Sunday, January 25, 2009

Setting a Goal

So I'm wandering around Multiply tonight and ran across this site through a link on Sea's blog. I like the idea of setting a goal and then working to fulfill it, and pledging to give money to a charity if the goal is not met. So I signed up.

My goal is to lose this last 15 lbs. If you didn't know, I lost 45 lbs. 3 years ago and have kept it off. That is the good news. The bad news is I still have 15 lbs to lose. They're stubborn. They like me! They don't want to leave. I have lost the 6 lbs that I gained between Halloween and New Year's this year, but those pesky 15 lbs are still here!

I have better motivation than ever to want to get rid of the remaining spare tire. Scott and I found the most wonderful, affordable, and unusual vacation ever. We want to go to the beach- in Equador! After reading a travel magazine this weekend, we discovered that traveling to this foreign country is just as cheap as driving to the beach here. So why not? He works with a girl from Equador and is going to find out more about safety issues and other stuff we don't know anything about. But from reading travel blogs, it seems like many other people have had a wonderful time in this remote location.

However, the way I look right now, he is NOT seeing me in a bathing suit! So, I am more motivated than ever to lose this stubborn weight. Since we're thinking we won't go until October of this year or maybe even January of next year, I have time. But I want to do it sooner rather than later.

I think I'll take a tip from Jimmie and start posting my weight on my blogs. That way, you guys can help keep me honest about what I'm doing. I also belong to, a weight loss site with the best support around. Between my friends there and you guys here (and some wonderful motivation) I should be able to succeed!

Thanks for the help!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Another Survey- stolen from Kat, who took it from Leece....

1. What is on your bed right now? 
Pillows, sheets, and two quilts
2. When was the last time you threw up? 
I don't remember... it has been several years.
3. What's your favorite word or phrase? 
I don't know that I have one... maybe "crikeys, it's cold"  - I've said that enough today!
4.Name 3 people who made you smile today?
Scott, Savannah, and my friend Sherry.
5.What were you doing at 8 am this morning? 
Walking into work and talking to Scott on my cell phone.
6.What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Unpacking my angel food and talking to my mom on the phone.
7.What is your favorite holiday?
Whichever one is next! OK, Christmas!
8.Have you ever been to another country?

9.What is the last thing you said aloud?
That's a good girl! (To the dog.)
10.What is the best ice cream flavor?
Hmm, are there bad ice cream flavors? I love banana, peach, strawberry, pineapple, anything with chocolate....
11.What was the last thing you had to drink?
a latte from McDonalds
12.What are you wearing right now?
Yoga pants, a camisole with Brandon's sweatshirt over it, socks and tennis shoes.
13What was the last thing you ate?
McDonald's grilled chicken club.
14.Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
I went to Goodwill on Tuesday and got a sweater, a shirt, two sweatshirts and some books.
15.When was the last time you ran? 
Wednesday night at aerobics.
16.What's the last sporting event you watched?
Brandon's high school basketball game tonight.
17.If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I'm still focused on the Grand Canyon. But if money wasn't a problem, probably the Mexican Rivera.
18.Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace? 
I don't use myspace. Now Facebook, I think I sent a friend of mine from high school a comment on her child's picture.
19.Ever go camping? 
Oh yes- Scott and Savannah and I went in October for my birthday. Before the ex went berzerk, we used to go a lot as a family.
20.Do you have a tan?
Are you kidding? It is 5 degrees outside! And don't tell me about tanning beds- those things are horrible for you!

21.Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
Not anything worthwhile.
22.What is your guilty pleasure?
Hershey's kisses!
23.Do you use smiley faces on the computer alot?
Only to annoy some of my friends!
24.Do you drink your soda from a straw?
I don't drink soda. But I like drinking my water or tea either from a bottle or with a straw.
25.What did your last text message say?
It was from Scott and he said "I'm glad you thought of that- I hadn't" in response to a text I sent him about making sure his pipes didn't freeze tonight.
26.Are you someones best friend?
I hope so!
27.What are you doing tomorrow? 
Finishing the laundry, then helping Scott with a project of his.
28.Where is your mom right now?
At my step-father's house. They kept both houses when they got married 10 years ago and split their time between them.
29.Look to your left, what do you see?
A fake plant.

30.What color is your watch?
I don't own a watch
31.What do you think of when you think of Australia
Kangaroos and Steve Irwin
32.Ever ridden on a roller coaster? 
Absolutely- even though we never made it last year.
33.What is your birthstone?
34.Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
Usually the drive through. It isn't very often I eat fast food (tonight was the first night in over a month) so usually it is to pull through and get the kids something. 

