Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Wishes

I got everything I wished for this Christmas. Ok, not everything I wanted, but then I'd probably be spoiled a lot! The boys, Savannah, and I went to the midnight service last night (along with the fire department, since Chris was actually working.) It was a beautiful peaceful night to spend with my family, reflecting on the gift of the manger and the real meaning of Christmas. Just to sit in the pew with the boys is a great wish- they always seem to go different directions, and going to church as a whole family doesn't usually happen.

My second wish is a selfish one- I really didn't want James to spoil Christmas like he did Thanksgiving. Actually, he never even called the kids at all. They should have heard from their dad on Christmas, but I'm glad we were able to do all our usual traditionals. I still struggle with their needs/my wishes in this area- I would just prefer he fell off the face of the earth (which he seems to have done) but they need their dad. Or at least, they need the dad he used to be. This drunken, unemployed version, they can do without.

My biggest wish is that we got through this Christmas happy- even though this is the first Christmas without him here (and yes, we were split last year, but still included him in our celebrations) that his absence didn't cause too much sadness at this happy time of the year. Other than a few minor spells (like when Chris realized there were 4 stockings on the mantle instead of 5) everyone adapted pretty well to things. Most likely because the traditions stayed the same.

We had Christmas dinner at my mother's tonight with my brother and sister and their families, and my uncle and his wife. We do this every year, but this year my sister and BIL brought their guitars and we just sat around and sang Christmas carols and silly songs and laughed and had fun. I love my family and they are a ton of fun to joke and kid with.

Chris is off tonight proposing to his girlfriend. That is fodder for another blog, but as long as they stick to their plans and wait until he gets back from Iraq to get married, I'm good with it. I do like her a lot and hope they give themselves a chance to get their educations before they go it on their own.

I think I'll try to hit some sales tomorrow- see if I can stock up on things for next year! And the house is a shambles- I need to load up Brandon's truck and go to the dump a couple of times to get totally rid of some things! Hope you all had as great a Christmas as I did!


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas. God bless you and your family.

  2. You deserve a nice Christmas, dear. Merry Christmas.

  3. I would hate to be the person Christmas is better *without*. But I do know what you mean, and sometimes that's the way it has to be. It's too bad they can't see themselves, but if they could, they wouldn't be that miserable person in the first place.

    We had a very nice Eve, but the actual day was a stress for me. My planning to do nothing day, turned out bad by having to take Bela to the emergency vet in another town. But all's well now.

    Happy New Year!!

  4. Glad to hear your Christmas went well! Was quiet here...that is about to change! Going to get my daughter in a couple of hours! I am excited about it, got her some cool gifts and a game she and I can play together. Congrats to Chris...really cool to ask the woman you love to marry you! I understand your concerns too, but still a beautiful and wonderful thing that he is man enough to say it, share it and include you in the moment! Good for him!

    Thanks for your gift of friendship!

    Happy New Year Dish! '08 might need to be the year of the cruise! LOL!

  5. We might have to work on that "year of the cruise" thing Dave! Savannah was saying the other day that she'd love to take one! And I was thinking...sounds like fun to me!

  6. Sounds like it was a nice time for you all.
    Catherine called me to ask if Santa came and then wanted to know how many things he left...it was pretty funny.

    Did you find any good sales today?

  7. Didn't go- I'm on my 8th load of laundry, and haven't even vacuumed yet! I did stop for 3 hours and went to see my grandmother in the nursing home and took her Christmas presents to her. Thought I'd combine that with shopping, but it didn't happen. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

  8. I'm glad your Christmas went well. Sorry about your ex's behaviour. Both of the men I lived with were bad about calling or writing to their kids when they were little. Larry would use the excuse that his ex-wife shouldn't have took the kids out of state and that he hated to call because she always wanted money. Well duh-he refused to pay more child support so I'm sure she had a real struggle raising their two kids. He always told her he's sit in jail before he'd pay more child support. Of course he didn't mind bragging that he spent $70 to $80 a week in the bar buying drinks for himself and his friends.
    After my other ex-bf moved down here he wouldn't write or call his son or step daughter. His excuse was that he was ashamed because he had lost his business in Maryland and then didn't work much and lived in an old mobile home here. They didn't even know where he was until his Mother died. My brother knew his uncle through the fire dept. and had told him where Allen was, so Allen's uncle got in touch with my brother, and my brother called down here to tell Allen about his Mother. His Mother hadn't even known where Allen was.
    See why I don't date anymore?! I really know how to pick 'em.

  9. From one mom to another that dealt with a drunken father and husband... sounds like the Christmas went great lol Im happy for you.. I have to share them still and there in their 20's lol.. this was the first Christmas he didnt ruin for us though...

  10. I just found out that he did call the oldest on Christmas Day- no "Merry Christmas" or anything, just wanted to borrow $200. So the poor boy did some crying after all. I really don't get it, but it is what it is.
