Sunday, April 15, 2007

Enter the Phone Company

I got my phone bill today- and it is $50 higher than it is supposed to be! Seems that good old Bellsouth is charging me for THREE modems! Last time I looked, it only takes ONE- and that is all that I have! So I get the first guy- really helpful dude- greeted with a "how can I provide you superior service today?" greeting. He did good, but of course he wasn't the person I needed. So he transfers me . . . beautiful music . . . and a recording. one of those irritating "I'm a computer but I am trained to hear your answers" thing- but I guess it doesn't understand the southern accent, because I end up yessing "YES!!" at it and it still doesn't get it.

So after punching "0" (when I wanted to punch the wall) I got a helpful lady who also wanted to know how she could provide me superior service today. She is understanding the problem, but in fixing it leaves me on hold for, according to my phone, something under 18 minutes. But, she got me the credits I needed and hopefully has the bill straightened out now. We'll see on that one!

I still feel like the only person with sense in a sea of incompetency! AAAAAUGH!

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