Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pictures to Words

I know it is said that whenever God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window. However, I wonder if he intends you to climb through that window? Does He mean that window for you to pass through, or is it only there to let in some fresh air?

Sometimes I feel as if there are multiple doors open- and I do not know which one to pass through. How do you choose from the banquet behind each one? Some bounteous banquets come at a steep price- of pain, sorrow, and hurt. Some are meager offerings that bring the most satisfaction. So how do you decide which door is for you?

This is for "Pictures to Words" which is an offshoot of Picture Perfect Friday!


  1. You sit down and start to pray. Let God dictate what door for you to choose. There is a very inspirational saying on my fridge and it goes like this..."If God Is Your Co-pilot, Then Swap Seats." Meaning, instead of you leading things, let God do the leading for awhile. Kinda like the old Greyhound bus commercials...Let Us Do The Driving For You!!!

  2. Be sure to post a link to your entry here so that all who visit Pictures to Words can enjoy this. I'm zipping around posting this, and I'll be back to enjoy in a bit.

    See you soon...

  3. wow, u did have a different take.. i like yours... u leave me wondering, that's a good thing..thanks for stopping by.

  4. So many different aspects on this picture, and this one interesting.

  5. I agree with Bill!

    I also think that yes sometimes you are to crawl through that window, sometimes you need to ask for doors and windows to be closed so you can find the right one. It is all very hard, but with faith and prayer it is possible! But you already knew that! :)

  6. I did Tricia- but it is interesting to ponder! I heard a sermon one time on this theme. The idea was "just because the door is open, doesn't mean that God opened it or that you are supposed to go through it!" Only through study and prayer can you know for sure.

  7. See !!! Just exactly what I was trying to say...great minds think alike....

  8. that gives me a lot to think about. Pains, sorrow and hurts are just part and parcel of our faiths to Him. Somehow we know that He'll see us through all that, and coming through His doors to be stronger persons. To decide which door is for me is to think which will pleased Him best.

  9. Chance, prayer? I'm not sure. I don't always THINK about the choices that are presented to me in real life, to be perfectly honest. I do recognize a God smack (this is where you know, without a doubt that God has smacked you on the back of the head and made your decision for you). Those are no brainers but they don't come very often, sometimes only once or twice in a lifetime.

    To be honest, from past experience and recent experiences, I still tend to take the road less traveled. I know it's harder but I like to think that I've learned more by doing this, even though some of the choices I made were pretty darned stupid. You know, God puts that hard road in front of you just so you WILL learn from your mistakes.

  10. I pray for answers or peace of mind when those doors close and another opens great read thanks for sharing

  11. If the doors are closed please wait, he will open and you can enter. If many are opened you enter through any and he is so great and he will accept. Best of luck.Thank you for sharing. My contribution is available at - . pl. see. Pl.see. -->

  12. I've wondered myself, why we're often afraid to walk through doors that are open to us. This is a really good entry.

  13. I once asked God to put me in the place he intended me to be because I was too blind and confused to know where that was. I landed here - in this house ... and, my first step when I got here was to put my kids in a school out of district because I was trying to avoid a repeat of the liberal schools they attended in Tulsa city limits. The school I enrolled them in turned out to be a joke. They ended up in the school district assigned to this address. It wasn't too long ago that I was talking about how awesome this district has been for my kids and how much I enjoy the community that it occurred to me that God did what I asked. He put us where he wanted us and I still tried to take matters into my own hands. Yet, where he put us was where we needed to be ... at least for the moment ... maybe for good. Who is to say?

    I guess the point is that when we ask God to save us from ourselves, sometimes we still don't trust him entirely ... but, that doesn't mean he's not going to do it anyway if we were sincere in the asking. We just need to be herded a little, like sheep, sometimes.

  14. Like a glass half full, I think most doors are in open mode, and the ones you take are the ones you take. Have a great rest of the week.

  15. I used to do the pray/faith/warrior-on-the-white-horse thing. Then after my involuntary sabbatical brought me to a screeching halt in my save-the-world-highness, I began to look around the peoples...the life. I feel like I am a bit on 'hold' right now. It's like, I'm willing to do WHATEVER, go WHERE EVER...but my trust level is still on the mend. I used to charge the doors, kick 'em in, slam open the windows and hop on through. Now I find if I just sit still for a minute and watch and look, the door or window I am supposed to enter just becomes clear. Course, I have to do the foot work (like studying or filling out the apps or letter writing), but the results...I can relax now and enjoy whichever way I'm 'posed to lean. I believe He made life not just for the work stuff, but to be savored as well. Basically...walk toward the door/window (don't do like I used to and chatge it !) and if it slams shut, then that must not be the one...least ways for me.

  16. Hi all! I'm here to comment on the writing!

    Such a contemplative entry.

    I'm left wondering if you were being meditative or if you were seeking a truth. You were able to convey much in your words. Wonderful. I appreciated every word.


  17. oooh I don't know about Pictures to Words....

    and very nice thoughts with your image.

  18. Kat, Pictures to Words is pretty new.... they give you a picture each week and you put the words to it. Kinda backwards from Picture Perfect, but I like it!

  19. I like it too. Yours was good.

  20. "So how do you decide which door is for you?"

    ... that is a challenge we all have to face...:)

  21. PERFECT TIMING- Which door am I supposed to go through.....or should I climb through the window and keep running ????
