Saturday, May 30, 2009

Graduation 2009

We did it! Got the boy through 14 years of school (yeah, we did one grade twice!) but now he's off to college!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Picture Perfect- Off the Beaten Path

This was way off the beaten path (ok, it was a paved road, but still almost the middle of nowhere, Montana!) It is not unusual to drive across South Dakota, Wyoming, or Montana and see teepees (they spell it tipis) in people's yards and fields. For this North Carolina girl, it was very unusual!

P I C T U R E  P E R F E C T


 Each week a new theme will be posted here on Friday morningYou are invited to put up your best picture on your own blog with that theme in mind, and you do have the whole weekend to post your picture, so there is no rush

Remember it should be just  ONE and ORIGINAL, taken by YOU,and not off the internet,

Then come back and leave a comment on this page in the comment box so that everyone can link to your blog and see your photo. Don't forget to OPEN your page to EVERYONE for that day.

By all means mention your camera and lens used, and if the picture has been altered or enhanced in any way, so we can all learn and improve our techniques.

Try and post a decent size picture on your blog page for an increased WOW factor. Often so much is lost or distorted if the size is too big or too small.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Snagged from a MommaBear, a Seanymph, and a Wench

1. My ex so far behind on his child support he'll never catch up.

2. Maybe I should .... have just kept Sea's answers to these first two! They apply!

3. I love .....sunshine on my face, the feel of my children as they reach for a hug, and the trust of a good friend.

4. People would say that I'm .... a good parent, especially for raising the step-sons after their father left.

5. I don't understand why.... I do things over and over again the same way but expect different results.

6. When I wake up in the morning ....I wish I could just sleep for 30 more minutes.

7. I hate when... people lie- especially if it is about me, to make me look bad.

8. Life is full of ... happiness and joy.

9. My past is .....all in the past, but I wouldn't change a thing to get where I am now.

10. I get annoyed by ...... the house... it keeps getting dirty....

11. Parties are fun but not as fun as ... taking a vacation, even for a weekend.

12. I wish life was not .... full of unpleasant people.

13. Dogs... are family members. And it hurts when you lose one.

14. Cats .... are nice as long as they live outside where they don't make me sneeze.

15. Tomorrow is .... one day closer to high school graduation for the boy.

16. I have a low tolerance for... ignorant people.

17. If I had a million dollars .... I'd probably spend some, save some, and give some away.

18. I'm totally terrified of... losing someone I love.

19. I am so proud of.... Brandon- for getting athlete of the year last night at the sports award banquet.

20.If u don't post this on your page you are..... probably not as bored as me- and have better things to do!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Picture Perfect- Busy

I had a hard time choosing a picture this week! I had lots to choose from- my son, the fireman, doing his job, the blacksmith we saw at the Biltmore House, the controls of a battleship where sailors look very busy... but I settled on this one:

This girl is my niece. Two years ago, she and her family were in a horrific crash (drunk driver going the wrong way) that killed her stepmother and left her and her father (my brother) in wheelchairs with multiple injuries. Well, you're not going to keep a 5 year old still long! She wanted to sit at the table and color and draw with my son. They're very busy kids!

And before you ask, she is doing great! Except for surgical scars on an arm and a leg, you would never know anything happened to her. My brother is doing fine, too, although it is harder to heal at 40 than at 5!

P I C T U R E  P E R F E C T


 Each week a new theme will be posted here on Friday morningYou are invited to put up your best picture on your own blog with that theme in mind, and you do have the whole weekend to post your picture, so there is no rush

Remember it should be just  ONE and ORIGINAL, taken by YOU,and not off the internet,

Then come back and leave a comment on this page in the comment box so that everyone can link to your blog and see your photo. Don't forget to OPEN your page to EVERYONE for that day.

By all means mention your camera and lens used, and if the picture has been altered or enhanced in any way, so we can all learn and improve our techniques.

Try and post a decent size picture on your blog page for an increased WOW factor. Often so much is lost or distorted if the size is too big or too small.

Remember this is NOT a competition, this about being creative having fun and being supportive of one another.

Out of the box thinking is encouraged.

~ Have FUN out there! ~



The theme this week is


Sunday, May 10, 2009

What is it?

I took this from two stories up this morning- the resolution is horrible because all I had was my cell phone on me. Those blocks are 16", so that tells you how huge this bird was. When it flew off, it had white stripes on the inside of its massive wingspan. All my searches point to a golden eagle, but they're not supposed to live in this part of the country. What else could it be?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Because I'm Bored- it's a Facebook Survey

Last person you hugged
Savannah and Scott (it was a group hug)

Last car ride
Ride? With Scott to go pick up Madi yesterday. Today, I drove to go to Savannah's game and then to get my mommy a Mother's Day present

Last time you cried

Last movie you watched
Dances with Wolves

Last food you ate
Blueberry muffin (there's still a pan in the oven, too!)

Last item you bought
Flowers for my mommy

Last shirt you wore
I have a UNC shirt on now!

Last phone call
Was from Savannah while I was at the store

Last text message
From Savannah- on her way home from a friend's house

Last kiss
Wow- that's been awhile. Unless you count my daughter

Last thing you touched
The computer keyboard?

Last funeral
Madi's yesterday.... that counts, right?

Last trip to the mall
Gosh, I have no idea. It's been a long, long time.

Last time you were excited for something
Savannah pitched today and got the final out (save) to win the game 10-9!

Last person you saw
Danny, the man who owns the flower shop.

Last thing you drank
Have some iced tea right now!

Last person that broke your heart
Person? Has to be the ex.

Last time you were happy
This morning at Savannah's ball game

Last plane ride
Was to Texas- to drive to Oklahoma to see Chris graduate Army basic training last summer.

Last dream
I can't remember dreams.