35.Do you have any friends on myspace that you actually hate?
On facebook- yeah- this girl I roomed with in college one year. I don't really hate her, just don't like her. She always thought she was smarter and better than everyone else, and from some of her facebook comments, that hasn't changed in the last 20 years!
36.Do you have a dog? 
I have a 13 year old Lhasa Apso and right now Scott's dog is here- she is a 3 year old German Shorthair Pointer.
37.Last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom.
38.Any plans today?
Today is almost over- but I went to work, had lunch with my mom, took a nap, did some laundry, went to Brandon's basketball game, picked up my angel food, and went to McDonalds with my friend Sherry and our teenagers.

39.Are you happy?
Absolutely. I love my life right now!
40.Where are you right now?
At the computer! Duh!
41.Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Trying to get the ex to keep up his car payments, which affects my credit. And trying to get child support out of him on a regular basis!
42.Last song listened to?
I'm not sure- I had classical music on in the car. Didn't recognize it, and didn't listen long enough for it to end and have them say what it was.
43.Last movie you saw?
In theatres? Mamma Mia. On DVD- Clue!
44.Are you allergic to anything?
This is going to sound like Kat's answer- cats, pollen, pine trees, ragweed, and cockroaches (ew- can you believe they test for that?)
45.Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? 
Some cheap black sliders I got at Wal-Mart.
46.Are you jealous of anyone?
No- I think jealousy is probably the most useless emotion there is.
47.Are you married?
48.Is anyone jealous of you?
I don't know why they would be.
49.Do any of your friends have children?
Almost all of my friends do. Scott's probably the lone exception.
50.Do you eat healthy?
I try- and I've lost 5 lbs since Christmas!
51.What do you usually do during the day?
Work, be a mom, be a friend, take care of the animals, and try to read when I can. And blog and comment!
52.Do you hate anyone right now?
nope- another useless emotion
53.Do you use the word 'hello' daily?
Of course- I have to answer the phone at work!
54.How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Yikes- 43!
55.Have you ever been to Six Flags?
No- we have Carowinds here.
56.How did u get your scars?
My biggest one is from my c-section. I have one on my forehead where I fell and hit my head on a bench when I was  10, there is one on my wrist from a gangleon cyst that I had removed, and there is one on my chin from being a diver in high school.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday Ten- The Personal Edition

So, for this week we're supposed to list ten personal facts about ourselves.... hmmm....

1. I have a Bachelor's degree in music education.

2. I enjoy being creative. My latest venture is making necklaces. I got a big bead kit for Christmas and am going just a little crazy with it!

3. I'm back on my strict diet and exercise plan. I got really (ok, really REALLY) slack on it last year and ended up putting 6 lbs back on. I'm proud that 4 of those are gone already, but I still need to lose 20 more pounds. So I'm going back to what I know works. It isn't any fun.

4. I'm enjoying being single! Scott and I are not committed to each other for several reasons that I'm really ok with for now. Even if we were, I'd still have way more freedom than I ever had in my marriage. Why didn't someone tell me this a long time ago?

5. I'm trying Angel Food Ministries for the first time this week. (If you don't know what that is, click here.) I can't wait for the food to come in on Friday!

6. I have two dogs, one cat, a brother, and three stepsisters. And three kids! (Although Chris will be 20 next week, and I probably can't call him a kid too much longer!)

7. Brandon is a senior - that is expensive! And somehow it was easier with Chris. Brandon's  my baby boy! I don't want to think about him leaving home!

8. I hate winter. I love being outdoors and it's too cold. There isn't anything much to do, anyway. At least it could snow!

9. Have I told you how much I love my mom? She is the best!

10. I didn't think there would be enough interesting things about me to make it to 10- but the last one is best. I'm a Christian and I'm totally in love with Jesus! He is awesome!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Random Questions- Stolen from Guy, Kat, Anne...

1. How did you wake up this morning? 
Surfaced from the fog, opened one eye and looked at the clock.

2. What was your first thought?

Oh no, it's 8am and I told Scott I'd call and make sure he was up at 7:30!

3. Did you get up right away?
Not really- I grabbed the phone and called him and talked for 30 min.

4. What did you have for breakfast?
Rice and sausage

5. Who is the first person you thought about and why?

Scott- because I was supposed to call him so he wouldn't be late to work!
Turns out he was already awake, so we're good there.

