Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday

1. I can already tell that today is going to be procrastination day...

2. I'm not ready for work yet, but I'm sitting here making this list.

3. Scott's phone is broken- his battery won't hold a charge, and even on the charger won't let him make longer than a 3 minute call.

4. I still talked to him for 3 min. this morning- the alarm clock is still working fine!

5. I offered him Savannah's phone- she only uses it when she is going somewhere other than school.

6. He didn't want to take it from her.

7. Do you think that's because it is a pink razr?

8. I can't wait until Friday!

9. I know some other people who can't wait until Friday!

10. Wonder what we'll post in our blogs come Monday?


  1. 1...As long as every day isn't like that, once in a while has its benefits...
    2...You really are having a procrastination day!
    3...Oh NO!
    4...YEY, but only three minutes? EEK!
    5...That was nice!
    7...Oh. Well, I can't say I blame him...
    8...I'm excited for you too!
    9...Really? WHO? Tell me! (What juicy gossip are you keeping from us?)
    10.Pictures, LOTS of pictures!
    10a...Thank you, Dish...

  2. 1. I've personally decided to stop procrastinating. I'm going to start that tomorrow.
    2. I went to work, then made my list...
    3. Maybe he needs to come wake you up in person?
    4. I think you and Sabrina may be on to something with these alarm clocks. You should look into a patent...
    5. I'd say he needs it more than she does then. Unless SHE wants to be your alarm clock...
    6. Yes.
    8. It's going to be a great weekend!
    9. I wonder who you mean? I want to hear the gossip, too!
    10. Time will tell...

  3. what happens friday? and a "real" man wouldn't care if it was a pink razr---so he was just being generous about Savannah's need for a phone!! He'd use it, no problem. I didn't even get online this morning at all knowing I would be late if I did. And I was late anyway!! I just hate mornings.

  4. We're going camping on Friday, then riding the Virginia Creeper bike trail on Saturday!

    Yeah, he was being nice not wanting to take her phone- she actually told him he could use it IF he promised not to answer her text messages. He told her there wasn't any way he could withstand not answering them!

  5. I like Scott's style here. Personally, I don't think I'd use a pink colored razr phone either....lol

  6. Wow Kat- It just hit me- your lack of cynicism is showing! LOL!

  7. Spoken like a true father-figure....

  8. I'm with Scott on that one, myself.

  9. Here's a tip: Remove the battery from the phone for about 10 minutes or so. Then replace it, and charge it. That often works. :)

  10. I hope you have a lot of fun on that camping trip!

  11. So did it end up being procrastination day?

  12. Battery trick didn't work- hopefully the new battery we ordered yesterday will fix it!

  13. Nope, no time to procrastinate- I have to do that in small doses!

  14. I'm going to be so tired before we get there that I won't want to ride! I'm not packed, but I have food well in hand. Made chicken salad, some Amish bread, browned out sausage, baked biscuits... and I'm tired! I still have to figure out how many layers I want to wear- it is supposed to be COLD! (Like down in the 30s at night!)

  15. That would be cool. If not, um, you can get him a new phone.... one of the pre-paid ones are pretty cheap... if his SIM card will fit in it.

  16. I procrastinated today at 4:25... and said, I'll finish this stuff tomorrow! lol!

  17. Can you put your regular sim card in a prepaid phone? Is it still a prepaid phone or does it become a regular phone?

  18. Sweats? Jeans? Long underwear? Sweatshirts.... t-shirts.... layering stuff... and heavy socks!

  19. EEK!

    *reminds self that camping is not my cup of tea*

  20. It becomes a regular phone that way if your SIM card fits. I was thinking about buying a used Palm phone that way.

  21. Well it could have its advantages... wonder what we can do to keep warm?

  22. You can camp in my brother-in-laws camper, then. It's got heat.

  23. Build a fire and roast marshmallows? *giggles*

  24. You're asking THIS group for suggestions? Like you don't know our answer?

  25. Considering there are three small children on this trip- this is probably exactly what will happen!

  26. That was supposed to be a rhetorical question....

  27. I have a better answer than Dave... more family friendly!

  28. Yeah, I know...I noticed that Sunday just happens to be Dish's birthday. I wonder what Scott got her?

  29. Yes you do Abby- of course, not bathing for a couple of days, smelling like campfire smoke, and having helmet hair will probably scare off anyone for miles!

  30. Don't get too excited- he has NO money! Broke college student!

  31. Oh, and I didn't tell you this- my son is getting baptized on Sunday- on my birthday! How cool is that?

  32. roflmao! Um.... well.... the campgrounds don't have showers?

  33. The best presents don't necessarily cost anything...

  34. I'll give him 50 cents to get you a gumball machine ring... or $3.00 to get you a mood ring! =)

  35. This is 10 acres with an outhouse and a creek- no power, no running water (well, except in the creek!)

  36. Splash around a bit in the creek then.

  37. Did I ever mention that I do NOT like to be cold? I almost didn't ski last year because I do not like to be cold!

  38. I know what *I* would want to do to keep warm!

    Stay in a hotel!

    (and snuggle and SNORG with a certain someone)

    *waving and blowing kisses*

    Hi David!

  39. Oh, well.... day time it's gonna be 30?!?

  40. Get a pot. BOIL the water over the fire. Add some cool water... wash hair. Repeat the water process and rinse.

  41. That works Abby- although I have no dryer. It is supposed to be in the high 60/low 70 range during the day. We should be fine. I like camping- as long as it is for a couple of days- and the company isn't too bad, either!

  42. Well, see, there ya go. Towel dry your hair or just let it go. 60s and 70s during the day is warm enough to let it air dry.

  43. Camping for me is a hotel without HBO. *blah* I'm a Princess!!!! We don't camp!!!! LOL.

  44. You're missing out on a lot of fun...

    and bug bites...

    and poison ivy...

  45. OK, see this is the "camp" I belong in, too! But I can live without HBO...

    And...I'm not a princess...

  46. You just need someone to warm your sleeping bag for you....

    ....and treat you like a princess...

  47. hmmm, being treated like a princess in the woods...I might be on board with that!

  48. I may have to check you for ticks, too...

  49. Is this what you had in mind?

    Except I don't have a tat...

  50. Hmmm something like that....I don't think the tat is necessary...

  51. Good, because I'd soon go camping before I get a tat!

  52. Me too....and I'm not getting any extra holes punched in my body either...God gave me all of those I need....

  53. Well, one day I might get another piercing, I won't rule that out...

  54. LOL @ the Brad Paisley song- I've always thought that was an original pick-up line! I'm almost packed and read to go! Yay!

  55. LOL @ the Brad Paisley song- I've always thought that was an original pick-up line! I'm almost packed and read to go! Yay!

  56. I don't have to have HBO either. LOL. I just like running water and to not sleep on the ground or in dirt.

  57. And I don't want to feel dirty... that's just gross. LOL.
