Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where am I?

Ok, so everyone is using cute little monkeys and dolls and things. I couldn't come up with anything cute like that so I thought, "what am I always looking for?"

Answer: My Keys!

So, I'll take pictures of them several places. Not only will that work for this, but it might also help me remember where I put them!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

For Abby Only

This is the picture that made me think- gee- I'd better do something. That's my sister on the left and the ex with Savannah in the back.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Picture Perfect Favorite

(click to enlarge picture)

I know you're all tired of hearing about my Montana trip, but this was the absolute prettiest place on earth. This photo was taken in Glacier National Park in June 2007. I actually had a hard time choosing between photos, because everywhere you turned in this place, there was a vista that was a real testament to God's glory.


 Each week a new theme will be posted here on Friday morningYou are invited to put up your best picture on your own blog with that theme in mind, and you do have the whole weekend to post your picture, so there is no rush

Remember it should be just  ONE and ORIGINAL, taken by YOU,and not off the internet,

Then come back and leave a comment on this page in the comment box so that everyone can link to your blog and see your photo. Don't forget to OPEN your page to EVERYONE for that day.

By all means mention your camera and lens used, and if the picture has been altered or enhanced in any way, so we can all learn and improve our techniques.

Try and post a decent size picture on your blog page for an increased WOW factor. Often so much is lost or distorted if the size is too big or too small.

Remember this is NOT a competition, this about being creative having fun and being supportive of one another.

Out of the box thinking is encouraged.

~ Have FUN out there! ~


A special note: For those of you who enjoy putting music on your blogs, please don't set the player to play the music automatically.  The music is lovely. Doing it this way just gives folk a choice.


We all have a favorite photo. One that we are the most proud of.  This week it's time to share your very best with us. It's time to show off and put your pride and joys out there for us to see.  I hope you all enjoy this.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday

1. Wonder if I can think of 10 thoughts- and who they'll be about?

2. Scott's mom is coming to stay for a week. She'll be here tonight.

3. It's hard navigating between mother and son- they don't get along too well, but I'm stuck trying to get along with them both. Mom is loving but controlling, and son is independent but loves his mother. I'm sitting here in the middle!

4. This is a great reason to stay single- no mother-in-law!

5. I have a busy week, and so do they. Maybe we can plan a fun dinner or two.

6. Maybe I can get my garage cleaned out this weekend- I almost can't get my car in there anymore. Its a two-car garage, too!

7. My laundry room is neat right now- you know you're old when you're excited that your laundry room is neat and organized.

8. I cleaned under the sofa. Found the remote that was lost a month ago!

9. Where is everyone right now? Susan isn't posting as much as usual because of football, Dave and Sabrina are in love and not here quite as much, I don't know where Guy is..... even Kat isn't blogging every day! (Not that I have any room to talk...)

10. I have done well keeping my Bible study group up to date. I haven't had to do two days in one in over 6 weeks now- thanks mostly to my alarm clock! (Who talked for 30 min this morning, so I was almost out of time getting it done!) If you're not a member and want to be, just let me know.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- the Wednesday Edition

1. I'm a day behind. What else is new? Hey- at least I'm posting!

2. My alarm clock cooked breakfast this morning- I could get incredibly spoiled!

3. He thinks I do more for him than he does for me.

4. I think he does more for me than I do for him!

5. Who is right?

6. He is starting a new job- actually he finished his two week training last week and has started this week. I really pray that things go well!

7. He has also almost finished everything so that he can be approved for candidacy in the Methodist church in February. Glad to see him moving forward with that, too.

8. You noticed last week that I tried to not have all my thoughts be about Scott. I'm not doing so good at that this week!

9. I'm still getting my Bible study done each morning, thanks in part to a great alarm clock!

10. I need to remember to count my blessings- they are many!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ten Thought Tuesday- the post-birthday edition

1. I didn't get to open a present for my birthday. Lots of cards, but no present... no tangible present, anyway. Of course, the best things in life aren't really things, are they?

2. I did have a fabulous birthday - was spoiled like a queen, even without presents!

3. Sleeping in a toboggan makes for a bad hair day the next day!

4. Having friends who don't care if you're having a bad hair day is a good thing!

5. I can't wait for the next camping trip!

6. Why is it that the dog only sheds on my good clothes?

7. The cat got spayed today. Think he'll run away now?

8. Savannah got her braces off yesterday. I need to remember to post a picture.

9. I'm trying to not make all these thoughts about Scott...

10. I made it to 10!

Montana 2007

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Birthday weekend 2008

Scott, Savannah, and I went for a ride down the Creeper trail in Virginia.

I'm back- and thanks for the birthday wishes

I'm too tired to write much- or pull the pictures off the camera. I didn't take too many just because I was enjoying myself.

We got to Virginia about 8:30pm on Friday night and set up camp in the dark. Only Scott's friend Kelly went with us, because it was going to be in the low 30's and his wife didn't want to take their kids. So the 4 of us had a blast. Savannah went to bed pretty early and the grownups sat around the fire. I have no idea what time we went to bed- but it was hours past midnight.

It was cold! Very cold! But I had my little personal warmer, and she kept me from freezing all night. We got up and got packed up, had breakfast, and went to ride the Creeper trail. I'll tell you more about that later- 17 miles of biking through the woods, stopping to play in the creek several times along the way.

We stopped at a little town called Shatley Springs, NC on the way home. They make the best family-style dinners there of anywhere you've ever eaten. So we ate too much and were so happy. Made it home by 11pm last night.

Up as normal for church this morning. My 18 year old was baptized, and we had a combination birthday party/baptism celebration afterward. Fed about 30 people. So I'm tired- had a nap just now, and I think I'll go take another one! LOL! I'll give you more details later, let's just say it was a wonderful birthday!