Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Catching up

Wow- I haven't blogged in awhile! There either doesn't seem to be anything to say or there isn't time to say it! My community chorus concert was a big hit- we had over 800 people come out to hear us, and they all left smiling. That's what I call a success. I couldn't be more proud!

The boys are playing high school basketball and the games started last week. Chris is a senior and Brandon a junior, and for the first time they are both starting. It is so precious to watch them work together as loving brothers (believe me, I never thought I'd see the day they didn't want to kill each other on an hourly basis!) They lost by one point in double-overtime last night. Brandon hit a shot at the buzzer to tie the game the first time, then went on to score 11 more points. I think he ended up with 23 of the 56 points in the game. He is usually leading scorer on the team- he is a big power forward. Chris is a guard so he doesn't take as many inside shots, but I think he still had 8 points. He did miss two free throws that would have won the game at the end of the first overtime, and he beat himself up pretty badly over that. However, his team didn't, and did a great job of telling him it wasn't his fault. At that point, his arms and legs were so tired, he could barely get the ball to the rim!

Scott and I had a long talk yesterday and decided to just be friends for now. I'm relieved and happy about that. He is truly a great guy, but I don't think it is right to introduce anyone into this family until some of the wounds have healed. I heard Chris say that he wasn't excited about Christmas since his father left and won't be here. I also think that I need some time to decide who I am as a single person, and not a member of a nuclear family unit. Right now, I need to figure out how to be mom and dad, and not place anyone else in the mix. I also told him that I thought it was only fair to anyone I might date to have the divorce final and the legal stuff hammered out first. No one needs to get drug through that muck! (Although the dh didn't feel that way, but living with this girl just gives me more ammunition if I need it- I sure don't want to give him any!)

Scott is still going to do things with us, and will still be there for Savannah to give her guidance (she chose him, and since he is willing to be someone she can go to, I'm forever grateful to him.) Who knows, God has better timing than the rest of us, and we agreed that He has someone wonderful out there for both of us- when the time is right!

For now, I'm wrapping up Christmas shopping and have to find time for some wrapping! And I've got to remember Jamie's shower, too!


  1. Wow - double overtime - that's a heart-breaker! You've got to proud of both of them working as a team and starting as well:) It also sounds like your making some progress yourself in moving forward with your own life - you can be very proud of that too - it's pretty tough sometimes.

  2. Sounds like you've decided to approach the situation with a level head. Be thankful that you are dealing with another level headed person as well. That always helps. Hang in there. Things will work themselves out.

  3. You're such a smart lady. Listening to yourself (that little voice who always knows) is never wrong. Well, I suppose psychos and multiple-personality disorder people would have to exclude themselves...but you know what I mean.

    If you forget about the shower, I'll call you and REMIND you lmao. HUGS

  4. I'm glad you clarified which voice to listen to! LOL! Sometimes they all start arguing in my head... oops, I didn't say that.... now you'll think I'm nuts!

  5. haha...I meant the one you know is right no matter what you might "want". I totally ignore that one myself. LOL

  6. Ah yes, annoying little voice. It is usually right, but I don't always like what it is telling me!

  7. Everyone comes into your life for a reason. It could be for a season or a lifetime. Just know that while you two are just friends (for now) that he IS in your life for a reason.
    I've still got a lot of shopping to do. I did a huge chunk of it online this year. But I need to get all of Sophie's and Emma's things. We are gonna go this weekend and get it done.
    I've been wrapping as I get them though. So that helps a great deal. With 5 kids and our parents thats a lot of wrapping.

    You better be there for my shower. This hormonal woman will cry if one of the hosts aren't there.
