Friday, June 10, 2011

Long, long day today. The boy had knee surgery (again)- supposed to be 30-45 min in surgery then 1-2 hours in recovery. Turned out to be almost 2 hours in surgery and 5 in recovery. I'm wiped!


  1. I should say he's fine. They ran into more damage than they thought, so the surgery took longer. Then he got nauseous in recovery and they gave him something that put him to sleep. So our 3-4 hours at the hospital turned out to be 9!

  2. Oh wow. Glad he is alright! Now you can sleep. (((Hugs)))

  3. I'm so ready to sleep- got up this morning at 5am! I wasn't really convinced that my alarm clock knew how to go off that early!

  4. i was wiped just laying on a bed in ER for 4.5 hrs, lol... get some rest Momma!

  5. WOW!!!!!!! I hope he's doing okay now!

  6. He's happy now - on the sofa with his hydrocodone, ice pack, playstation 3 and remote control. Oh, and ice cream. I think he could live like this.

  7. Lol I don't think my alarm clock does! (-;

  8. Wow! They sent him HOME?!?!? Dang. He's soooo lucky to be home and out of the hospital. I hope you can get some sleep now.

  9. As long as he is home all right now.

  10. Goodness, that's a long time! I'm glad to read he is doing fine now!

  11. He tore the meniscus laterally across the front, plus had front to back tears and a cyst on the side. They took out the front part and repaired the other tears, then removed the cyst.

  12. Knees are so painful. I hope this fixes him all up! Ice cream, hydrocodone and the sofa sounds heavenly to me. Almost worth surgery.

  13. Sounds like it wasn't too bad as knee injuries go. He'll be up and at 'em before you know it.

  14. Wow, that is a lot of work on the knee. Yucko. Sounds like he's enjoying the recovery time, at least. :)

  15. Hope he doesn't have any more problems. I know for older people (like my age) knee surgery doesn't alway have good end results.
