Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- the post-birthday edition

1. I didn't get to open a present for my birthday. Lots of cards, but no present... no tangible present, anyway. Of course, the best things in life aren't really things, are they?

2. I did have a fabulous birthday - was spoiled like a queen, even without presents!

3. Sleeping in a toboggan makes for a bad hair day the next day!

4. Having friends who don't care if you're having a bad hair day is a good thing!

5. I can't wait for the next camping trip!

6. Why is it that the dog only sheds on my good clothes?

7. The cat got spayed today. Think he'll run away now?

8. Savannah got her braces off yesterday. I need to remember to post a picture.

9. I'm trying to not make all these thoughts about Scott...

10. I made it to 10!


  1. You're so funny. I've been following this relationship (like a hawk) and am getting a sweet chuckle out of how you're changing. Slowly. It's a nice progression.

    I didn't get any presents either until my friend Jamie sent me some books I REALLY wanted. I got cards, and ecards. But this is the first birthday none of my kids gave me anything. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

  2. 1. I think you had an AWESOME birthday!
    2. Who needs presents?
    3. Don't worry 'bout a bad hair day. I have them every day! lol! It can always be worse! *hugs* *giggles*
    4. I don't care WHAT your hair looks like. (See #3.)
    5. I wanna hear about your next camping trip!
    6. My cats do the same thing to my clothes.
    7. He'll stick around. We got Jerry fixed. He stayed.
    8. Ohhhh... I bet she's happy!
    9. Well, you could have had a couple! =D
    10. YAY!

  3. Namaste Janeen, I was just reading your ten thought for the birthday. I am damn sorry that you never get any present. Anyway Janeen, I hope that you have some really great cards and have a good time.

  4. Right now, plans are to go to Raleigh for the state fair in two weeks. Since it's a 3 hour drive, we'll plan to take the tent and stay at this great lake campground there. This one has power, so we can have the heater!

  5. Thanks Kumar! I had some great cards- the one from my brother was really funny. It said:

    I couldn't ask for a better sister.... ok, well, I could ask, but I'm pretty sure mom's too old!

    My mother is getting me a great present- it just isn't ready yet- and may take another month. She is having the diamond engagement ring that my father gave her reset into another ring for me. Which is really cool, and will probably end up being my Christmas present as well.

  6. ummm, I just found out last night that I might be going to a scout camp out in November...


  7. Totally awesome. So if there's power, there's running water? You can take a shower?

  8. Sabrina, I can't feel sorry for you! I can't do it! lmao! I think it's funny!

  9. I'd have to be sedated and tied up before I'd willingly go camping LOL.

  10. Well if you have as much wine as I did Friday night, you'd be close!
