Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lent Begins Today

Lent is the 40 days before Easter (not counting Sundays) and is symbolic of the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness before His crucifixion. Although they don't fast for 40 days, many Christians make some sort of sacrifice during this time.

I have given up things like chocolate, soda, desserts, and bread in the past. Usually I try to choose something that I know is coming between me and a healthy body. This year I had a hard time coming up with something to give up. After thinking it over and trying to come up with something that is 1) sacrificial and 2) something that I know I can live without until the middle of April and 3) something that will help me be closer to God and my family, I have decided to give up my computer after 7pm.

I'm writing this from my phone now! This has limited capabilities, so if you wonder where I am or why everything is misspelled, now you know!


  1. I'm giving up chocolate and potato chips. They're not good for me and I hope to do something healthier. *sigh*

  2. I was going to make a funny, but decided better ...

    I believe in fasting and have even carried it out in times past.

  3. I want to try the Daniel Fast- it is a 30 day cleansing diet of fruits and vegetables only- nothing with preservatives in it. Like Daniel did when he refused to eat the king's food. Other than that, I have done a one day (30 hour) fast but don't really like doing them!

  4. The longest I have fasted is three days (aside from the time my hero left me to starve and that doesn't really count as a purposed fast) ... During that time, I spent a great deal of time in prayer. The third day I had a very profound and disconcerting experience ...

    I haven't fasted since then.

  5. lol! I gave up candy bars.. chocolate ones.

  6. Hahahaha... I notice this was posted at 8.43pm... isn't using your phone just cheating?! :)

  7. We've had debates about that..... if I gave up the computer, does that count my phone, too?
