Thursday, March 18, 2010


That's me- I'm a backslider. I have all these great intentions to do all this good stuff. I get off to a good start- and then I can't maintain it. Yes, I backslide!

This would explain why I start out time and time again to lose this last 20 lbs. Those of you who have been my friends the longest will know that I lost 42 lbs in 2006. Then I hit a wall. No, I haven't gained it back, but I've sure done a poor job of getting rid of the last 20-25. I know what to do, and I have every intention of doing it, but something gets in the way.

Like here. I was going to do so good and post more trivial stuff about my day. Kat and Susan both said that they liked reading about people's everyday life. So I was going to do better posting. And I did- for a week or two. Then I backslid.

I've even backslid on my Bible study this week. I've done so well, making a trip all the way through the Bible in 2008 and 2009 and beginning again in 2010. All of a sudden, it seems like a chore. And I don't want it to be a chore. So I took a break this week. I'm doing a Beth Moore study (Daniel) and have done my homework for that every day. I think I'll give the other a rest until I'm more excited- more hungry- for it. Probably because I got bogged down in Deuteronomy (I know, I almost made it through the hardest parts), I lost the excitement I had for it. Good part is, it has created a little free time for prayer- something I backslid in long ago!

I wonder if they'd turn backsliding into an Olympic sport? I'd be a champ!


  1. Hah! I'll join you on the slide. It's like with Art and myself renewing our membership at the gym in town. We went last Friday and haven't been back at all this week. *sigh* We need to go EVERY DAY, because I'm with you when it comes to losing weight. I really need to lose weight.

    And trying to keep the house clean...I can keep on it for a few days and then I see that the boys don't help and I get depressed about the messy/dirty house so I give up.

    And I'm done with the office. *shudders* I'd PM you but then you'd get mad so I'll just leave it at that. I'm just tired.

    Spring is here. Maybe we'll have enough energy to keep going with what we should do, huh? And I should pray more often myself. I've done enough backsliding with that, too.

  2. Well Janeen, I backslide in just about everything in life so don't you feel bad. Kat is quiet. I don't know what she's doing. Maybe sleeping by now.

  3. Oh Susan, we'll not discuss the gym. I did go to body pump tonight- for the first time in two weeks. I have been doing well there this week- on the elliptical and on the weight circuit- for this week, anyway. I backslid earlier this month on that. And the house is ok, but the laundry is out of control. Savannah is wearing clothes out of her basket and dripping clean ones out on the floor. We both backslid on putting clothes away this month.

    Dai, I bet Kat is asleep. She usually goes to bed at 9 our time. And I imagine she was tired after being off and traveling and going back to work. I sure wish she'd check in, though.

  4. Heh. I backslid for over 6 months when it comes to working out. Now I'm backsliding again. This isn't good and I'll end up paying for it. I might just sneak out on Saturday and go if no one else wants to. Laundry is out of control, clean AND dirty. Dishes, floors, the kitchen table keeps getting lost. I just want to sit and cry when I see it because when I clean it, it's lost again in a few hours. *grinds teeth*

    I talked to Kat earlier today. She had pizza for lunch. And traveling was a little hard on her. I bet she's asleep.

  5. Now I'm wondering if that foot-long hot dog I had, had anything to do with all this.

    Ya know, me eating, you breathing it in and all that stuff. That could be the big reason ya backslid, but I don't remember seeing your back slide.

    Oh and just where are ya gonna lose that so-called 20 pounds from. I'm not blind, ya know. 8=)

  6. You'd better get your eyesight checked, Bill! LOL!

  7. You're funny. I agree. If you've lost 20 pounds since I saw you over last summer, then you've not got any more weight to lose! Me? ROFL! I've put on almost 20 pounds. You gave it to me! lol!

  8. No I didn't - I still have this huge spare tire in the middle. I blame the c-section- but the girl is 13. How long does the baby fat excuse last?

  9. Well, I blame all three kids and it's been 21 years since the first kid and then 13 and 14 for the other two. Keep using the excuse.

  10. Don't mind me, I'm just lurking at all the comments....

  11. My point of view about exercise is: if it's not fun, most people are gonna give up on it. Find something that you really like and incorporate it into your daily life. As for me I love dancing, but I live with a guy who doesn't especially care for it, so I do other forms I like, ie. belly dancing (the most fun you can have standing up, lol), and it's a lot more fun if you're in a class or group. The group I like to dance with is so much FUN, and we all leave classes still laughing! They two teachers have all levels, even newbies who have never done it before, all in together, and we all help each other figure stuff out. The local Community College here has classes, and my favorite local group does free classes at a local club on Friday nights! So look around, figure out what's fun, and have at it!

