Thursday, September 18, 2008

50 More Things You Probably Don't Care to Know about Me

Stolen from Jimmie- who I don't think will mind. I haven't been on much lately because Scott has been around, but I'm alone tonight. So, here we go!

1) Do you like blue cheese? On salads, yes.
2) Have you ever smoked pot?  For a brief time in college. It really wasn't that cool.
3) Do you own a gun? Yes if you count shotguns
4) Do you have a favorite drink at Sonic? Diet Cherry Limeaid
5) Do you get nervous before a doctor appointment? Yes

6) What do you think of hot dogs? They're good about once a year.
7) Favorite Christmas song? Hmm.. there are too many to choose just one! (Christmas Song, Merry Christmas with Love, and Do You Hear What I Hear? are up there at the top!)
8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water or tea
9) Can you jump rope? Yes but I don't like it- it is not too comfortable for the girls.
10) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? It is getting ready to be a ring that my mother is having made for me from the diamond my father gave her and some other old stones we have.

11) Fave season? Whatever it is right now.
12) Favorite hobby? Reading
13) Ever been in a car wreck? Yes, but onoly a fender-bender.
14) Do you have ADD?  No
15) What's one trait that you love about yourself? I'm loving and giving.

16) Middle name? Annette
17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? I wish Scott was here.. I wish supper was ready... I wish I wasn't watching the Disney Channel...
18) Name 3 things you bought today? Chicken, coffee, dog food
19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, tea, and lemonade
20) Current worry? A friend's job search

21) Current hate right now? can't think of anything
22) Current relationship status? newly single
23) How did you bring in the New Year? At a friend's house with about 20 people
24) Where would you like to go? Grand Canyon
25) Name three people who will complete this? Abby, Kat, and Dave

26) Do you own slippers? no
27) What shirt are you wearing? A pink babydoll shirt with a black collar
28) Do you like sleeping? Oh yes!
29) Can you whistle? Yes

30) Favorite color(s)? Hmm... for what? I mean, grass should be green, roses pink, and eyes, blue!
31) Would you be a pirate? No but I'd check one out if he was around!
32) What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever is running through my head, which is usually the last song I've heard. (which is a good reason not to fall asleep to the Disney Channel, because you wake up to the Wiggles! Ick!)
33) What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate
34) Meat or vegetables? Both!

35) What's in your pocket? Don't have pockets
36) Last thing that made you laugh? Something Scott said
37) Who would you like to kiss?   Um... can you guess?
38) Worst injury you've ever had? The c-section.
39) Do you love where you live? Yes I do!

40) How many TVs do you have in your house/apartment? 6- isn't that way too many?
41) Who is your loudest friend? I really don't have one I can think of as being loud
42) How many dogs do you have? 1 that is mine- 2 if you consider that Scott's dog is here.
43) Does someone have a crush on you? I wish I knew!
44) Do you have a crush on someone you shouldn't?  Hmm.. I'm still trying to decide if I should have a crush on him, so how about if I answer "probably"!
45) You get one wish... what is it?  To spend the rest of my life happy with Scott

46) What is your favorite candy? Snickers
47) Favorite Sports Team? What sport? Panthers football, Braves baseball, really don't care about basketball except for the Lincoln High School Eagles!
48) What song do you want played at your funeral? Chris Tomlin's "Indescribable"; Michael W. Smith's "Friends" and "Be Thou My Vision."
49) What were you doing 12 AM last night? sleeping!
50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Dang, why is he calling me early! (Scott was supposed to call at 6:15 and it was 6:10am!)


  1. 1) Do you like blue cheese? In salad dressing
    2) Have you ever smoked pot? Yes
    3) Do you own a gun? No
    4) Do you have a favorite drink at Sonic? Cherry Limeaid
    5) Do you get nervous before a doctor appointment? Yes

    6) What do you think of hot dogs? Yum
    7) Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night
    8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Energy drink
    9) Can you jump rope? Yes
    10) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I don't know

    11) Fave season? Autumn
    12) Favorite hobby? Reading
    13) Ever been in a car wreck? No
    14) Do you have ADD? Maybe
    15) What's one trait that you love about yourself? What's not to love?
    16) Middle name? Faye
    17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? I only have one at a time and right now I'm just answering questions.
    18) Name 3 things you bought today? Airborne - Conditioner - Ibuprofen
    19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Tea - Energy Drinks - Juice
    20) Current worry? No worries - just frustration

    21) Current hate right now? Don't hate anyone or anything at the moment
    22) Current relationship status? separated
    23) How did you bring in the New Year? Snoring
    24) Where would you like to go? New Zealand
    25) Name three people who will complete this? Don't know

    26) Do you own slippers? no
    27) What shirt are you wearing? A white chicago t-shirt
    28) Do you like sleeping? I fight it like a baby
    29) Can you whistle? No

    30) Favorite color(s)? Depends on what we're talking about. I wear a lot of white, tan, black and khaki green it seems.
    31) Would you be a pirate? Nah - but I like pretending.
    32) What songs do you sing in the shower? Anything - last shower I sang Amazing Grace.
    33) What is your guilty pleasure? Chinese
    34) Meat or vegetables? Vegetables

    35) What's in your pocket? Nothing
    36) Last thing that made you laugh? I can't repeat it, but I've been laughing a lot more lately.
    37) Who would you like to kiss? I've only kissed one man since Tom died and he's not here. I generally don't think about kissing other men. :D
    38) Worst injury you've ever had? This pulled hamstring.
    39) Do you love where you live? Yes I do!

    40) How many TVs do you have in your house/apartment? One.
    41) Who is your loudest friend? I really don't have one I can think of as being loud
    42) How many dogs do you have? One.
    43) Does someone have a crush on you? Yes, but I'm not ready for that.
    44) Do you have a crush on someone you shouldn't? No.
    45) You get one wish... what is it? Happiness.
    46) What is your favorite candy? I don't eat much candy, but if I had to choose ... probably laffy taffy.
    47) Favorite Sports Team? Glenpool where my kids go to school. ;)
    48) What song do you want played at your funeral? I Hope You Dance and Amazing Grace.
    49) What were you doing 12 AM last night? sleeping!
    50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? What the ...? And, why is he here ... ;)

  2. Wow Kat- that was fun! Your answers are a lot like mine- no wonder I like you!

  3. Mine's done! lol! You're going to laugh at one of the answers... about "the girls"...

  4. You liked it?

    Ya know, are those drinks at Sonic like the slushees you get at Dairy Queen?

  5. We don't have a Dairy Queen around here- I don't know!

  6. I love Dairy Queen... Their ice cream is awesome.. Dilly bars are the best.

  7. 43...I BET he does...
    44...YES, you should!
    45...That's my wish for you, too!

  8. I keep thinking I did this one...maybe not! I will do it tomorrow, and then you'll have all my answers to mull over.

    Scott has appeared a LOT in your 50 hee hee... I think it's sweet.
