Thursday, October 23, 2008

Picture Perfect Favorite

(click to enlarge picture)

I know you're all tired of hearing about my Montana trip, but this was the absolute prettiest place on earth. This photo was taken in Glacier National Park in June 2007. I actually had a hard time choosing between photos, because everywhere you turned in this place, there was a vista that was a real testament to God's glory.


 Each week a new theme will be posted here on Friday morningYou are invited to put up your best picture on your own blog with that theme in mind, and you do have the whole weekend to post your picture, so there is no rush

Remember it should be just  ONE and ORIGINAL, taken by YOU,and not off the internet,

Then come back and leave a comment on this page in the comment box so that everyone can link to your blog and see your photo. Don't forget to OPEN your page to EVERYONE for that day.

By all means mention your camera and lens used, and if the picture has been altered or enhanced in any way, so we can all learn and improve our techniques.

Try and post a decent size picture on your blog page for an increased WOW factor. Often so much is lost or distorted if the size is too big or too small.

Remember this is NOT a competition, this about being creative having fun and being supportive of one another.

Out of the box thinking is encouraged.

~ Have FUN out there! ~


A special note: For those of you who enjoy putting music on your blogs, please don't set the player to play the music automatically.  The music is lovely. Doing it this way just gives folk a choice.


We all have a favorite photo. One that we are the most proud of.  This week it's time to share your very best with us. It's time to show off and put your pride and joys out there for us to see.  I hope you all enjoy this.


  1. Such a beautiful view....I'd love to just sit there and spend the day looking at it...

  2. Such a beautiful view....I'd love to just sit there and spend the day looking at it...

  3. Hey I love Montana.....giggles...guess that's why I live there! This looks like Many Glacier??? I live on the west side of the park! Beautiful shot! I was just there last month and it was very cold and windy!

  4. It must be cold and windy there all the time!

    I think this was Many Glacier- we were all up and down the east side (surprise, surprise, Logan's Pass was closed.) We even went up into Waterton, but I know this wasn't taken up there.

    You live in a beautiful state!

  5. Glacier National is indeed beautiful and no wonder you want to share it. I say share away! Beautiful shot of majestic mountains!

  6. Very nice, Dish - and no, I'm not at all tired of hearing about your trip!

  7. Been there, and you're right... beautiful country and you captured it!

    Here's mine...
    Among My Favorites

  8. Janeen, that picture is incredible. I too love mountains, lakes and forests. Thanks for your support re what happened with Kati. It has been an awful experience and it is far from over. Take care Janeen . Hugs from Dai

  9. What a beautiful view. I've heard so much about the beauty of Montana from my hubby too LOL now seeing your picture makes me want to go there myself.
    Feel free to check out my take: Survivor

  10. So THAT is here God goes to think ! I knew it must be somewhere spectacular.
    Beautiful shot :o)

  11. I hope there's a next time- I'd go back over and over again!

    I got more blessings out of this mission trip than any other. We are thinking about going back next summer- just have to see how the schedule plays out with some other things.

  12. What amazing scenert! I love mountainscapes! Is there such a word as mountainscapes? LMAO!

  13. Gorgeous view! With scenery like that, I can understand it being a hard choice.

  14. Gorgeous photo! (Montana is the most beautiful place on Earth.. but I'm a little partial- I live there lol)

  15. Very beautiful.. Reminds me all those "wish you were here" postcards..

    Here's sharing my fav shot :

  16. Can't go wrong with the national parks. I recently visited Yosemite... some awesome sights and photo opportunities there too. :) Very nice!

    A Favorite of mine.

  17. We just visited Colorado and the Rocky Mt. National Park and saw awesome scenery like this. Beautiful shot.

  18. It is a beautiful view! No wonder you wanted to use it. I am glad you did.

    Empress C's PP

  19. simply breathtaking .. the only thing better would be for me to witness it personally .. great eye !

  20. Sweet! Excellent photo. My pastor just came back from Glacier - I could never tire of
    hearing about it. That's one place on our "to do" list of big vacations. Great job on that photo =)
    One of the Thymekeeper's Favorites

  21. Peace and calm surround you there, don't they? What a gorgeous shot --
