Saturday, May 9, 2009

Because I'm Bored- it's a Facebook Survey

Last person you hugged
Savannah and Scott (it was a group hug)

Last car ride
Ride? With Scott to go pick up Madi yesterday. Today, I drove to go to Savannah's game and then to get my mommy a Mother's Day present

Last time you cried

Last movie you watched
Dances with Wolves

Last food you ate
Blueberry muffin (there's still a pan in the oven, too!)

Last item you bought
Flowers for my mommy

Last shirt you wore
I have a UNC shirt on now!

Last phone call
Was from Savannah while I was at the store

Last text message
From Savannah- on her way home from a friend's house

Last kiss
Wow- that's been awhile. Unless you count my daughter

Last thing you touched
The computer keyboard?

Last funeral
Madi's yesterday.... that counts, right?

Last trip to the mall
Gosh, I have no idea. It's been a long, long time.

Last time you were excited for something
Savannah pitched today and got the final out (save) to win the game 10-9!

Last person you saw
Danny, the man who owns the flower shop.

Last thing you drank
Have some iced tea right now!

Last person that broke your heart
Person? Has to be the ex.

Last time you were happy
This morning at Savannah's ball game

Last plane ride
Was to Texas- to drive to Oklahoma to see Chris graduate Army basic training last summer.

Last dream
I can't remember dreams.


  1. These little surveys are kinda cool ain't they?

  2. They are- I think they give you a glimpse. I usually learn something I didn't know when I read one!

  3. I love reading the answers to these me more insight into your life!

    Have a wonderful Mommy Day!
