Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Not many thoughts for Tuesday

1. I probably won't get to ten thoughts.

2. There aren't too many people who do things to make me block them from places like Multiply and Facebook. I'm on the edge with one person though. All they do is play games and post idiotic videos and negative status updates. I don't want to see that mess. Facebook is a little messed up and won't let me just block their notifications- it doesn't seem to work on my phone for some reason!

3. I love my iPhone! I didn't realize I'd love it so much, but there's an app for (almost) everything!

4. I also love my new car. I never posted a pic of it like I said I would. That's it at the top, still on the lot at the time.

5. I love my friends! Having some good discussions on Multiply this week has been just what I needed! I like it that we can share our hopes, and fears, and dreams safely with people we've never 'met'. Almost easier than sharing with our hometown friends.

6. I find myself wishing more that we all lived closer together.

7. I find myself wishing more that I could win the lottery. I've helped a couple of friends out this month and giving feels so good! I wish I had more to give away!

8. I might make it to 10 after all...

9. Maybe...

10. Yes, I did it!


  1. 3. I love my IPhone too.....
    4. congrats!
    5.Yes, that is true
    ten? sort of! lol....

  2. The car is awesome. I had a dinosaur of a cell phone that served it's purpose, until I got tired of being found every where I went by telemarketers. Your car is awesome. Congratulations. Sometimes, in order to get rid of the stress, you have to make the decision to get rid of the stressor. In other words, block the person. Or tell that person how you feel about the negativity. You can block apps and app requests on facebook, itself. Perhaps you could use someone's computer?
    Friends make a huge difference in our lives. I love my friends. They are awesome...all of them. I want to win the lottery, too. LOL. I love to give to people...especially the ones who are really trying to make it, just need a hand up, and cannot get social services, and to those who have no way of getting what they need...even social services.

  3. You want to live closer to me? Do you have a job there?

  4. Steve- pffft!!

    Mrs, I do have a computer but when I set the notifications there they show up differently ony phone. It's like the settings are only good on the full site and not the app. Strange.

    Bill, you want to live closer to me!!

  5. 1. I didn't even try this week.
    2. Yeah? who is it? hahaha I'm not above a good gossip.
    3. I like mine too...I haven't tried many things on it though. Maybe if I ever need something, I will!
    4. You car is nice! I don't remember you saying you got one. What is it? (Can you tell I know very little about cars too? Like someone will say "what kind of car was it?" I'll say "blue").
    5. Me too. I like the people we know here a lot.
    6. Me too (again).
    7. Me too (again)
    8,9,10 don't count hahahah

  6. I think I must write my ten thoughts but I won't be cheating like some people. No names mentioned

  7. I knew you were going to ask that. pssst who is it ?

  8. Haha...congrats on the 10 thoughts and wow...super nice new car! Congrats on that too!

    I have a couple people who I really should delete from my pages, but I tend to like to look at their drama sometimes. It makes MINE feel normal...lol.

  9. Nice car :) . I know what you mean about friends online. Ive often wished I could win the lottery too and get us all together on an awesome vacation! What fun we would have.

  10. Nosy Kat and Dai- it is one of my irl friends. Girl I want to high school with. Funny we weren't really friends then. Wonder why I thought we should be friends now?

    That's just it Leece- I don't want to take on her drama.

    Count me in Sea!

  11. Oh and Kat, that's a Honda Civic. 2008.

  12. Hey you made ten! It's been forever and a day since I've done the ten. I usually can't make it. Glad to see you over here. I rarely make it over there lol!
    I'm with you, I find myself wishing we all lived closer too.

  13. 1-That's ok.
    2-I hear ya. Been such a relief after I removed a few "friends".
    3-I love my iPhone to. I don't understand why facebook is different on it compared to the regular version on the computer.
    4-Looks like a sweet ride!
    5- Same here. I'm slowly getting back into it, ever since my little problem I've been kind of hesitant on letting out my feelings on here.
    6-Not me(although it would be nice) it's kinda fun having friends that are all over.
    7-Yes and no. It would be nice to win, but I'd be afraid that you'd find out you have so many "relatives"

  14. Looks like a very nice car, and I am sure it gets great gas mil that to me is what makes it most appealing.

  15. That looks like a very nice car, Janeen! Congrats!

    *paranoid me speaking* I'm hoping I'm not the Negative Nelly on FB. I think my last status update was that I was just really tired. lol! It's too hot to be anything else here.

  16. Pffft! It is never you Susan! Funny, I don't seem to mind or when my friends need to vent.
