 6 points. Then he gets fouled again. At the free throw line, he makes the first one - 7 points. Misses the second! So we play some more. It didn't take too long for him to hit one more shot. 9 points, and 1001 career points.

The coach called a time out and the announcer told the crowd that they had just witnessed his 1000th career point. The coach presented him with a signed basketball. We had a 30 second photo-op and then play resumed.

This picture was actually taken at the end of the game- more time to assemble everyone for a shot. I'm so proud of him- and he is proud of himself, too. Savannah and Scott were at the game with me- I'm glad they got to see this. More of the family might have come if we had known it was close, but it was really a nice surprise and a proud moment for everyone!

Congrats, baby boy!


  1. THAT is so totally awesome! I was looking at the photo and giggling, seeing some of the goofy faces of the boys! lol! They all look like they were having a lot of fun! =D Tell Brandon congrats from us.

  2. My best congratulations to him! (and to his mom, who I'm sure provided him with the determination and spirit to excel at the game). He has much to be proud of and it'll make paying for college a bit easier too I'd imagine:)

  3. Quite an athlete. Congrats. That is not easy to do.

  4. That's a dream for sure! He does love the game.

  5. He's only the third basketball player in the school's history to do this, and the second one is his best friend, who is the tall one standing behind and to his right.

  6. WOO HOO !!! That is awesome. What an achievement !!!

  7. Oh my goodness, what an accomplishment! You must be so proud of him!!!

  8. No problem Dish. That's just totally awesome! =D Good luck on a scholarship!

  9. Go Brandon! Dan Cronin called me practically at the last minute and told me that he'd likely hit 1000 points that night, but of course I had the kids and they had to be in bed.

    Here's a video of Brandon being awesome at basketball:

  10. Thanks Bro- I might bring you the video Dan took and let you edit it some for him- so he has a 30 sec promo or so of reaching 1000 points!
