Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ten Tired Thoughts

1. I'm sick. I don't get sick. I don't like being sick.

2. I have strep. I don't think I've ever had strep before. Even my mother can't remember me having it as a child. Strep is not fun.

3. I got strep from my best friend. Her 5 year old had it and gave it to the rest of us.

4. Yes, all of my friends have it. We're also all supposed to go camping this weekend. I sure don't want to have to miss that!

5. I'm tired. Did you know that having strep makes you extremely tired? I'm also tired of being tired. Laying around all day is very boring.

6. There is nothing on TV during the day. Ok, there's nothing on at night either, but daytime is even worse. I'm camping on HGTV, and it is even boring during the day.

7. The doctor gave me penicillin. Not amoxicillin, but pure penicillin. Apparently, the strep virus is somewhat resistant to the amoxicillin and penicillin is working better.

8. Apparently, penicillin also makes my stomach hurt. So I'm taking probiotics too. Fun.

9. At least I'm not as bad off as my friend. She went back to the doctor today feeling worse and has the beginnings of pneumonia. I really don't want that.

10. Funny, my throat didn't really hurt until today, and I started feeling bad on Sunday. And this is day 2 of the antibiotics. Figures.


  1. I get strep a couple times a year...and laryngitis, and then bronchitis, in that order. I can SOOOOO sympathize and empathize with you. If I were closer to you, I'd bring you chicken soup and ice cream and Popsicles and just in general, keep you company. Your germs don't scare me. lol!

    Being sick is awful and yeah, daytime (and nighttime) TV is awful. That's when I start to watch a lot of movies or read or just sleep.


  2. so sorry you are sick..... you should not be contagious by camping time, but get lots of rest and fluids.... yes it can make you very weary.... your body is telling you it needs rest.... feel better soon!

  3. I've had strep a lot. Good thing is you will be feeling a lot better by tomorrow. Doesn't take a lot of time to start feeling better. If your NOT feeling any better tomorrow or your feeling worse go back to the doc. You might need something different.
    Thing with Strep while yes it is very contagious, you usually don't get it unless you share a drink, or something along those lines. Did you have a positive strep test?
    It is absolutely miserable so I hope you feel lots better soon.

  4. Thanks Susan- chicken soup and ice cream and popsicles and company sound really good!

    Thanks Mo- I'm hoping I have my energy back by camping time. I guess if not, I'll just sit by the fire and eat marshmallows!

    Jamie, I did have a positive strep test. And as far as I know, we all didn't share any food or drinks. We ate at a restaurant on Wednesday and were at her house on Thursday (no food involved) but I have to think it came from there, since they all have it too.

  5. Makes me wonder if you didn't all get from the restaurant. I'm sorry all of you are sick. :( Strep really takes it out of you. But usually by day 2 on meds your feeling better.
    Is everyone else feeling better?
    Surrounding you with healing energies.

  6. get feeling better ASAP!!! Hugs, and lots of love! =)

  7. I feel worse today (day 2 on antibiotics) than yesterday. Actually, I feel a little better but my throat hurts worse. My friend went back to the doctor today (she had this since Saturday) and isn't feeling better. He told her she has the beginnings of pneumonia. So she got a couple of shots and some different meds. Her son still tests positive for strep but has been on antibiotics for a week. So they changed his meds. I'm thinking positive healing thoughts- I will feel better tomorrow!

    Thanks Dave! Virtual hugs don't spread germs!

  8. lol your germs don't scare me... bring 'em on =) and you're welcome!

  9. Promise me if your not feeling better by tomorrow you will go back to the doc.

  10. I will- the doc even said if you're not feeling better by Wednesday or Thursday, come back. And I will- I'm all for feeling better!

  11. Sending you healing prayers...and hugs ~

  12. You poor thing. Strep really stinks! I've had it several times and I always got it in the summer! It just makes you feel horrible all over! I hope you feel better asap...especially since you are going camping!

  13. *Gives Momma a huge hug... wipes the screen with an alco-pad and runs away quick...*

  14. *Holds tissue over face and comes back to look at that GORGEOUS background photo!*

  15. Get well soon, it's no fun being on penicillin!

  16. I can see that you aren't having fun Jan. You'll be fine after some days. You won't be able to drink any wine to pass the time either.........

  17. I'm sorry you have strep. It's usually a kid (germ factory) who spreads that lovely stuff. And the mother (or anyone now) could be a carrier without actually coming down with it. I know it makes you tired...I hope you get better soon. At least you have a reason to be tired!!! hugs, Get well. xo

  18. I sincerly hope that you successfully fight back this and recover fully. Being sick is no fun 4 sure.

  19. Oh, and I meant to say...HOW can you be bored watching HGTV all day? I dream of days where I can do that! hehe!

    Feel better!

  20. Nothing a bowl of really spicy chili won't cure.

  21. Ouch- that would really hurt a raw throat!

  22. Which, by the way, is finally starting to feel better today.

  23. Cool! Finish it off with the chili! Chicken? LOL

  24. Oh my sorry to here you are under the weather. Since you mentioned it I don't think I've ever had Strep throat either. Get well soon! *Hugs*

  25. I'm feeling better. A lingering cough but have all my energy back!

  26. Wonderful! I hate being sick, it takes it all out of you. *Hugs*

  27. I didnt see this..Im sorry you were so sick! So now I know the answer to my Q about strep.
    Contagious something people can pass on..thats a bad thing!

  28. The strep wasn't fun- it wasn't so much the sore throat, but it makes you so tired! And it comes with a cough that is annoying.
