Friday, November 23, 2007

Things to be Thankful for...

It is nice to sit down and list the things that you have been blessed with- and see how many you can come up with- here is my list!

*A wonderful family- children, mother, stepfather, etc. I'd be a different person without them.
*My multiply friends- a wacky, serious, and caring group!
*My friends at - you all know me so well, and are always there for me- thanks!
*My feelings- sounds wierd but I missed them- glad you are back!
*My hometown friends- who always seem to know when I need a pick-up
*My new special friend- I am enjoying getting to know the person you are.
*My health, my car, my house- which all are good!
*My church- which is almost home away from home
*My job- that I dearly love- because I never wake up dreading to go there
*Laughter- which feels so good
*Sadness- which makes the happiness even better
*Intelligence and logic- which keep me one step ahead
*Goofiness- which probably goes along with laughter, but keeps me young
*Music- which has the power to move mountains
*Jesus- for never abandoning me no matter what I do

Monday, November 19, 2007

Gotta Get it out!

I just have to write this somewhere- help me get my head on straight and thinking clearly. Most of you who have known me any length of time know that I have been separated over a year- divorce pending (and a lot of child support, too!) I am clearly over all of that- I really wish it was totally all over, all the legal wrangling. I really have no feelings, other than irritation, left.

But dating sounds really scary. Until last week- and I met someone who I think could become very special. If nothing else, he is going to be a great friend. Loves Savannah to pieces (and she, him) so much that he came to her birthday party! And hung out with me just talking for two hours yesterday when neither of us had anything to do.

Just the timing seems wrong. Maybe it is just me, but I'd like to have the divorce final before I begin another relationship. I know my stbx didn't feel like that when he left with another woman, but somehow I think another man deserves a clean slate. Am I wrong? Oh, don't get me wrong, it feels good just to have someone to share things with- to feel like I am loved and wanted (even as a friend) is a special thing. He knows all about my marriage, and what was good and bad about it. He has been married before, too- no children. I don't know if anything will even develop from this, but it is a nice ride to be on! Am I crazy, at this point in my life, to begin again? Do I need more time to heal? Am I wrong to bring someone into a relationship where the legal things are still unresolved? Or am I wrong to pull away just because of them? I really wish I knew. I'm praying, and I know I will get my answer sooner or later (knowing God, later than I want! But His timing is always good!)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Savannah's Birthday

I cannot believe that my baby is 11 years old today! Time is going by so fast that before I know it, she'll be 21! We had a great day today- went to WM and bought her $5 slippers, then went to CiCi's Pizza (her pick) so she could eat and play video games. Then she wanted to go to church. Sounds wierd, but our church is a collection center for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, so there are people hanging around. So she and Scott hung out in the youth room playing the Wii for an hour and a half.

THEN, we went home and had "spa" night- did facials, bubble baths, and manicures. But it has been a great day!  I'm tired- and she isn't!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Still Smoking

All is safe here (of course, thanks to our wonderful fire department!) I feel safe in this town! This fire is still smoking, and they say that it could smolder for a month or more. There is just so much fuel and so little water. They pushed dirt over as much as they can, but it covers 10 acres and they just can't get big machines to the middle. At least it has a good break all around it.

The wind has been in our favor, too. I think it has blown smoke every which way but this one. How long that luck holds out is hard to tell. They put big signs up on the road that say "Use extreme caution- dense smoke ahead." Of course, right after that, the smoke started drifting the other way.

At least it has given this little town something to talk about!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Excitement Today

So much for nothing ever happening in a small town. Well, there is your usual gossip, but today the major Charlotte news stations are flying overhead. You see, I live on 3 acres that backs up to a 100 acre tract of empty land. A couple of years ago, the guy who owns the land turned it in to a stump dump. This afternoon, it caught on fire. Of course, with the drought going on here, it caught fast. 3 hours later it is still sending flames high into the sky. We can see the glow from my kitchen window.

Thank goodness both of my boys are firemen- one is actually somewhere between our house and the fire, watching that it doesn't jump the fire break they have made. So far, they haven't talked about evacuating, and I hope they don't. Right now they have it contained and the wind is not blowing.  We'll just watch from the windows and see what happens. (I took the picture above from out my kitchen window.)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Ode to Saturday

Why were you so long in coming?
All the work this week is done.
Proofs are done, copies made,
Folded, filed, completely won.

I've counted the days until you came
Rising over the week long hill,
I've waited and planned, forward looked,
And now you're here - and I am thrilled!

What dreams come true this day, this week
As long you stretch before me?
What goals to set, what aims achieve
With you, in all your glory?

Alas, I wile away the time
Looking longer, still ahead,
For 'tis only two sleeps before I find
Monday staring at me instead.

Kat's blog actually inspired this- I seem to spend so much time waiting for another day to get here that I forget to enjoy the day that I waited on!