Sunday, February 15, 2009

Progress (or How Much I'm Loved on Valentine's Day)

I wasn't online at all yesterday (which is very strange for me!) The day started with Scott and I working on the floor once again. Like most home improvement projects, we don't have all the right things and keep making trips to the store. Luckily, there's a small hardware store across the road from my house. Unfortunately, they closed early yesterday. So when Scott comes back, he doesn't have a chalk line. He has chocolate and Valentine's presents!

OK, so this is the chocolate! I didn't know they made chocolate Skittles. And he brought regular flavored ones for Savannah, who doesn't like chocolate. He also brought me a calendar with pictures of different beaches. He says this should be a goal- to visit some of these places. Since two are in Hawaii, I'm game!

So we go to work on the floor. You have to put this cement board under the tile as a moisture/mold barrier. So we cut and mortar it in and then screw it down. To lay the tile, we needed gloves and a sponge. And we still needed a chalk line and some joint tape. So we go to the store again. I told him I'd make us a nice Valentine's Day dinner, so we got the stuff for that while we were out, too.

The floor is looking better! At least now it looks like a floor. We had planned to get tile down last night, but were just sitting down to eat that nice dinner when the phone rang. It was Brandon, who had been in a fender-bender. So we go rescue him and his girlfriend. Everyone is unhurt but shaken- this is the first accident he has been in. His truck is probably totaled, which is ok with me since it was getting ready to need a lot of work and had over 200,000 miles on it. But now we get to go car shopping. And the tile gets to wait for today.

I did get Scott a funny card. (You have to love being able to laugh with your friends!) It says "Our relationship is pretty unusual- I'm pretty, and you're unusual." He loved it!


  1. Totally awesome! I love the card. I've never had chocolate skittles and your floor looks great!

    We spent the day at Payge's wedding. lol!

  2. Tell me all about the wedding. Did you get good pictures without the flash?

  3. I got some decent photos. I put up a photo album of what I took. He (preacher) said right up front, NO PHOTOS. The one where she's walking down the aisle is terrible because I didn't use a flash and he wasn't happy with the family taking photos of that, either. (Too bad! She's only going to walk down once!)

    The preacher really gave this mean sermon to the kids, treating them like horrible sinners and marriage is the penance they have to pay to make up for their sins. *rolling my eyes* I was NOT happy to hear that. They're getting married NOW because, yes, a baby is on the way but they were going to get married after college anyway. The baby just bumped up the date by a year or so.

    Otherwise, it was nice to see Sean and Payge tie the knot. She looked great and Sean looked good in his suit and from what little I talked to his family, they were pretty nice and Sean's brother (oldest) was just being goofy. He's such a night owl so his eyes weren't quite open. Poor kid.

    My mom was glaring at me the whole time. *shrugs* That's normal. I took her photo anyway and she looked mad. (She looks like that all the time.) I mainly spent my time with the kids, Payge and Sean and then my grandma, which is probably why my mom was glaring at me because Grandma is going senile. I still love her, senile or not. *rolls eyes* I don't see it as an embarrassment. Grandma's just, well, Grandma.

    Anyway, you can tell Payge and Sean were having a great time of it, though. They were a little annoyed when we made them go back into the church after they cut the cake for photos. lol! They just wanted to sit down and talk to people. =D I don't blame them.

    Anyway, that was the wedding in more detail than I left on my own blog. lol!

  4. Aside from the fender bender, it sounds like a pretty good day all in all ... I'm glad you weren't too upset about the accident. It's pretty cool that he's working so hard to help you with the floor. That speaks volumes.

  5. i can't be too upset about the accident- it happened and it can't unhappen. I really approached both boys driving with the attitude of "when they have a wreck." It's bound to happen. He was driving that old truck because it was safe (and it turned out to be true) and paid for and not worth too much. So we'll get some insurance money and I'll go car shopping with him. I want this one to be his and hopefully can even have his name on the loan along with mine. I hope he can help make some payments, too. Time to be more responsible!

  6. Do you two travel to other states for home improvement projects?? LOL.

  7. We might have to take the show on the road, huh? Maybe one day- right now we both have enough projects to keep us busy between our two houses!

  8. But I make a great homemade spaghetti sauce and I'm a good baker!! :)

  9. Ooh, now that might make a difference!

  10. Now this sounds like you had an eventful Valentine's Day. Im kinda confused about the cement board? Is it like a moisture barrier to the hardwood floor or what?

  11. It is a backerboard that is a moisture/mold barrier. It gives a layer between the tile and mortar and the subfloor.

  12. i didnt know they made chocolate skittles either ! so how are they ? Glad no one was hurt in the accident

  13. Chocolate Skittles are good! They're different flavors- s'mores, caramel, double fudge, etc.

  14. I might have to try the Skittles! But, I once went thru a phase where I ate a lot of Skittles, and my jaw ached. LOL.

  15. well now that sounds like something i have to try
