Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ten Frazzled Thoughts

1. I thought once school started things would calm down around here but we're still running wide open!

2. From the middle of July until now there have only been a handful of nights that I was home before 8pm. Tonight was no different.

3. At least most of the things keeping me out are things I like doing- vacation bible school, mission trips, campmeeting, camping, etc.

4. We went camping over the weekend and ended up coming home a day early. The forecast was for lots of rain. It rained on us Saturday, then Sunday was pretty. We got out of there! The river had risen 6 inches in that one day and they were calling for 8-10 inches of rain on Monday. Even without the safety factor, packing up a wet tent is not fun!

5. Turned out to be a good thing. We had all of Monday just to laze around. I went over to my friends' house and we ate the rest of the food we took camping.

6. I have to go back to weight watchers. I have been exercising pretty faithfully but I still have put on 4 lbs. since the middle of July! Yikes... wrong way...

7. The other thing keeping me busy is Savannah and her volleyball games. She made the varsity team as a freshman and is the STAR of the team- their leading scorer. So much that the local paper named her their athlete of the week last week. That's out of 4 high schools!

8. I am enjoying watching her play. I thought I wouldn't go to the away games (freshman on varsity usually means bench warmer...) but I don't want to miss a game!

9. Our children's worship is gearing up to start this Sunday after a summer break. We still have a lot of work to do, although we almost finished painting sets tonight.

10. I am sorry I've been so slack posting blogs lately... I have been reading a lot and commenting on some. Just want you all to know I'm still around and paying attention!


  1. Hi Dai! Tell Kumar that I got his email the other day but haven't had time to answer him back. His English is improving!

  2. He never mentioned that he'd written. Sometimes he asks me to edit his spelling and grammar and sometimes he just sends without. He comes here just sometimes because he's working on the ground floor bathroom and toilet, 8 kms from here. Things take forever to do. It's really unbelievable for a westerner. Workmen rarely show up so we waste endless time waiting.

  3. I am laughing here, reading the comments getting posted.

  4. Did you ever get the outside doors? Didn't that take like 2 years? I'd be crazy there... workmen here show up late but usually they do end up showing up!

  5. Well Janeen, it's quite a topic. Yes we've got some but the ones that have been fitted, don't fit right and I have to fight like hell to close them and lock them. Yes it took 2 years of waiting and begging to get them done. But all the interior doors on the ground and top floor have yet to be started. I am hoping for next year if not this year.

  6. How do workmen there earn a living? It seems like they would want to work so they could get paid so they could eat!

  7. They are cheaters. Cheating is a way of life here. So they negotiate a price for doing a job, often via a mistry or gangleader in English. Then they continue getting jobs with other people so they can end up with several jobs and deposits. Of course it's impossible to work on everybody's projects at the same time so people get angry and frustrated and I guess who has paid the most, gets his work done first. Kumar is a real bargainer and gets jobs agreed too cheaply sometimes. So he is very low priority on the waiting list. To get the contracts agreed, we have to give an advance or a deposit. So then we are committed and can't back out without losing our money. I hate it all and have no patience. So simple jobs can and do take months and years.

  8. It can be the same even with government departments and in the case of getting a new phone, we have to give bribes or the work just won't happen due to various bogus excuses. I took a video of a government phone company inspector taking a bribe from Kumar. Kumar knew what I was doing but nobody else did. I wanted to go to the anti-corruption ministry but Kumar wouldn't go in case of repercussions. Maybe I should attempt to post it in Multiply but we always run out of time and get cut here when posting videos. It really is a different world here Jan and nothing like what the tourist sees.

  9. I'm guessing the tort system hasn't hit there yet- life would be a lot different! I hate it is so corrupt... such a beautiful country full of many nice people!

  10. EIGHT IN THE MORNING!!! I don't want to take a guess at what you have been doing.

  11. Until 8 in the MORNING? Methinks you should add to your list.

  12. Oh yes I just noticed 8 am. Are you working nights Jan?

  13. I'm wondering about that too... a typo perhaps?! :D

  14. I like it when you blog Janeen. Your life always sounds so full. :)

  15. Phew, made me tired just reading about all the stuff you do. I don't see how you have time to gain weight. lol

  16. glad to hear you are doing well, and having fun. Work is keeping me busy, and with a part-time job thru mid October, I have even less free time now. LOL. I'm still around too, just not as good at paying attention :-)

  17. You'll get there with weight watchers.

  18. congrats to Savannah for making the varsity, what wonderful memories she will have! and keeping busy is good! and yes.... diet supreme started at my house yesterday, after we finished the baklavah I brought home from Turkey....lol.... you know myfitnesspal. com works better than WW and it's free.... ;-)

  19. You sound as busy as I was, LOL!
    Yay for Savannah!
    Weight Watchers ... such a great idea *tries to forget you mentioned it* ... sigh ...

  20. You are so busy! Congrats to Savannah! That's quite an accomplishment!

  21. Not getting home at night until 8:00 AM in the morning sounds more like a PARTY ANIMAL! LMAO. On a serious nature life seems too hard and demanding for all of us. My wife and I feel we almost need a staff to keep track of it all.

  22. Hey it's good to be busy!
    The Labor Day weekend was filled with lots of nasty weather. Still loved having the day off! (-;

  23. Yep you have been busy but it sounds like a "good" busy. Doing some awesome things :)
