Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's Tuesday!

1. I'm not sure I have 10 thoughts...

2. I'm enjoying my Kindle. Never thought I would, though. I love books so much, but the Kindle is super handy! I am currently carrying around 53 books in my purse, most of which were free!

3. Work has just gone nuts. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster where you're not belted in good... just have to hang on! Relief is coming soon- they're hiring two people at the end of October. Just in the nick of time!

4. I'm bored with food. (That's not keeping me from eating, however!) I'm just tired of the same old stuff. And I haven't had much time at home to experiment with new recipes. Now that the weather is cool, I might pull out the crock pot and make some different things. I just need to remember to do that BEFORE I leave for work!

5. I'm going on a retreat next week! I can't wait- it is my yearly ARE workshop. This year, we're talking about dreams. I've been trying to keep a dream journal the past week. Problem is, once I'm awake enough to remember that I'm supposed to be writing my dreams down, they have begun to fade. I'm getting better at it, though.

6. Here's the link to the workshop if you're interested: http://www.edgarcayce.org.

7. Mom is supposed to be my roomie for the weekend. I hope she gets to go. They have put my stepfather in a Hospice facility. He had a small stroke last week and mom can't care for him alone anymore. This is a fantastic, brand new facility close to home. So far, he loves it there. I just hope she will feel like leaving him for three days.

8. I'm thinking....

9. I'm thinking I was right... I don't have 10 thoughts.

10. How about this? Good night peeps!


  1. I thought about getting a Kindle or something like it. I'm not sure if I would like it either, having a hard time finding the time to read now. I do love it though, might do it more often in the coming months.

    Hope you have a good time at your retreat.

    It was hard for me to come up with ten too, so you weren't alone.

  2. The greatest part about the Kindle is being able to read in the bathtub or the pool. Just zip it up inside a ziploc bag! Much better than a real book!

  3. Have a great retreat! Sorry to hear about your stepdad. I hope your mom can go with you!

  4. Hi Jan. I've sure got ten thoughts but too much work to blog about them. You know that I also get bored with food sometimes but in my case it means that I've been eating a bit too much. Right now I'm enjoying all the goodies in a British supermarket; mixed berries, chicken breast ready to eat, real bread, washed and prepared salads, mouthwatering fruit yoghurts and a million other things I'm going to eat before I leave.

  5. I get tired of eating the same old stuff. I now love the frozen seasoned turkey burgers that you buy and cook (thanks to the Angel Food order that had the seasoned turkey burgers in it). I bought two boxes at the grocery store and they're almost gone. Might stop getting Angel Food every month and start eating the turkey burgers regularly. They're quick and easy to fix, and one of my cats loves eating them along with me. lol
    The ARE workshop on dreams sounds like fun. I used to have some books about Edgar Cayce, I gave them away when I moved to VA. Wish I had kept them.
    Sorry to hear about your step-dad. Hope he fully recovers.

  6. The retreat sounds good! remember you swimming cossy. I notice they have a spa :)

  7. I've been on retreat this last two weeks.. no damned work at all!

  8. I bought a Cruz a couple of weeks ago, for two reasons - It works with Kindle and Nook books, is WiFi with Android, and it has a picture gallery so I can just whip it out to show proofs to clients at the end of shoots. It's pretty nifty, but I've just scratched the surface on the books available for free. I doubt I ever purchase an e-book, I prefer the real thing.

  9. oh, I asked for a kindle for my birthday..... am very excited about it, and haven't heard anyone say they don't like theirs! Hope your mom gets to go with you, it will be good for her to have a couple days away... crock pot food is awesome, true, if you plan ahead... ;-)

  10. I'd like a Kindle. I didn't think so either, but I think I would. Now the trick is to try to spend something on myself. sigh.

    Where is Savannah staying or is she going along?

    I am VERY tired of food. Very.

  11. Not where this retreat is, Dave. It's on the top of a mountain- no pool, stream, etc. Also, it will be cold! Last year there was a 20 degree difference from the bottom of the mountain to the top!

  12. Italy started it- a total of 18 hours on planes made me think I couldn't carry enough books to read.

  13. I hope she will too- and I think she will unless his condition changes. He doesn't have long to live (cancer, and he's 89) so I wonder if she'll want to give up that time with him.

  14. Savannah has school and two volleyball games. She is staying with another girl on the team.

  15. Oh, I can see having the device for that reason, and maybe MAYBE buying some if I was trapped on a plane that long. I'd probably bring some movies on SD cards, too. And music. The kindle just seemed too limited for me, and the iPad just too MUCH. That's why I went with the Cruz, which is sort of in the middle between the two technology-wise.

  16. It is definitely just a reader, although it does have some good games (including Scrabble!) That just keeps the kids from wanting to use it too much.

  17. A retreat? Who is teaching it a French Military expert? LOL Enjoy your event!

  18. I waited for the Cruz to go on sale, and picked it up for only 30 bucks more than a Kindle. SCORE!

  19. A dream workshop sounds really cool, but I'm like you, I am terrible at remembering them after a few minutes of waking.

    I love cooking in the crock pot, especially this time of year! I get so bored with food too and love trying new recipes. If I find any good ones, I'll pass them on!

    53 books in your purse made me giggle! Glad you're enjoying your Kindle! Everyone I know who has one, LOVES them!

  20. I love my books so I haven't thought about a kindle at all lol.

  21. Me too...I feel like I lost my cooking "mojo"....no energy to make food.....nor much interest there....sigh

    As to the Kindle: Sam wants one, but I'm just not interested. I don't care about having 53 books in my bag all at once, plus quite often I mark my books up with highlighting, underlining and notes, lol....at least in the books I use over and over. Some fiction (and non-fiction) books I keep because I like them so much, and I know I'll reread them. If it's just a "one-off", a book I won't reread, I pass them along to the used book store, the library, or someone else.

    I belong to an organization called BookCrossings, defined as "the practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise." The term is derived from bookcrossing.com, a free online book club which began in order to encourage the practice, aiming to "make the whole world a library.""

    It's pretty cool, as you put tracking labels inside the books so you can track the books you release "into the wild", all around the World, from your computer. I've had books I've released show up in Australia, Germany, and England, for example, and all over the USA. It's fun to see where books you've left in cafes, restaurants, and on park benches...show up! I got started with this because I happened to discover a released book in a coffee shop in Portland, Maine. I haven't done any lately as I am out of labels and need to order some more. For more info check them out @ http://www.bookcrossing.com/about

  22. You can highlight and make notes on a Kindle. I'm actually enjoying it far more than I ever thought. I figured I'd go down screaming with a paper book still clutched in my hand.

    That's neat about BookCrossings, though. I'm going to check into it more. I still do buy some paper books, although most of the Kindle books are free or really cheap, not all books are offered in that format.

    Thanks for telling me about it!

  23. You're welcome ~ It's great fun to see where a book has traveled! Occasionally, an author will release a book "into the wild" through BookCrossing, before it goes into the book stores, and they'll let you know where to watch for it. Have fun.

    ps. oh yeah, well maybe Kindle does highlighting and underlining, but there's no way they can do DOG-EARS, lol. Cheers! Enjoy your Kindle ~

  24. Ten thoughts on any given day is a challenge for me. :^D

  25. Mine's kinda the opposite...too many thoughts (aka: "Monkey-Mind", lol)
