Saturday, August 30, 2008

Here's the cat - he still needs a name!

Ok, since I have a daughter who would keep a zoo if I'd let her, it looks like the cat can stay as long as he wants to. We went to Wal-Mart and got him a food bowl and a flea collar. We also gave him a bath- which he didn't like while he was in the sink,  but as soon as we wrapped him in a towel he was content to be rubbed dry. So it looks like we have a new member of the family. I know once we name him he's really ours, so this is my last bit of resistance- choosing a name. I do like the suggestion of Rascal Katz (thanks Tricia!) so unless the girl comes up with something better, he'll probably end up as Rascal.

Here he is, in his favorite place on the top of my car:


Friday, August 29, 2008

I've been absent- is your heart fonder?

I can take it if you say no- in fact, there's so much going on around here that I might not even notice! Well, not really, but this has been one crazy week! I'm so far behind on my Bible study that I might just skip a week and start again tomorrow. No one is grading this, so I think I'm allowed!

We had some minor flooding here because of the remnants of Fay, and it took out the internet connection at home. So I've been without the internet from Tuesday until last night. I didn't realize how addicted I was to this thing! I know I don't blog a lot, but I do read most every blog that my friends post and do try to comment on them. So I've missed you!

The storm also washed in one other thing- seems like I'm getting that kitten from you after all, Kat. I have a solid black, I'm guessing 12-14 week old kitten that has decided he is living here. Since both dogs haven't managed to chase him off, I think he might actually be home, whether I like it or not. I didn't plan to have another animal (read: another vet bill and another mouth to feed) but I know that cats choose you, not the other way around. So I'm holding off on naming him, but Savannah is secretly feeding him and petting him. As he is really friendly, I figure someone put him out. We'll see what happens...

Also, I had to go back to court with the sh**box (I'm calling him that now, Kat, since he is officially the ex!) because he isn't paying his child support and he isn't paying for his truck which is in my name, too. So the judge told him he has 30 days to get current on them both, or else. Or else what, I don't know. It doesn't seem that they do much to get him up off of his butt and doing the right thing.

On the plus side, Scott is wonderful! He is the best friend I've ever had, and he's been hanging around a lot. Took me to lunch three days in a row this week- and I've cooked supper for him twice! Still platonic, but leaning towards something really special. That's fine- I can wait on God and see what He has planned for both of us!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

My broken alarm clock

Just for Sabrina.. here is my "would be" alarm clock- along with his best girl (as he calls her!)

Getting to Know You

Ok, here's another of those annoying question thingys....
1. What time did you get up this morning?  6:45am- very reluctantly!
2. Diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds, of course!
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Over the Hedge
4. What is your favorite TV show? probably What Not to Wear or Extreme Home Makover
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? an Eggo waffle, yogurt with flaxseed, and sometimes a piece of bacon.
6. What is your middle name? Annette- maiden name is Killian
7.What food do you dislike?  Hmm... it's a tie for last place between liver and corned beef
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Since Itunes, I don't buy CD's - last thing I downloaded was Matthew West and Casting Crowns.
9. What kind of car do you drive? 1998 Toyota 4-Runner
10 . Favorite sandwich?  banana with mayo and peanut butter
12. Favorite item of clothing? my yoga pants... so comfy!
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation,where would you go? Right now I'm focused on the Grand Canyon. But I'd take a tropical beach somewhere, too!
14. Where would you retire to? Probably in the mountains somewhere
15. What was your most recent memorable birthday?  My last one- spent two nights at a B&B in the mountains and went bike riding.
16. Furthest away a friend will read this? Probably Tony in England
17. Person who will fill it out and post it first? Hmm... I don't know!
18. When is your birthday? October 5
19. Morning person or a night person? is there a neither?
20. What is your favorite shoe? something comfy and slip-on
21. Pets?  one dog- well, this week I have two! (Love having Madi stay here!)
22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?  I love my life- my family and friends. It's all good.
23. What did you want to be when you were little? Bigger!
24. How are you today? tired- I think late night game nights have to have a sleep-late morning every now and then!
25. What is your favorite flower? Anything that is blooming! Love the verbena in my pots, and the mums are just starting to bloom!
26. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? October 4- going bike riding with my two most favorite people in the world!
27. What are you listening to right now? Infortunately- Sponge Bob. The girl is watching TV.
28. What was the last thing you ate? a Lean Cuisine spinach pizza
29. Do you wish on stars? oh yeah!
30. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I want to be sky blue- restful and happy!
31. How is the weather right now? Windy and cloudy- cool for August, too!
32. Last person you spoke to on the phone. Scott.
33. Favorite soft drink? don't drink them- but my all-time favorite is Cheerwine.
34. Favorite restaurant?  Mazatlan- it's a local Mexican place.
35. Hair Color? Brown- with light gold highlights
36. What was your favorite toy as a child? I'm sure I could answer better if I thought about it more- all I can think of is books!
37. Summer or Winter? yes!
38. Chocolate or Vanilla?  yes!
39. Coffee or tea? tea for sure!
40. Do you want your friends to answer this? Yes, because I like these surveys!
41. When was the last time you cried? I can't remember really crying, but I tear up a lot thinking of how happy we are right now.
43. What did you do last night? played dominoes with Scott and Savannah until 11:30pm
44. What are you afraid of? Something happening to one of the kids.
45. Salty or sweet?  yes!
46. How many keys on your key ring? 8 I think.
47. How many years at your current job? 9
48. Favorite day of the week?  typically, Sundays!
49. Do you make friends easily? yes
50. Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? actually, yes I do!
51. Is life good to you? Oh yeah, life is good- because God is good!
52. What year did you graduate from high school? 1984
53. How many friends from High School do you still talk too? Two or three- living in the same town it could be more!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Where I've been


This is an annual event the first two weeks of August in my hometown. We actually have the oldest campmeeting in the US- over 250 years. This was started by Methodist circuit rider preachers who came through once a year, right after the harvest, and held services for two weeks under an open air arbor.

The tradition is somewhat different now. Permanent structures were built about 100 years ago- called tents- that are about 15x30. Open air- as you can see. Everyone has a swing on the front and the entire camp is built in a circle- so you can walk around and greet and talk to people. Everyone is welcomed- if we don't know you, we'll get to know you! Also, the food is awesome! Ham biscuits and homemade ice cream are the staples.

Here you can see Savannah in our tent:


Here's looking down the hill from our tent:

So that's where I've been until late at night every day! Had to go back to work this morning and recover from all the fun!

Friday, August 1, 2008

My Vacation

Start:     Aug 4, '08
End:     Aug 8, '08
Yes, I have all of next week off!!!! No, I'm not going anywhere special. There's the ongoing patio project to complete, some iron lawn furniture to paint, a deep freezer to defrost, and the pantry to clean out. I also hope to get the school shopping done and spend every night out late at campmeeting.

I think I'm going to enjoy this vacation better than actually going somewhere. I won't feel like I need a vacation when I get back!