6. Who are you missing?
Chris, who is back in the army in Texas.

7. If you could go anywhere today, where would you go?
Somewhere warm. Abby and Kat mentioned Florida. OK by me!

8. Who would you take with you?
Scott, Brandon, Savannah, Abby, Kat... anyone else want to go?

9. Would you want to come home again?
Yes, the kids have to go back to school!

10. Rich or Famous?
Rich. Being famous isn't all that great- papparazi following you around, can't go anywhere, everyone knows what you ate for dinner in the restaurant, can't run to the store in your sweats with your hair pulled back.... need I go on?

11. Favorite color?
For what? Trees should be green, clothes black or red, flowers pink and yellow...

12. Type of person (opposite sex or same) you are attracted to?
Someone who likes me for me, who will let me be myself and put up with my quirks. Blue eyes help!
13. What do you admire in a person?
Someone who stands up for what they believe, who says what they think, not what you want to hear, and who defends her friends and family no matter what.

14. Favorite season?
Spring, probably. Everything is so beautiful after looking dead for so long!

15. Song you want played at your funeral?
Michael W. Smith's  "Friends," "Above All" and maybe "How Great Thou Art" (they sang that at my dad's funeral.)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sue's Quiz that really made me think!

 1.     If you had to choose between your life as it is now--you'll never be any better off than you are at this moment--or a life where you would become President of the United States (or whatever the highest public office is in your country) but you get assassinated a year before leaving office, which would you choose?

Life is so wonderful right now it could just stay this way! I go to court in the morning to try to get child support out of the ex (who is $15,000 behind) so maybe I should choose to freeze it as of next week! LOL!

2.     Would you rather be the greatest genius of all time but so beyond people's comprehension that you'd never be appreciated until long after your death or a person who is perceived as a genius in his own time but is later thought of as a mediocre hack who was overrated?

I'll take the genius who is unappreciated in his/her time. I'd like to think I left a good mark on the world after I'm gone. At least, knowing the world would be a better place because I was here!

 3.     Would you rather have an ugly sexual partner who was immensely satisfying in bed but embarrassing (in that people know you're fucking someone so ugly) or a beautiful lover who sucked in bed but made others deeply envious of you?

Wow- this is a hard one. Because I don't think I'd be attracted to someone who I thought was ugly. And since I haven't had sex in so long I don't know that I'd remember what to do, I might be the one who is bad in bed! LOL! I do like for people to be approving of who I'm dating, so I guess I'll take the cute guy who is bad in bed!


4.    Would you rather be the lead singer of an extremely mediocre but popular rock band or the world's greatest poet with a small fan following?

Oh definitely the poet! Who needs a large fan base? But I have to have my muse!

5.    If you had a chance to open one of two doors and one door led to the fulfillment of all your dreams and the other had an ax murderer who would chop you into pieces as soon as you opened it, would you choose to open a door?

No I wouldn't. Neither one would be good. All your dreams fulfilled? Then what would be left to strive for? Where are the goals? What is the use of getting up in the morning?

6.     If by killing yourself all of your enemies would be destroyed as well, would you kill yourself?

I started to say yes- leave only nice people in the world. But then would that be dooming a lot of people to hell who may have repented? I'm sure glad I'm not God. He has a hard job!

7.    If you had to take a car trip with either a Vietnam vet with serious mental health problems and had a gun on his person at all times or a conservative Christian who passed judgment on everything you did, who would you choose?

I'll take the conservative Christian. I've met those people before, and they're not really dangerous. And I know how to handle them (I work for a church, remember?)

8.     If you could obtain immortality by stomping a little girl's pet kitten to death before her crying eyes every Christmas, would you do it?

What kind of question is this? Stomping kittens for immortality? I don't think you're getting immortality like that!

9.     If you loved someone with all your heart and they hated everything about you, would you shorten their life by 10-years if it meant they would love you in return?

No. I'm having to deal with some of that right now. I know the things that Scott wants to do will take him away from here- and I'm not in a position to move. But I'll support him in his dreams and be happy for him, even if it means I have to sacrifice. If you really love someone, you can see them happy!

10.    If you died and went to Hell and it was every bit as horrible as the Christians say it is and the devil offered you a one year reprieve from the agony of Hell for each person you tempted to damnation, would you take his deal?

This is a hard question. First, I'm not tempting anyone to eternal damnation. Second, what did I do to get to Hell? I must have deserved it! Meaning God isn't going to let me into heaven by damning other people. So neither of these is going to work.