  12. Amen there. I can't stand exercise but I know I have to to keep my weight I usually power walk every day around the complex. Now all I have to do is keep an eye on what I eat and I'll be able to fit into that speedo this

  13. Y'know,I used to worry about having "a belly", until someone lent me a Pink Floyd DVD. The backing singers were a group of three stunningly beautiful women... and all of them had bigger bellies than I did! I decided there and then ~ if it's good enough for Floyd, it's good enough for me!

    You'll get there Janeen, the weight and the Bible. Sometimes a break does the world of good, you'll come back with a new freshness and vigour. :)

  14. If you would like us to insult you as motivation, I volunteer.

  15. Dang! If only backsliding burned calories ... ;)

  16. If you don't ever actually start doing things, then when you don't finish them you haven't slid anywhere at all.

  17. I can relate to the relationship I have or backsliding relationship I easily fall into with the Lord. Its hard sometimes...and sometimes it feels a chore! I blog on the Singingwoods page I have..the "other" blog I have and Ive been thinking its too much work keeping up with it and trying to comment on all those ppls pages. God love them (I dont mean this blog at all) But its a big time waster, not those lovely people they arent but what I mean to say Ive thought it is really stealing my time! Time from my house and housework and time with God. It is! I seem not to get alot now. Ive decided to write alot less on that now. I was just saying to my daugher "when my Mother and Father lived in SC there were no computers and wow we sat and had sandwiches, played cards, made things, went places we "took time"! Not hunched over many blogs all the time! In the jewellery blogs its all about *what your doing or making in jewellery*. Well Im going to slow that down bc it is stealing so much time!
    Exercise I need to go to a gym! Get back to a routine Janeen! I need to follow my advice here too lol.

    Make any sense? :)

  18. You're so right Blue! And now that spring is almost here, there is a lot of outdoor stuff that I'm looking forward to!

    Bill, I really wish there was a magic pill that just made us all skinny and in shape! Too bad it doesn't work like that- it just takes a lot of hard work!

    Sue, I'm trying not to feel guilty about taking a break. I know it will do me good and I'll be refreshed when I start again. I just can't let myself do that with exercise, though. I feel better when I do it- and when I don't I feel tired. But it is a catch-22- I feel tired so I don't exercise when, if I exercised, I wouldn't feel tired!

    Steve, save your insults for Sandy! I need positive motivation!

    *laughs* Kippy- I didn't think of that! I wonder if it does.....

    True Ajax, but then I'd just sit here at the computer all day.

    I get you Janet! I look at the time I 'waste' on the computer and think about the fact that I could be doing other things. But then I'd miss you guys here! I have just determined to not take more on. I'm not going to twitter or farmville!

  19. You say that as if it's a bad thing.

  20. Just call me Non-backslide Kat. I have stopped creating goals for myself though. I KNOW I won't do something, so why lie to myself? Which had turned me into Non-backsliding Kat!! HA. If I don't do anything in the first place, no where to backslide TO!! *sigh*

    The trip was a little hard on me as usual. So I haven't been around much at night. But I sure appreciate people noticing! I love my little circle of friends. huggggs all around.

  21. u r 2 hard on yourself...reading the Bible once is more than most, There are parts of the Old Testament that can really anyone down. From what I have heard from you, you would be ineliglbe for Backsliding if it did become an Olympic Sport.

  22. Look out momma, I might knock you off that slide. Losing wt. is frustrating!

  23. This is a great thing blogging here on Multiply but my other blogs bc a chore kind of.
    I was playing farmville and stopped why? It took more wasteful time out of my day too lol!

  24. Deuteronomy IS a tough book of the bible to get through.

    I do know the feeling though of 'just not being into' something. I have all these books on Python, C++, Java etc that I fully 'intend' to get into again but when I open them....

    zzzzzzzzzzzzz I get sleepy.



  25. Kat, you know we love you! That's why we tried not to pester you too much with text messages- but had to make sure you were ok! And I think you need to get back on the backslider wagon!

  26. Dont' be so hard on yourself.. he loves you all the time.. no matter what! HUGGERS!
