Saturday, November 10, 2007

Still Smoking

All is safe here (of course, thanks to our wonderful fire department!) I feel safe in this town! This fire is still smoking, and they say that it could smolder for a month or more. There is just so much fuel and so little water. They pushed dirt over as much as they can, but it covers 10 acres and they just can't get big machines to the middle. At least it has a good break all around it.

The wind has been in our favor, too. I think it has blown smoke every which way but this one. How long that luck holds out is hard to tell. They put big signs up on the road that say "Use extreme caution- dense smoke ahead." Of course, right after that, the smoke started drifting the other way.

At least it has given this little town something to talk about!


  1. As dry as it's been I know you all had to have given a huge sigh of relief after they got it under control.
    Years ago before my brother married and joined the paid fire dept, he joined the volunteer fire dept. I was young but I can still remember how at night he kept his pant legs tucked into the fireman's boots that stood beside the bed. We lived not far from the firehouse so when the siren would ring out, and the fire radio (scanner) would announce the type of fire and location, he would be dressed and out the door quick as could be. Once, in the wintertime, his 58 Chevy slid on the icy road and ran into a phone pole while he was rushing to the firehouse. People used to criticise the firemen for driving so fast. I never did though. I've seen many a house fire and it doesn't take long for them to burn completely out. By golly, if I was trapped in a burning house I sure would be glad a few firemen broke some speed limits to come to my rescue! I know you must be awfully proud of your relatives who are in the fire dept.

  2. "you still smokin' Momma?" (said with a dirty old man voice) sorry. Not enough caffeine in my system yet.

  3. I'm happy to hear you and yours are out of harms way!!

  4. I thought you meant YOU were still smoking... lol! Duh, read further... Silly me. Was it a wildfire?
