Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jamie's Baby Shower

Start:     Dec 15, '07 9:00p
Location:     ZB's page
Join Kat, ZeBaron, and I for Jamie's first baby shower! (I know, 6th child, but first ever shower!) ZB is hosting on his site (http://zebaron.multiply.com/) and Jamie has it fixed up so that if you want to send her a real gift, you can do so through amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry and enter Jamie Becker- Olin IA) Hope to see you there as we shower Jamie, and soon-to-arrive Sarah Jane, with lots of love!)


  1. awww...I can't wait!!! Busy finding virtual food to eat too!!! hugs

  2. That's 9:00 PM EST, 8:00 PM CST, 7:00 MST, 6:00 PST, and for those in England, it's 5 hours in advance, making it 2:00 AM for them. Hope to see you all there!

  3. Thanks ZB! My "blast" or whatever you call my big box at the top says that it is eastern time, but I'm horrible at knowing what that means for anyone else!
