Friday, November 23, 2007

Things to be Thankful for...

It is nice to sit down and list the things that you have been blessed with- and see how many you can come up with- here is my list!

*A wonderful family- children, mother, stepfather, etc. I'd be a different person without them.
*My multiply friends- a wacky, serious, and caring group!
*My friends at - you all know me so well, and are always there for me- thanks!
*My feelings- sounds wierd but I missed them- glad you are back!
*My hometown friends- who always seem to know when I need a pick-up
*My new special friend- I am enjoying getting to know the person you are.
*My health, my car, my house- which all are good!
*My church- which is almost home away from home
*My job- that I dearly love- because I never wake up dreading to go there
*Laughter- which feels so good
*Sadness- which makes the happiness even better
*Intelligence and logic- which keep me one step ahead
*Goofiness- which probably goes along with laughter, but keeps me young
*Music- which has the power to move mountains
*Jesus- for never abandoning me no matter what I do


  1. It's always a nice thing to take a minute and reflect what we are thankful for.
    I know i'm thankful for my family and friends.

  2. *Jesus- for never abandoning me no matter what I do...I wonder sometimes if without him would we have all of the above, and or if we did and didnt have him in our lives would we take it all for advantage.. I know I sure dont deserve what he has done for me in the past three-four years, but I know I have learned to put every situation, and my every day life in his hands
