Friday, May 29, 2009

Picture Perfect- Off the Beaten Path

This was way off the beaten path (ok, it was a paved road, but still almost the middle of nowhere, Montana!) It is not unusual to drive across South Dakota, Wyoming, or Montana and see teepees (they spell it tipis) in people's yards and fields. For this North Carolina girl, it was very unusual!

P I C T U R E  P E R F E C T


 Each week a new theme will be posted here on Friday morningYou are invited to put up your best picture on your own blog with that theme in mind, and you do have the whole weekend to post your picture, so there is no rush

Remember it should be just  ONE and ORIGINAL, taken by YOU,and not off the internet,

Then come back and leave a comment on this page in the comment box so that everyone can link to your blog and see your photo. Don't forget to OPEN your page to EVERYONE for that day.

By all means mention your camera and lens used, and if the picture has been altered or enhanced in any way, so we can all learn and improve our techniques.

Try and post a decent size picture on your blog page for an increased WOW factor. Often so much is lost or distorted if the size is too big or too small.


  1. Yup, I saw some of these in South Dakota! Even tho I'm an Okie, it was odd for m too! I like your pic!

  2. lmao!! My mom has one in her front yard! I'm NOT kidding.

  3. Is there a place in SD....Montana....or Wyoming on the beaten path. You've captured the feeling of off the beaten path here...even with a paved highway.


  4. Yeah, I have seen a few on my treks across the US...actually even stayed in one for a couple of nights. I like this!

  5. It would be very unusual for this Alabama girl!!! It is neat though!
    I would certainly count it way off the beaten path!! Paved road or not!!!

  6. That's a fantastic part of the country. As truckers, my wife and I spent a lot of time up there. We actually stayed in a teepee/motel a couple of times, it was a lot of fun.

  7. That's interesting. Are those tepees just decoration?

    Off the Beaten Path

  8. Great photo! What fun to see these. We came across an entire village of teepees last year when we visited the Pendleton Roundup in Oregon.

    Here’s my humble contribution…
    Off the Beaten Path

  9. Nice off the beaten path shot...more so for some of us than others. I have never seen a tipi except in pictures I dont think.

  10. It's fantastic and not very common ;) (the only time I see tipis in France, it's once a year at the country festival held in our town by a passionated man for country music. This man is my husband's chef at work)
    Kisses Babs ♥ ♥ ♥

  11. It definitely would be for me too! ;-) So these teepees can be easily bought there like tents?
    Great shot!

    Here's my OFF THE BEATEN PATH...;-)
