Monday, March 15, 2010

Blame it on Abby, or Cherei, Lisa, or Sue....

1. You have ten dollars and need to buy snacks at a gas station, what do you buy? Hmm.. I usually don't buy much at the gas station- there isn't much healthy there. Probably popcorn, or combos, or rice krispy treats and a diet Cheerwine or water.

2. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be? a clownfish

3. Who is your favorite redhead? Susan!

4. Last book you read? Saint Maybe. Now I'm reading Ever After by Karen Kingsbury.

5. Describe your mood: Normal- I've been tired all day, though. I'm blaming the time change!

6. What do you order when you are at IHOP?  Absolutely pancakes!

7. The last time you were injured? This afternoon- I pruned my rose bushes and have scratches on my arms and legs from the thorns!

8. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with? Susan, because she is entertainingly funny!

9. Rock concert or symphony? Symphony- I haven't been in a couple of years!

10. What is the wallpaper of your cell phone? A rose

11. Favorite soda? Not a big soda fan... if I have to get a bottled drink it is usually water or green tea. But if you made me choose one, I'd say Diet Cheerwine!

12. What type of shirt are you wearing? A white short sleeved t-shirt.

13. If you could only use one form of transportation, what would it be? I want one of the Jetson's rockets!

14. Most recent movie you have watched in theaters? Shutter Island- and yes, I liked it!

15. Actor, actress, or singer you have had the hots for? Hmm... I'd have to pick Vin Diesel!

16. What is your favorite kind of cake? vanilla with buttercream icing!

17. What did you have for dinner last night? I didn't- had Bible study and we had snacks. I used that as supper. So I suppose I had chips and guacamole, cookies, rice krispy treats, veggies, and fruit.

18. Look to your left, what do you see? Bookshelves

19. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  No.

20. Favorite toy as a child? My bicycle

21. Do you buy your own groceries? Yes

22. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Probably, but I don't know what they'd say. I'm sure I'm boring gossip fodder!

23. When’s the last time you had gummy worms? Um, maybe forever? I can't actually remember ever eating one.

24. What’s your favorite fruit? Pineapple

25. Do you have a picture of yourself doing a cartwheel? No.

26. Do you like running long distances? Not unless something is chasing me!

27. Have you ever eaten snow? Yep, and snow cream too!

28. What color are your bed sheets? Sage green

29. What's your favorite flower? I can't pick just one! I love roses, tulips, lilies, etc.

30. Do you do ballet? no

31. Do you listen to classical music? Yes!

32. What is the first TV theme song that pops in your head? Gilligan's Island. But I had to think- first thing that popped into my head was Indiana Jones!

33. Do you watch SpongeBob? Only if Savannah turns it on- and I can't leave the room. That show is evil!

34. What temperature is it outside right now? 50-something?

35. Do people consider you smart? Susan said I was!

36. How many piercings do you have? 4- 2 in each ear

37. Are you signed on AIM? Nope.

38. Have you ever tried gluing your fingers together? Not on purpose!

39. How do you feel about your family? I love my family- they're awesome!

40. Do you have an iPod? It is a Sanya mp3 player.

41. What time do you go to bed? between 10 and 11pm

42. What CD is currently in your CD player? It is a Christian rock cd- compilation of Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, Jeremy Camp, and I don't remember who else.

43. What movie do you know every line to? Closest one is probably Princess Bride.

44. What is your favorite salad dressing? Paul Newman's Low-Fat Sesame Ginger

45. What did you get for Christmas this year? Dishes and things for the house.

46. Who lives the farthest from you? On here, Dai! Family... that's hard. Most everyone is right here. Probably be my cousin Ken in Louisiana.

47. Do you like hugs? Yep!

48. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? I don't remember.

49. What is the way people most often mispronounce any part of your last name? If they see it they usually get it right. If I say it, I get "Jolene."

50. Last person you hugged? Savannah.


  1. Susan (whoever she is) ought to be very flattered by this quiz! *laughing*

    So if I got you a vanilla cake with buttercream frosting, in the shape of Vin Diesel, I'd be your favorite person, right? haha.

    I have to go google "Cheerwine" ...

  2. Omgosh I can't read all this now. My eyes are wore out from all the stuff I had to do to put a new design on stuff at Cafe Press. Sigh, didn't even get to finish because their site went down for maintenance. Guess I'll go eat and finish that and blog visiting later.

  3. Cool - we have a match on #43 8).

  4. Very interesting on the Cheerwine. They apparently do have it in CA (not here in NV) and they carry it at a sister store to my own favorite, Raley's. Interestingly, all the CA locations I clicked on carry the glass bottle version, which is sweetened with Cane Sugar and not High Fructose Corn Syrup. I'm gonna try to find it on our trip to the coast in a couple weeks. It sounds good! I like Dr. Pepper, and this sounds like a more cherry-ish and more carbonated Dr. Pepper. :)

  5. 50 questions Janeen. Wow you have patience. But I read every one of your answers.

  6. ROFL! I like your answers and you're pretty funny yourself! =D *hugs*

  7. Good answers. When I get home I may do it too!

  8. lmao!!! omg.. everyone has bookcases to their left!!! I'm finding that just amazing! lol

  9. Kippy, Susan is my friend photographicpassions! She should be flattered- she's really cool! And I like Cheerwine- it is cherrier and a little sweeter than Dr. Pepper.

    Kepler, Princess Bride is an awesome movie!

    Thanks for reading Dai!

    Hugs back, Susan!

    I hope you're having fun, Kat. We miss you. Rest up and enjoy your last day!

    That's funny Cherei! Maybe our computers are all in office-type rooms. Hence the shelves!

  10. Hey, I am a Kepler lol - I thought you were suppose to Blame It On Rio (like the title of the 1980s movie)

  11. O these Question-things are fun, and also a good way to get to know your friends better! I'm gonna post this list on my site, too ~ Cheers!

  12. Well Janeen now Im going to have to try the salad dressing lol!

  13. When I get home next week and re-situated, I'll do this one. It's been awhile since I've done this, so I'm due. LOL

    ... and yer smart too! Grinning.

  14. Ginger and sesame... oh wow! I'll definitely be looking for that next time I go to do My Own Groceries, lmao! It might make up for the Tesco's one I can't get over here. :)

  15. It has become my favorite salad dressing! I hope you like it, too!

  16. You could also make your own ginger & sesame salad dressing; I have some in the fridge that I made a couple days ago. The bonus to making stuff like this yourself is that the ingredients are fresher and there's no preservatives or other weirdness in it ~

  17. just throw it together, lol, but let me think about it and I'll make one for you.
    I'm "in the Zone" when I cook, mostly, and just throw stuff together using my knowledge of what works with what, or what might taste good with what. Also, I cook using percentages, rather than measured amounts, so you can downsize or up-size whatever you are making to accommodate however many people you are cooking for. I used to work as a professional cook, and learned this from a guy I know who owned/operated a Thai restaurant.
    When I post recipes on my blog, I have to go dig out my recipes and check measurements for amounts, as a guideline, and go from there. I'll try and do this later, as I'm on my way to the store in a few, but I'm sure I can come up with something for you! Cheers!

  18. Hi, back again, decided not to go to the store today, so I will post a recipe in my Recipe section in a little bit, with a recipe for Asian salad Dressing ~

  19. Great! Thanks,Blue. I can handle dump and pour recipes- that's usually the way I cook, too!
