Tuesday, August 21, 2007

One of THOSE days

Ok so you know that we need rain in NC really bad- this is the driest summer on record. Everything is brown. So I'm excited that we finally got a thunderstorm last night. A good 20 minutes of rain, that made puddles and ran down the street and we're all screaming "thank you, Lord!"

Then I go to work this morning. Yes, lightning toasted the DSL modem, the router, and two computers. Hopefully it just got the power supply but they wouldn't come on at all. So here I am- at least my computer works, but I can't print, network, email, surf, nothing. I didn't realize how dependent I have become on having that work- one program even took forever to open because it wanted me to connect so it could update first!! Everything I did, I couldn't finish because it had to either be printed, emailed to someone, or it needed more info I didn't have available. That was a real wakeup call as to how much I rely on this to work now.

Hopefully the tech guy has it all fixed tomorrow- or I'm gonna go crazy!!

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