Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Who's Your Daddy?

You know I haven't been around much- except to post my Bible study and make a few comments on some other blogs. I really need to do better about blogging, but I can't seem to get any momentum going.

I do have to share a sweet story from today. Scott was at my house doing some work (he doesn't have high speed internet at his house, so he was glomming on my wireless) when Savannah's cell phone rang. Actually, he said the house phone rang, then her phone. He looked at it- it was an 800 number. Since this is the phone her father used to have, she occasionally gets phone calls that were meant for him.

Well, Scott answers it and sure enough, they asked for James. In his sternest voice (at least this is how he told it to me) he tells the person that this is Savannah's phone, and she is his daughter, and they're trying to reach her step-father, and they don't need to be using this phone to do so! They assured him that her number would be removed from their database.

My reaction was- well, pretty close to the truth. He's done more for her in the last 9 months than her father has done in 9 years. She thought it was great because she is tired of getting calls meant for her father. I did thank Scott for all he means to us- he is filling a void that we all felt. He said that he gets a lot out of things, too.

So all is good here!


  1. What great news :) He sounds like a sweetie :)

  2. He is really sweet, especially to her. He doesn't have kids, and is 37 and feeling like he should have some. So I think he gets as much out of giving her attention as she gets!

  3. Dish, there are good and GODLY men left in this world, it's too bad that they are very hard to come by...you are so very blessed...

  4. I hope so Jimmie- it still feels like we're going really slow- I haven't even kissed him yet!

  5. Jan - you'd better lay an earth shattering lip lock on this guy because he sure sounds like he's the one. And Sabrina is right - There aren't very many of us good and Godly men left in this world. If you think things are right, grab the brass ring girl and FLY!!!!!!

  6. You know, that really doesn't sound like bad advice, at all...

  7. I'm thinking we are all saying that perhaps you need to make it clear that it would be okay for him to kiss you...

    (I can always tell him if you want!)

  8. Could be he just needs a little nudge, in the right direction...

  9. Guys....maybe we'd all better just let God do His thing with these two....

  10. What a CUTIE!!! When did all this happen!!!???
    Oh, I am behind the times....son of a gun!

  11. That's been my plan all along- to let God have His plan! I would like to nudge things, but I'm afraid of nudging things the wrong way!

  12. I'm so happy for you. You can tell how much he cares for everyone.

  13. But maybe he is thinking the same thing...

  14. i don't know how i missed this yesterday. i'm glad things are working out so well for you.

  15. That's why I wanted to tell you this story. I know he said that to get the people to stop calling. But why did he tell me the story? He didn't have to tell me what he said. Is that his way of trying to nudge? Or am I reading more into it? I suppose I just need to be patient and not anxious!

  16. Patience is always good and so is being prudent. I think very subtling letting him know it would be ok to get a little closer to you would be ok...AND you are either going on a trip with another couple or with just your kids! Either way, it seems to me like an opportunity to become a little closer.

  17. I figure a door will open when/if the time is right. Until then, I just have to remember that we're building a solid friendship.

  18. Have I mentioned how attractive I think he is?? LOL.

  19. Yes, I think you mentioned it, Silly.

  20. It depends how u present yourself. so don't worry.. just keep going your ideas differently but perfectly! Cheers !!

  21. Sorry... I'm not being very helpful, am I??

    Does he have a brother who might live in my state?

  22. No.. one in Chicago, and one in Raleigh. I'll let you know where the one in Raleigh moves when he graduates from college, though!

  23. Um... graduates from college??? I think I'm too old for him. *sigh*

  24. Yeah, he has stepbrothers 15 and 17 years younger than he is....

  25. I'm old enough to be their.... um.... step sister?? LOL.

  26. Well, sure! (Actually, that is wrong- they are half brothers!)

  27. Well, anyway... Scott is quite dreamy to look at!! He kind of reminds me of someone... but I can't think who.

  28. Unfortunately, he looks a bit like my ex husband. But I realize that- it must just be the type of person I'm attracted to.
