Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- the Wednesday Edition

1. I'm a day behind. What else is new? Hey- at least I'm posting!

2. My alarm clock cooked breakfast this morning- I could get incredibly spoiled!

3. He thinks I do more for him than he does for me.

4. I think he does more for me than I do for him!

5. Who is right?

6. He is starting a new job- actually he finished his two week training last week and has started this week. I really pray that things go well!

7. He has also almost finished everything so that he can be approved for candidacy in the Methodist church in February. Glad to see him moving forward with that, too.

8. You noticed last week that I tried to not have all my thoughts be about Scott. I'm not doing so good at that this week!

9. I'm still getting my Bible study done each morning, thanks in part to a great alarm clock!

10. I need to remember to count my blessings- they are many!


  1. How in the world did your alarm clock cook you breakfast in the morning?

  2. hehehe...the Wednesday Edition...I like it...clever, Dish!

  3. Oh, and congratulations to your alarm clock!

  4. 1...Better late than never!
    2...DISH!!!!!!!!!!! Very COOL!
    3...I feel that way about David...
    4...I think David feels that way about me...
    5...Neither, you're in love and that's what happens when you are totally in love...
    6...We'll pray, too...
    7...Yes, then he can move on to other things....
    8...I like this version better!
    9...Multi-functioning alarm clocks are hard to come by, take care of the one you have...
    10.Thank you for the reminder...

  5. Thanks guys. Guess you know who is on my mind today!

  6. Gosh. No, Dish, who could you mean?

  7. With proper maintenance, it comes with a lifetime guarantee.

  8. ummm, I'm thinking he's on your mind every you decided to share it with us!

  9. LOL- that is probably pretty accurate Sabrina!

  10. There's not much of a guarantee of anything, except heaven. At least it comes with a lot of "right now" good things!

  11. That's okay if most if not all of your thoughts are about Scott! lol! He's a good friend to you and you to him! =D

  12. He told me that today- thanked me for being a great friend. I told him again that he did more for me than I do for him. He feels that way about me- and we agreed that is what real friendship is all about.

  13. Bill, it is a very special alarm clock!
