Monday, March 8, 2010

I Love Softball

And it is a good thing I love softball because I'm getting my fill of it lately! I haven't posted much because I really haven't been here! The girl had 6 games last week, in the cold, cold winter air! (Why there wasn't one today when it was close to 70, I don't know. There is one tomorrow, though!)

Here she is packing up her stuff. She hates this picture but I love it! I guess teenage girls are over-critical of themselves. Heck, grown women are over-critical of themselves. I should know!

I have a date on Thursday night. First date I've had in 18 years. Talk about over-critical! I'm trying not to be. I'm not obsessing about what I'll wear or anything. Well, at least not yet. But I guess I should get back on that dating bandwagon at some point. So this is a good place to start. Pray for me- my nerves will need it!


  1. Is your date taking you to a softball game?
    You'll never guess our uniform colors. Hint..let's just say we're also going to be seeing a lot of black and orange as well as baseball.

  2. Where are you going for the date? That should give you a good idea of what to wear. I'd say jeans and a nice sweater and a pair of comfy dress shoes.

  3. Tell Savannah she looks fine. She's in sports so it really doesn't matter what she looks like in her gear. lol!

  4. Hey just be yourself on the date...but I'll shoot a couple of prayers upstairs for you anyway. As far as what to wear depends on where you are going. Something that you'd wear on a casual friday would be the ticket mostly. Good luck to ya.

  5. We're going to a nice Asian restaurant called the Red Bowl. They have good Chinese and Thai food. I'm really not stressing over what to wear. I figure I'll be me and if he doesn't like it, then he doesn't like me.

  6. That's funny Steve! The coach chose orange and black because there aren't too many teams with those colors. They're all blue or red!

  7. ROFL! That's ONE attitude to have! *hugs* I like your style.

  8. I like the picture of Savannah too!

    I think I'd have a heart attack if I ever agreed to a date...then had to GO on that date. I don't think I could do it. haha. But you're right. Dress the way you feel best, and if he doesn't like it...yell "NEXT"!!

    I need to gather more information on this guy! How exciting for you!

  9. she is beautiful! and yeah we women are way to critical... but it's a man's world.... and their expectations color our views..... just sayin'

    first date in 18 years? be sure to order dessert! have a great time... we need details.... how did you meet?

  10. Yummm.... dessert. Maybe I will Mo!

    We met through a friend. Haven't met in person yet, just over the phone. So I guess technically it is a blind date.

  11. Your daughter is so very Pretty!!!!
    Ohhh a date wow...that will be different wont it..Id feel the same way.
    I think youll have a great time Janeen!

  12. OMGOSH a blind we have to drag it out of you???

    Your personality will shine through. And guess what, usually men don't even remember what you wore, so why go through all the trouble, right? haha

    I would be a nervous wreck too. I hated dating even before marriage! It was torture for the most part. Especially the "can I kiss you" crap at the end of the night. (If they asked, I always said no).

    Make sure to tell us all about it on Friday - inquiring minds want to know!

  13. Wow a date. Great Janeen. I hope it will work out for you. Good wishes here from Arun, Rekha and Rekha 2, Rasmi, Luma, Kumar and Dai.

  14. Oh WOW!!! I'll be praying for you.. that you remain calm, have a good time.. he won't be a jerk.. you won't get tongue tied.. and that ALL goes well!!!! OMG!!!!! HUGGERS!

  15. Oh gee, great Sandy... I forgot about that part. Yikes!

  16. Thanks, Janet. I think she's pretty but then I'm supposed to! If your mom doesn't think you're pretty you have a problem!

    Thanks, Dai, and thank the whole gang!

    Prayers are good Cherei- I need tons of them!

    And Bill, that's been my attitude lately. This is me and if you don't like me, then (like Kat said) NEXT!

  17. What Sandy is leaving out is that most of the guys she dated wanted to slap her by the end of the night.

  18. Stepping out Eh? Just be yourself and don't over analyse or attempt to overachieve. I hope it is a fun experience...Good 4 u!..Good luck!

  19. Oooh, I'm excited for the date! I hope you have a fantastic time, Janeen. :)

    And your daughter looks just beautiful. She'll appreciate those photos when she's older. ;)

  20. She's pretty, she favors you.
    Good luck with your blind date! Reminds me of the time back in Maryland when a new co-worker fixed me up with someone she knew. He took me out for a drink and then he wanted to show me his fancy home. He neglected to tell me his home was an hour away. All he did through out the whole date was brag about all the stuff he owned and his business and his home and his boats. He did indeed have a lovely home but by golly he was the most boring person I had ever went out with. I refused to go out with him again and the co-worker who fixed us up got mad at me because I hadn't liked him. She thought he was a real catch. Ugh, I think I'd rather catch the flu, it would be more interesting than he was. lol

  21. that is a cute picture ! but yes we all do get critical of ourselves and photos of ourselves.
    Congratulations on your date ! How exciting ! you will have a great time

  22. Steve, that is just you that wants to slap Sandy!

    And thanks Kippy. It sure is hard to raise a girl to be confident- especially since I wasn't raised that way, either!

    Sue, that's so funny! Kat and I were talking about that today, how you can like someone on the outside but not on the inside, or vice versa. I've seen a few hotties that weren't worth spending 5 minutes with!

  23. Hot date, eh? ok.....deep breaths, that'll help steady your nerves....or massive doses of chocolate, lol ~ good luck, have fun, and try not to worry about anything too much, and...o yeah, bring
