Friday, August 10, 2007

Getting Nervous

I am so anxious to see Chris! We leave on Wednesday for Ft. Sill, OK, and to see the boy who we sent off 10 weeks ago as a new man. I'm a little nervous because from the tone of his letters, he has become a new person. He has also done a lot of thinking about his life, his dad, and his self-worth. One letter actually said that no one, including himself, thought he'd make it through basic training. Funny, I always knew he would. It was just his psyche that always tells him he is going to fail.

Anyway, I hope that he is ready to come home and be a student again. I can't imagine how hard of an adjustment that will be for him. We have the basement fixed up like a little apartment for him so he won't have to hear "mom" tell him what to do all the time. I'm worried that he'll think we don't want him in the house, although his younger brother wants to live down there! He thinks it is really neat! My worries go to Chris' psyche again- he always thinks that no one loves him and he isn't worthy. Comes from his biological mother leaving when he was 3. He has worked through a lot in those 15 years but that underlying belief is still there.

I'll take the camera and take lots of pictures to let you know how much fun we had. I know it will be a great reunion for our family, even if his dad doesn't go (which it doesn't look like he will.) Oh well, he will have his bio mom, me, both little sisters, and his little brother and his grandma. Sounds like that is way more than some of the guys have. Pray for us that the trip goes smoothly.

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