Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Not many thoughts for Tuesday

1. I probably won't get to ten thoughts.

2. There aren't too many people who do things to make me block them from places like Multiply and Facebook. I'm on the edge with one person though. All they do is play games and post idiotic videos and negative status updates. I don't want to see that mess. Facebook is a little messed up and won't let me just block their notifications- it doesn't seem to work on my phone for some reason!

3. I love my iPhone! I didn't realize I'd love it so much, but there's an app for (almost) everything!

4. I also love my new car. I never posted a pic of it like I said I would. That's it at the top, still on the lot at the time.

5. I love my friends! Having some good discussions on Multiply this week has been just what I needed! I like it that we can share our hopes, and fears, and dreams safely with people we've never 'met'. Almost easier than sharing with our hometown friends.

6. I find myself wishing more that we all lived closer together.

7. I find myself wishing more that I could win the lottery. I've helped a couple of friends out this month and giving feels so good! I wish I had more to give away!

8. I might make it to 10 after all...

9. Maybe...

10. Yes, I did it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Picture Perfect- Before My Time

I haven't been around regularly lately- I thought summer would be less crazy and gee, was I wrong! But when I saw the Picture Perfect theme this week I knew I had the perfect picture:

There is a small Amish community in Virginia who still do things the old fashioned way- or I call it "the hard way!" Here is a guy mowing hay the way my grandfather did. The hard way! I'm sure glad that was before my time!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thoughts for Some Day of the Week

Not my pool... but wouldn't that be nice?

I feel like I've been MIA here for forever! I get caught up in life and don't make it here. If I didn't get Facebook on my phone I probably wouldn't make it there, either.

I'm leaving Tuesday for Cherokee. This will be my 6th mission trip there (not counting ones to Belize and Montana) and the 3rd or 4th that I've led. I lost count. I think it is 4. Anyway, this time I'm taking 18 people and we're going to hang sheetrock and do some painting. We will also give over 100 shoes to the local children of the tribe through Samaritan's Feet. I'm excited to go, but have so much to do before I get there.

I got an iPhone in mid-May and I love it! It is making me lazy though- I keep thinking that if I double-space when I type that it will leave a period at the end. But it doesn't navigate around Multiply well, so I end up not coming here. I do miss you guys - especially the ones I don't see on Facebook.

So here are my thoughts for today. Count them as really late (or really early) thoughts for Tuesday, since I haven't had any thoughts in the past few Tuesdays, and probably won't have time for any this coming week!

1. I wish I had enough money to really travel. I have a list of places I would like to see. And since Dai says Nepal is on my shortcut route, I guess I would start there.

2. I'm not a shopper. I'm more of a "go get what you need and get out" type of person. But the pictures Dai posted from the market in Thamel made me want to go touch it all!

3. It is hot. Really hot. Don't remind me that I live in the south and it is summer, because it is record-breaking hot. And for the south, that means it is really hot!

4. I did clean the pool today. Then I swam and floated for a little bit. That felt good.

5. I have so much packing to do, not only for Savannah and me but for the team, that I'm procrastinating. I know, you'd tell me to come here and procrastinate more often.

6. I am washing clothes. Of course, that means I have to go fold them in a minute. I hate trying to fold cold clothes, so I usually don't put that off.

7. I am tired of eating. I think it is just too hot, but nothing tastes good. When I said that to my mom, she agreed. So she made this great salad tonight. It was tomatoes, onions, fresh basil, olive oil, and white wine vinegar with croutons in it. Yummy!

8. She has decided that she hates eating alone, so she wants to cook dinner every night. And I have decided that sounds like a pretty good deal to me!

9. Savannah's at the beach. One of her friends wanted her to go with them for the weekend. She gets back tomorrow, packs for Cherokee, then I drop her in Asheville for another mission trip on our way home. The girl won't be home for what seems like forever!

10. It is time to clean out my tent at the campground. I know I have posted pictures before. We call them tents, but they're wooden structures, more like a shack. Campmeeting time will be here soon, and that always feels like the end of summer to me. It will be over before it got started good!

For Susan- I have a good vacation spot for next year- Natchez, Mississippi! My cousin just moved there to be a pastor at a new church. He says that there is all kinds of Civil War sites and old buildings to see. I immediately thought of you!!

And Kat, I just can't write a blog without you in it! So here you are!

Ooh, and I just had to say "floppy hangies" for Bill- just because it made me giggle! Thanks for the giggles!

I hear the dryer buzzing, so it is time to go fold. Y'all be good on this Saturday night (or Sunday morning, depending on where you live!)