Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Entry for June 24, 2007

We got up early this morning to go to church near the Canadian border. Our minister was filling in for the minister there (yes, we came 2500 miles to hear our own preacher!) but he had a great service. We outnumbered the regular people in this tiny church, but they were very pleased to have us here. I think my favorite part was the offering- we were asked to put the offering in the plate and tell what we were thankful for. That is hard to do in a church with 600 in attendance, but in this small group it was very special.

Then we drove up into Canada to see Waterton Park. There is a lake there that is more fabulous than anything I have ever seen. We hiked around and picked up rocks and enjoyed the wildlife. Deer come so close up here- not like at home where they'd run as soon as they saw you. I hate to have to leave this truly special place- we're both hoping that we can come back some day.

We stopped for Chinese food (in Canada) on the way back to the US. Spending the night in Heart Butte and we'll leave for Great Falls tomorrow.

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