Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Entry for June 22, 2007

Well we finished the tile floor! It was hard but it turned out well. Even did the baseboards! Don (pictured above) was a big help- I didn't realize until today that he is homeless. He lives at the shelter. No wonder he was so proud of his work! (He was honored that I asked to have my picture taken with him, too!) Angie and Judy were great helpers and we all worked well as a team!

We can't do what we had planned tomorrow since something went wrong in planning on the Browning end. So we get an extra day of sight-seeing. We're taking the Padgett teenagers- Eli, Katie, and Cece, to Glacier Park.

We did get a chance to meet Travis, a local guy who makes beautiful jewelry. Savannah and I are both coming home with necklaces! When he showed up here the first day he was drunk (as are most of the people around the reservation at any given time) but the next day was sober. By today he was clean shaven and even stayed for evening devotion. So maybe we are making a little difference. Also something that Kevin Kickingwoman told us the other night sticks with me- his life was changed by something a counselor said- he doesn't remember their name but what they told him stuck with him and helped him break free of the despair that seems to surround this area. So maybe something one of us said this week will make a difference to someone at some point in their life. We may never know but it is nice to think!

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