Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ten Thought Tuesday

1.  I have one more dose of penicillin to take and my 10 day regimen will be over with. I am feeling so much better! I never want strep again!

2. It is hotter than August here today-  high of 98. This time last week- high of 65. Normal this time of the year is high 70's. Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that!

3. I have tomorrow off work. Savannah is having her wisdom teeth cut out. Say a prayer- for me! She's not worried. I'm so scared- I hate seeing my kids hurt!

4. I told her now she wouldn't be smarter than me! (I had mine out when I was 17!

5. We went camping this weekend. I love camping. I had so much fun playing in the river like a little kid!

6. I hate packing up and driving home, though. We went to Virginia, about a 3 hour drive from here. Dublin, VA, if you want to look it up on the map.

7. I wasn't quite close enough to Sue to drop by- and I was with other people and didn't have the chance. I told Savannah that next spring when we go, we'll take a couple more days and go on up to the Creeper trail. That's always fun.

8. I'm sitting here listening to Harry Connick, Jr. on TV. He's on Great Performances on PBS. He is one of my favorite entertainers!

9. I'm sleepy. We stayed up too late each night this weekend. And I have to get up early in the morning since her surgery is scheduled for 7:30am. Ugh.

10. Good night!


  1. Hey Janeen Ive never had strep..is it painful? Something tells me yes?
    Camping is so neat..and Virginia the words warm my bones!
    Best wishes for you and Savannah tomorrow..

  2. Good to hear about your fun camping trip! I love camping too! Not good to hear you've had strep!! I hate that pain and all of it!! Glad you're feeling much better!! I'll be thinking and praying for you and Savannah tonight and tomorrow. Sweet dreams! :-)

  3. Glad to hear you're better! Art wants to take us camping for a night, maybe two. Sounds like you had a great time...and we've got some of your heat!

  4. High of 94 here today, Mother Nature is just having some hot flashes.
    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze don't ever just drop by, let me know at least a week ahead of time so I can try to make the place look a little less bad. I'm behind with everything now because of injuring my foot a month ago, and now my back is giving me a fit so I don't know when I'll ever get caught up. I'm gonna have to find a doctor soon whether I can afford the co-pays or not. My back is NOT getting any better.
    Glad you enjoyed the camping trip and that you're feeling better now. xoxoxz

  5. High of 94 here today, Mother Nature is just having some hot flashes.
    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze don't ever just drop by, let me know at least a week ahead of time so I can try to make the place look a little less bad. I'm behind with everything now because of injuring my foot a month ago, and now my back is giving me a fit so I don't know when I'll ever get caught up. I'm gonna have to find a doctor soon whether I can afford the co-pays or not. My back is NOT getting any better.
    Glad you enjoyed the camping trip and that you're feeling better now. xoxoxz

  6. Glad to hear your feeling better. What an evil mum saying to a kid they won't be smarter lol.
    We never went camping as such, we lived so close to the river we used to go down daily, man that was years ago!
    Have a good day, Dishy x

  7. sounds like you are feeling better.... and got to go camping too....

    make sure to use ice packs, 20 min on and 20 min off.... as soon as you get her home from the dentist... it will aid in her speedy recovery... promise!

  8. I am so glad your feeling better. I've had you in my thoughts.

  9. Ugh... strep infections are AWFUL! Hope that last dose killed the buggers off!

    And yeah, what IS with this sudden awful heat wave? The temp today is high 90s, with humidity the same (just lovely living here in the corn swamp, lemme tell ya).

  10. Strep is NOT fun!

    I still have my wisdom teeth, so does that make me smarter than both of you? hehe. I hope all goes well with her surgery.

    I love camping too and we want to take a camping trip with friends this summer, but we would have to go buy all new stuff...tent, sleeping bags, air mattress, ect....that equals a lot of money!

    The weather is nutty here too. In the 90's this week and last week was quite chilly in the 50's and 60's!

  11. My throat hurt more the second and third day after I started antibiotics. It just makes you super tired. I think I slept for three days!

    I love the Virginia woods!

    Savannah's home and camped out on the sofa. She was so funny- loopy on drugs. But she did good!

  12. Thanks for the prayers! I think I was more worried than she was. Mommas don't like the thoughts of their kids hurting!

  13. You can keep the heat. It is supposed to be in the 90's here all week. What is this- August?

  14. It isn't supposed to be that hot there, Sue!

    And I wouldn't just drop by. I hate for people to come when my house is a wreck! I would come get you and take you to lunch, though.

    I didn't realize you hurt your back. What is wrong? I hope you go to the dr, co-pays or not!

  15. Ha! Evil mom... teenagers think they know it all!

    You have a good day, Davey!

  16. We had ice on before we ever got home. She is still alternating sides- 20 min on one side, 20 on the other. So far there's no swelling. I know that is a big key to it!

  17. I take my last dose tonight. I made sure to take every pill- not having that come back again!

  18. Once you have the stuff, you don't have to buy it again. So there is an initial outlay and then its a cheap vacation. Is there someone you could borrow things from? Just a tent- you can take blankets and stuff.

  19. I've been falling apart. When I slipped a disk in my 30s they told me I had scoliosis, curvature of the spine. What they did not tell me was that it would get worser and worser as I got older. Limping around on my injured foot threw me off balance even more so everything has been hurting worse than usual. Normally my right hip doesn't bother me unless I sleep on it too long but lately it's been feeling like someone kicked me in my hip. Plus the plantar fasciitis in the injured foot has been hurting worse and also now that it's hot both of my feet and ankles are swollen with fluid which makes them feel like they're ready to burst. I inherited the fluid retention problem from Mom's side of the family.
    Now aren't you sorry you asked what is wrong? lol

  20. I don't envy you dealing with Savannah's tooth surgery. Here's praying for no dry socket.

    Harry Connick Jr's Christmas stuff is some of my favorite Christmas music. I love it when the band does a shout and a lot of his upbeat stuff has that in it.

    We went from furnace to AC with no time in between. You have to love the weather this time of year.

  21. No I'm not sorry- I'm glad you told me! And I wish you could go to the doctor. Where's Obamacare when you need it?

  22. I have to find "The Happy Elf" every year- that is probably my favorite of his Christmas songs!

  23. Glad you are feeling better!!! I love camping too, just don't get to do it near as often as I'd like! =) It's in the 90's here too. Guess we won't be getting a spring this year after all, lol...

  24. We go twice a year- Memorial Day and Labor Day. Long weekends, no extra day off work needed, and the weather is usually just right for sleeping outside.

  25. Yes. I think. The weather can't make up it's mind. The bugs think it's August, too.

    Ooooh, is Savannah doing better now she's not so loopy?

  26. She's doing great! She was loopy- and very funny- and very lovey. But she isn't hurting much and is actually trying to eat more than she should. So that's a good sign!
