Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday

1. Wonder if I can think of 10 thoughts- and who they'll be about?

2. Scott's mom is coming to stay for a week. She'll be here tonight.

3. It's hard navigating between mother and son- they don't get along too well, but I'm stuck trying to get along with them both. Mom is loving but controlling, and son is independent but loves his mother. I'm sitting here in the middle!

4. This is a great reason to stay single- no mother-in-law!

5. I have a busy week, and so do they. Maybe we can plan a fun dinner or two.

6. Maybe I can get my garage cleaned out this weekend- I almost can't get my car in there anymore. Its a two-car garage, too!

7. My laundry room is neat right now- you know you're old when you're excited that your laundry room is neat and organized.

8. I cleaned under the sofa. Found the remote that was lost a month ago!

9. Where is everyone right now? Susan isn't posting as much as usual because of football, Dave and Sabrina are in love and not here quite as much, I don't know where Guy is..... even Kat isn't blogging every day! (Not that I have any room to talk...)

10. I have done well keeping my Bible study group up to date. I haven't had to do two days in one in over 6 weeks now- thanks mostly to my alarm clock! (Who talked for 30 min this morning, so I was almost out of time getting it done!) If you're not a member and want to be, just let me know.


  1. 1...Yes, you can and I hope they are all about Scott!
    3...Double EEK
    4...Don't let that deter you!
    5...Yes, keep it fun and SMILE!!
    6...My garage is a black hole...
    7...My laundry room is a black hole...
    8...Under my couch is a black hole...
    9...I might do some shameless blog recycling, I have some very funny old blogs I can share!
    10..You and your alarm clock make a great pair!

  2. We hear less and less and your ex. How are your newly weds doing? Are they still moved out of your house or have they snuck back into the basement? Is you son looking at deploying?

  3. The ex has totally disappeared- no phone number, no child support.... The newlyweds are having it tough right now. Chris is in Missouri (Ft. Leonard Wood) getting ready to go to Texas next week (Goodfellow AFB). His wife is at her parent's house here. They do get to talk every day by phone, but won't see each other until Christmas unless she can get to TX. His unit just got back from Iraq, so hopefully there is no deployment in the near future, anyway.

    Thanks for asking, Jimmie!

  4. 3. That was just like Art's mom! You'll work through it. Art and I just did what she wanted, grinned and bore it... and decided, she's not going to be with us much longer so let's make her happy.

    4. No mother-in-law but sometimes, they can end up being your best supporter.

    5. That sounds good. I made chicken -n dumplings from the crock pot.

    6. I wish I had a garage.

    7. My laundry room will NEVER be clean.

    8. I'm afraid to look under our sofa.

    9. Well, not it's football photos and I don't have anything nice to say... so I just won't post. Things at work aren't going all that well and, well, I think I can say this here. I've been busy praying for people, myself included, to find the strength to face another day. *sigh* There's just some nasty things I'm hearing and for once, I must admit, that I'm shocked at what I've been hearing. So, once I get things straightened out, I'll post more often. I promise. I don't want to ignore anyone but I don't really want to get into detail about some stuff.

    10. I'm trying to read your Bible study as often as possible. I'm sorry if I'm not commenting. I've been doing a lot of thinking and praying. Hope you don't mind my "losing my voice", so to speak.

    10a. I love you Dish. I'm glad you're my friend!

  5. Um, might that be a GOOD thing, in a way?

  6. It is very good, I think. He's had no contact with the kids since sometime early summer. He hasn't seen Savannah since Chris' wedding on April 5. She will do better with him either in or out of her life- not coming and going all the time. The boys don't know how to call him. I think they know where he lives (or where he was living, if he is still there) but they don't want to go looking for him. Brandon is waiting for him to make the next move, or not. He didn't see Chris or call before he left- and the ex knew he was leaving. Yep- we're better off without him. Although the tens of thousands of dollars he owes me would be nice!

  7. Oh, and I love you too, Abby. Don't worry, sometimes your voice needs a rest.

  8. That extra money sure would help you and the kids but if he's not going to give it up, and you've gone after him as best you can within the extent of the law, well, that's just something that he has to answer to at the end of everything, just like we all do. *sigh* I wish I could do something in that respect for you.

    As for him staying away, maybe that is best for the kids because, well, why have him around and hurting them when they know he won't stay? I am really sorry, though. It hurts me to see this happen.


  9. The extra money would be nice- just cost $260 for senior things- invitations, cap & gown, pictures, etc. And I'm sure his college won't be cheap, either. Oh well, the courts are going after him again. *sigh* That part isn't fun.

  10. Here in MO, I am required to comply with the Clay County Prosecutor...even though he has finally submitted his employer information, they still want my signed affidavit on hand in the event prosecution becomes necessary.

  11. College sucks ($-wise). I've already told our boys that we won't be able to give them a free ride through college, so it's smart if they would get jobs and start saving money when they are 16 and to try to get funding and/or scholarships. We'll pay part of it, and let them live at home while going to college but I know we can't pay everything we have to... We'll figure something out. I'm sure you will too. (But that money would be nice...)

  12. I know there are grants and loans and things... we'll be fine but those $$ would sure help!
