Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Entry for June 21, 2007

Today was interesting- we pulled weeds at the senior center and song a few songs at the care center in Browning. I felt rather useless at that, but then discovered that I was cooking supper for 70 people by myself! Tired doesn't describe it- but I also feel fulfilled!

Kevin Kickingwoman, a local teacher, came tonight to sing native songs and explain a lot about the culture of the Blackfeet. Then I had a chance to meet Wishy and Arlene- Wishy is 77 years old and has one semester left to finish his degree in criminal justice. We also met his grandson and 2 great grandsons. Arlene is a teacher and is fluent in the Blackfeet language. They had many stories to tell of their life (yes, Wishy had to walk two miles to school) and Arlene rode her horse- which had a field to be turned out in! Hearing their stories tells me that these people have a chance to break out of the despair they have and create a better life.

I also met Joe Bear and Don at the homeless shelter today. Joe Bear is the director and Don has been doing work around the place. He has prepared a hallway to be tiled, laying the sub-flooring and painting the walls. Don took a lot of pride in this work. So Judy, Angie, and I are going to lay the tile tomorrow. I cannot believe that our time is running out here- it seems that we are just getting settled in.

Did I mention how beautiful the mountains are around here? On the drive to Browning today we crossed a beautiful river with the snow-capped mountains in the distance. This is a breathtaking place and I'm coming home with about 200 pictures of mountains!

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